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This book developed out of the editors' longstanding interest in the retraining of traumatically brain-damaged adults and the management of their behavior by family members. A search for relevant experimental evidence to support the clinical use of behavioral principles for retrain ing, which began in 1977, turned up little empirical support. Moreover, the literature on retraining was dispersed among a variety of journals published in various countries. Nowhere was there a compendium of literature that addressed issues of assessment and retraining. There was no place to turn if one wanted to move from a standard neuropsy chological evaluation to the retraining of skill deficits revealed in t...
During the past ten years, the problem of child abuse has been the subject of increased attention both in the professional community and among the general public. The reasons for this widespread recogni tion are clear. First, professionals of many disciplines deal with child abusive families and do so in a variety of ways: Physicians, hospital staff, and teachers are often the first to assess a child as the victim of abuse; social workers and child-protective personnel investigate cases of suspected abuse; court and legal authorities make determinations concerning the needs of an abused child; and mental health profes sionals, including psychologists, social workers, and family coun selors, ...
It is well known that behavior problems are a salient characteristic of children and adults with mental retardation. That is not to say that all persons with mental retardation experience behavior disorders; how ever, most studies indicate that the incidence of emotional disturbance in this population is four to six times greater than that observed in similar intellectually nonhandicapped children and adults. It is equally well known that the principal form of treatment accorded clients with mental retardation and behavior disorders is pharmacotherapy or the prescrip tion of behavior modifying drugs. Recent studies show that 6 out of every 10 individuals with mental retardation have been pre...
Substance misuse and abuse exist in almost every human society. In our western civilization, the bulk of attention has focused on those indi viduals who specifically seek treatment or those who have become so disabled by these problems that they require treatment. These indi viduals usually qualify for a psychiatric diagnosis of alcohol or other substance abuse. However, just as it has been recognized that primary substance abuse is frequently associated with other diagnosable psychi atric disorders, such as sociopathy or attention deficit disorder (residual type) and that the origins of substance abuse are multivariate, we have also begun to become aware that many other individuals in our s...
In 1977, the current editors contributed a review article on behavioral group therapy to a volume of Hersen, Miller, and Eisler's Progress in Behavior Modi fication series (1977). At that time we noted that, despite the advantages to both clinicians and clients of conducting behavioral treatments in groups, clinical developments and research in this area were still at a relatively rudimen tary level. The majority of studies in the behavioral group therapy literature we reviewed reported the direct transfer of an individual behavior therapy pro cedure, such as systematic desensitization, to a group of clients with homoge neous problems, such as snake phobia or test anxiety. Groups were used i...
Basic Issues in Rehabilitation of the Brain Damaged Definitions Because of the vagueness surrounding the term brain damage, it is nec essary at the outset to define the population to which this book may have some application. Although it is usual to speak of the brain damaged patient in a general way, the conditions referred to cover a variety of specific disorders. In this book we will be discussing only individuals who become brain-damaged as adults. We will be ad dressing ourselves specifically to adults who have sustained demon strable, structural brain damage. Those conditions in which brain dys function is a possible etiological agent, such as a number of functional psychiatric disorde...
Over the past 30 years there has been a dramatic increase in the availability of convenient and legal gambling opportunities. Accompanying this proliferation of gambling is a growing understanding that between 5% and 9% of adults experience significant to severe problems due to their gambling activities. These problems have become a real health concern, with substantial costs to individuals, families, and communities. The objective of this book is to provide the clinician – or graduate student – with essential information about problem and pathological gambling. After placing this behavioral addiction and its co-occurring difficulties in perspective, by describing its proliferation, the associated costs, and diagnostic criteria and definitions, the authors present detailed information on a strategy to assess and treat gambling problems in an outpatient setting.
The branch of clinical psychology known as behavior modification or, synonymously, applied behavior analysis, has grown substantially from humble beginnings in the 1960s. Many colleges and universities now offer courses in applied behavior analysis, and more than a few grant degrees in the area. Although they remain controversial, behavior mod ification procedures have been used to good advantage in dealing with a range of problem behaviors and are now rather widely employed in schools, residential institutions, and other therapeutic facilities. The two hallmarks of applied behavior analysis are utilization of the principles of operant conditioning to improve human behavior and utilization o...
Psychotherapy research is undoubtedly one of the most puzzling, diverse, com plex, controversial, and multidimensional areas tackled by clinical psycholo gists, psychiatrists, and psychiatric social workers. The numerous theoretical, methodological, and clinical-research issues dealt with by workers in the field have increased exponentially in the past three decades. To do full justice to the area, monographs in each of the specific subareas would be warranted. In this volume, we, as editors, have endeavored to present the student and interested professional and practitioner with an understanding of the most salient issues and trends confronted by the psychotherapy researcher. In order to accomplish this task, we asked our colleagues, who are experts in their respective areas, to share their current thinking with us and with you, the read ers. Thus, many theoretical viewpoints are represented, with none having a monopoly over the others. This is as it should be, given the data collected by clinical researchers at this time. We have also attempted to capture the excite ment that has permeated the field in the past 30 years or so.