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The volume discusses the integration of peasants into the nation building project of Greater Romania with a focus on social and cultural practices. Thus, it addresses one of the key questions of the new political system in post-imperial East Central and Southeast Europe. It advocates a shift from a multiple top-down perspective (capital – province, urban political elites – rural voters) to an analysis concentrating on regionally diverse rural societies with a special interest in the predominantly ethnic Romanian population.
This monograph, a coherent and consistent historical narrative about Romania's modernization, focuses on one section of the country's elites of the late nineteenth century, namely the health professionals, and on the imagery they constructed as they interacted with the peasant and his world. Doctors ventured out of cities and became a familiar sight on dusty country roads in of Moldavia and Wallachia. Beyond a charitable impulse they did so thru patriotism as the rural world became ever more prominent within the national ideology. Furthermore, new health legislation required the district general practitioner (medicul de plasă) to visit the villages in his catchment area twice a month. Based...
Beyond the great exhibitions, expositions universelles and world fairs in London, Paris or Chicago, numerous smaller, yet ambitious exhibitions took place in provincial cities and towns across the world. Focusing on the period between 1840 and 1940, this volume takes a novel look at the exhibitionary cultures of this period and examines the motivations, scope, and impact of lesser-known exhibitions in, for example, Australia, Japan, Brazil, as well as a number of European countries. The individual case studies included explore the role of these exhibitions in the global exhibitionary network and consider their ?marginality? related to their location and omission by academic research so far. ...
The globalization of American style higher education is a field of study that is undergoing a significant phase with the current expansion of American branch campuses and curricula around the world. This volume contributes to the scholarship on the project of implementing and expanding U.S. influenced curricula in the Middle East and Asia. Many of the branch campus projects are only a few decades old making this a liminal moment in the translation and development of higher education worldwide that needs to be captured. What are the challenges, opportunities, and considerations faculty encounter in classrooms in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Asia? How do faculty translate western higher...
Anticorruption in History is a timely and urgent book: corruption is widely seen today as a major problem we face as a global society, undermining trust in government and financial institutions, economic efficiency, the principle of equality before the law and human wellbeing in general. Corruption, in short, is a major hurdle on the "path to Denmark" a feted blueprint for stable and successful statebuilding. The resonance of this view explains why efforts to promote anticorruption policies have proliferated in recent years. But while the subject of corruption and anticorruption has captured the attention of politicians, scholars, NGOs and the global media, scant attention has been paid to t...
The collapse of the Habsburg Monarchy at the end of World War I ushered in a period of radical change for East-Central European political structures and national identities. Yet this transformed landscape inevitably still bore the traces of its imperial past. Breaking with traditional histories that take 1918 as a strict line of demarcation, this collection focuses on the complexities that attended the transition from the Habsburg Empire to its successor states. In so doing, it produces new and more nuanced insights into the persistence and effectiveness of imperial institutions, as well as the sources of instability in the newly formed nation-states.
This book presents a multi-layered analysis of the situation in Central Europe after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The new geopolitics emerging from the Versailles order, and at the same time ongoing fights for borders, considerable war damage, social and economic problems and replacement of administrative staff as well as leaders, all contributed to the fact that unlike Western Europe, Central Europe faced challenges and dilemmas on an unprecedented scale. The editors of this book have invited authors from over a dozen academic institutions to answer the question of to what extent the solutions applied in the Habsburg Monarchy were still practiced in the newly created nation ...
1919 sind die Parlamentswahlen in Rumänien ein Ereignis. Das Staatsgebiet hat sich mit der Vereinigung nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg um ein Drittel vergrößert. Erstmals wird in allen Landesteilen gewählt. Bogdan Murgescu und Andrei Florin Sora zeichnen ein eindrucksvolles Panorama dieser Wahlen, der Bedingungen, unter denen sie stattfanden, und der Ergebnisse. Als Basis dienen ihnen Untersuchungen, die jeweils auf Kreisebene vorliegen. Sie führen all diese Studien zusammen. Die Auswertung erlaubt einen differenzierten Einblick in die zutiefst heterogenen Verhältnisse und ermöglicht Vergleiche mit anderen Regionen. In der Zusammenschau der Ergebnisse zeigt sich eindrucksvoll, wie groß der Wunsch nach Veränderung in dieser Region Europas nach der großen Katastrophe am Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts war.
Tra il 1917 e il 1918 i due grandi imperi multinazionali asburgico e zarista si dissolsero, ridisegnando i confini dell’Europa orientale. Gli stati successori inglobarono terre dal background giuridico eterogeneo, gelose delle proprie tradizioni. La Romania non fece eccezione. Bucarest dovette armonizzare un caleidoscopio di leggi di diversa derivazione (austriaca, ungherese, russa, francese), scontrandosi con l’opposizione di quei romeni che negli imperi si erano formati e avevano costruito il loro percorso professionale. Analizzando il processo di unificazione legislativa della Romania, il presente studio mira a fornire nuove interpretazioni non solo sulla difficile transizione post-imperiale europea, ma anche sul modo in cui determinate categorie socio-professionali (avvocati, magistrati e giuristi) coniugarono la loro appartenenza etnica ad altre, e spesso più importanti, identificazioni e priorità.
In elf Beiträgen behandelt dieser Sammelband die diskursive Darstellung Deutschlands und der Deutschen im Rumänien der Zwischenkriegszeit. Der Fokus liegt dabei nicht nur auf den Deutschland- und Deutschenbildern der ethnischen Rumänen, sondern auch auf jenen der deutschsprachigen Bukowiner Juden und der Luxemburger sowie auf den Fremd- und Eigenbildern der Rumäniendeutschen. Ein zwölfter Beitrag beschäftigt sich als Exkurs mit der Rezeption der rumänischen Literatur in der deutschsprachigen Bukowiner Presse. Die Aufsätze von Autoren und Autorinnen aus unterschiedlichen Fachgebieten und Regionen vereinen historische und literarische sowie rumänische und westeuropäische Perspektiven.