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Narratives are the concrete manifestation of an author’s subjectivity. They function as that person’s voice, and should be treated with the same respect that is granted to all voices. In Interpreting New Testament Narratives, Eric Douglass develops this ethical perspective, so that narratives are treated as communication, and the author’s voice is regarded as a valued perspective. Employing a cross-disciplinary approach, Douglass shows how readers engage narratives as mental simulations, creating a temporary possible world that readers enter and experience. To recover communication, readers locate the events of this world in the culture of the intended audience, and translate this meaning into the modern reader’s worldview. Using a staged reading design, this initial reading is followed by readings of critique.
This book addresses the most significant and recent issues of infant and child psychiatry, examining topics from clinical care and research perspectives as well as from the perspectives of policies and programs. The first book in the Mentor Series of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions, it is written and edited by the foremost authorities in the field. Presented with clarity in a thorough and well-organized fashion to professionals caring for children across the world, this book refines the most significant current knowledge concerning infants to aid infants and families from the immediate care giving of a mother to the policy decisions concerning children by a government.
This book contains all of the abstracts of the 16th World Congress of the Interna tional Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IA CAPAP) held in Berlin, Aug 22-26, 2004. The abstracts are arranged according to the type of session (main lecture, state of the art lecture, symposium, workshop, course, or poster exhibition) and the day of the conference. The abstracts of the industry-sponsored sessions are also in cluded. A subject index is provided to help track themes of special interest. The author index allows you to find the abstract authors and the address of the first author for direct contact. The general theme of the congress "Facilitating Pathways: Car...
Brain, Mind, and Developmental Psychopathology in Childhood, part of the International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions' book series "Working with Children & Adolescents" edited by Elena Garralda and Jean-Philippe Raynaud, aims to help advance knowledge on the connections between brain, mind, and development psychopathology in children and young people, an area of high relevance across different contexts around the world. It outlines brain mechanisms underlying children’s ability to regulate behavior, emotions, interactions with others, responses to stress, and child psychiatric disorders. The book contains expert views supported by empirical evidence, ...
Voilà désormais plus de 10 000 ans que la civilisation occidentale s'est installée et voilà 10 000 ans qu'elle viole le sens même de la nature : la vie. En s'appropriant sans concession ce qui l'entourait, l'homme de l'Ouest a vu son horizon ployer sous la charge de la destruction qu'il lui avait lui-même réalisée. Sommes-nous des lycanthropes ou des vampires? Ces monstres si terrifiants qui sortent de notre imagination sont-ils en réalité la copie de notre comportement dévastateur? Prédateurs, nous pompons sans remords les énergies qui nous entourent. Jusqu'où ira-t-on?.
Mit dem Inkrafttreten der Rechtschreibreform im Sommer 2006 ist eine über ein Jahrzehnt andauernde Debatte um die Gültigkeit und Verbindlichkeit einer Reihe neuer Schreibweisen zu Ende gegangen. In diesem Band werden unter Berücksichtigung der Ergebnisse dieser Debatte schwerpunktmäßig die Zielstellungen, diagnostischen Möglichkeiten und Gütekriterien von Neuentwicklungen und Neunormierungen von ökonomischen Gruppentestverfahren zur Erfassung und Vorhersage von Rechtschreibleistungen im Grundschul- und Sekundarstufenbereich vorgestellt. Ergänzend werden auf der Grundlage empirischer Fakten die Auswirkungen der Rechtschreibreform auf die Rechtschreibdiagnostik kritisch beleuchtet sow...
Germany immigration authority, Clifford Neal Smith spent a number of years ferreting out surrogate passenger information from the periodical literature. In one instance, Mr. Smith transcribed the genealogical contents, published between 1869 and 1877, of Volumes 1 through 9 of Der Deutsche Pioniere, a monthly magazine issued by the Deutsche Pioniereverein (Union of German Pioneers) founded in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Smith provides the following particulars on each German-American pioneer found in that periodical: name, place of origin in Germany, town or county of residence, reference to the original source, and biographical data provided in the original notice. While most of the early entries pertain to Germanic inhabitants of Ohio, later issues of Der Deutsche Pioniere refer to deceased persons living in Kentucky and neighboring states.
Around the world, a vast number of children and adolescents suffer from mental and neurological disorders and only a small proportion of them receive adequate care. This is so in both developing and developed countries. The need to raise awareness about this problem and provide specific advice regarding their prevention and treatment was identified as a priority for the World Psychiatric Association by Professor Ahmed Okasha during his Presidency of the Association and resulted in the creation of his Presidential Programme on Child Mental Health. This book presents some of the fruits of this programme and constitutes a global call to action for mental health workers and policy makers. The Me...
Schizophrene Erkrankungen gehören zu den schwerwiegendsten und folgenreichsten Erkrankungen in der Psychiatrie. Sie treten bei rund 1% der Bevölkerung auf, sind im Kindesalter selten, zeigen aber zwischen dem 12. und 18. Lebensjahr eine auffällige Zunahme in ihrer Häufigkeit und haben eine umso schlechtere Prognose, je früher sie beginnen. Diese früh auftretenden schizophrenen Erkrankungen stehen im Blickpunkt der Autoren, die mit diesem Buch einen fundierten, umfassenden Überblick über den derzeitigen Stand der Forschung und Behandlung dieser Erkrankungen geben. Der erste Teil des Buches beschäftigt sich mit der Klinik schizophrener Erkrankungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter und bezie...