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If we consider the 50 states having ratified the European Cultural Convention of the Council of Europe or the member states of the European Union, the multiple and divergent nature of the realities, theories, concepts and strategies underlying the expression “youth work” becomes evident. Across Europe, youth work takes place in circumstances presenting enormous differences with regard to opportunities, support, structures, recognition and realities, and how it performs reflects the social, cultural, political and economic context, and the value systems in which it is undertaken. By analysing theories and concepts of youth work and by providing insight from various perspectives and geogra...
Mobility is considered to be important for the personal development and employability of young people, as well as for intercultural dialogue, participation and active citizenship. Learning mobility in the youth field focuses on non-formal learning as a relevant part of youth work, with links to informal learning as well as to formal education. Different stakeholders at European level, particularly the Council of Europe and the European Commission, but also individual member states, foster programmes and strategies to enhance the mobility of young people, and particularly the learning dimension in mobility schemes. This book on learning mobility is a joint Council of Europe and European Commission publication, and provides texts of an academic, scientific, political and practical nature for all stakeholders in the youth field - youth leaders and youth workers, policy makers, researchers and so on. It should contribute to dialogue and co-operation between relevant players and to discussion on the further development and purpose of youth mobility schemes and their outcomes for young people.
For two hundred years the provision of military security has been a central and defining function of the modern nation-state. The increasing reliance on private military and security companies in contemporary conflict marks a fundamental transformation in the organization of military violence, and it raises issues of accountability and ethics that are of particular concern to feminists. This privatization of force not only enables states to circumvent citizens' democratic control over questions of war and peace, but also undermines women's and minority groups' claims for greater inclusion in the military sphere. Gender and Private Security in Global Politics brings together key scholars from...
The study is the result of a theological research and is based on current discussions on digitalization in Christian Social Ethics. The book answers questions such as: How can the Church use digitalization to advance her mission in the modern world? Since digitalization has redefined the landscape of evangelization and is now very much favoured by young people, how can the Church use digitalization to engage the young people in her mandate to evangelize the world? This work also examines how digitalization could be used to combat corruption, especially in the Nigerian public and private sectors. It suggests various measures by which internet fraud and corruption could be reduced, using digital tools. It stresses, however, that these measures can only have a positive outcome, if the government and its institutions are sincere and resolute in their determination to curb such corruption.
This is a book for activists, students, scholars of social movements and adult education and for the public interested in the contemporary movements of our times. From the streets of Barcelona and Athens, the public squares in Cairo, Tunis and Tripoli, the flash mobs and virtual learning of the #Occupy movement, and the shack dwellers of South Africa people around the world are organising themselves to take action against the ravages of a capitalism that serves the greedy while impoverishing the rest. Social movements have arisen or re-arisen in virtually every sector of human activity from concerns about the fate of our planet earth, to dignity for those living with HIV/AIDS, to feeding our...
Materialien zum Kongress "Eine Schule für Alle. Inklusion schaffen wir!" im September 2017 in Köln.
Das ‚Kompendium Kinder- und Jugendhilfe‘ erfüllt alle Erfordernisse und Bedürfnisse derer, die in Theorie und Praxis, Forschung und Lehre, Organisation und Politik Kinder- und Jugendhilfe denken, machen und verantworten, eine aktuelle, umfassende und verlässliche Informationsbasis brauchen. In seinem umfassenden Zugang zu den Strukturen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, ihren Aufgaben, Funktionen, den Fachkräften und Kooperationsbeziehungen und mit weiterführenden Erörterungen der Lebenslagen und Lebensorte der Adressaten und Adressatinnen und ihrer Rechte spiegelt dieses neue Handbuch den Bedeutungszuwachs der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe für das Aufwachsen junger Menschen und deren Famili...
Als kompakte Einführung in die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe vermittelt das Buch Grundlagenwissen für die Ausbildung an Fachschulen, Fachhochschulen und Universitäten. Der Fokus liegt auf den Arbeitsfeldern und ihren Rahmungen, welche das Handlungsfeld Kinder- und Jugendhilfe maßgeblich strukturieren. Unter anderem werden rechtlich-organisationale Grundlagen, historische Entwicklungen sowie aktuelle Diskurse als bedeutsame Rahmungen vorgestellt und diskutiert. In der zweiten, erweiterten Auflage finden die gesetzlichen Neuerungen des Kinder- und Jugendstärkungsgesetzes ebenso Beachtung wie die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen infolge der Covid-19-Pandemie.
Als die DDR-Bürger im Herbst 1989 zu Hundertausenden in Leipzig, Dresden, Rostock, Berlin und vielen anderen Orten auf die Straßen gingen, um mutig und entschlossen gegen die SED-Herrschaft zu demonstrieren, brachten sie scheinbar unüberwindbare Verhältnisse ins Wanken und die Mauer zu Fall. Mit dem Sturz der kommunistischen Diktatur gelang ihnen der Aufbruch in die Demokratie, in eine neue Zeit. Schon ein knappes Jahr später waren die Deutschen wiedervereinigt, die Teilung Europas im Kalten Krieg war Geschichte. Das Ende der DDR und die deutsche Einheit waren zugleich Ausgangspunkte für tiefgreifende gesellschaftspolitische Umbrüche mit nachhaltigen Wirkungen bis in die Gegenwart. Vi...