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Gender, especially masculinity, is a perspective rarely applied in discourses on cinema of Eastern/Central Europe. Masculinities in Polish, Czech and Slovak Cinema exposes an English-speaking audience to a large proportion of this region’s cinema that previously remained unknown, focusing on the relationship between representation of masculinity and nationality in the films of two and later three countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia/the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The objective of the book is to discuss the main types of men populating Polish, Czech and Slovak films: that of soldier, father, heterosexual and homosexual lover, against a rich political, social and cultural background. Czech, Slovak and Polish cinema appear to provide excellent material for comparison as they were produced in neighbouring countries which for over forty years endured a similar political system – state socialism.
This book offers an introduction to the language of law from the perspective of logical semantics. As a logical tool, Boguslaw Wolniewicz’s formal ontology of situations is adapted. The central issue addressed is the meaning of normative statements, primarily legal norms. The main outcome of the book consists in explications of several legal notions (including legal events, legal acts and legal rules) in terms of the formal ontology of situations. In addition, the book concludes that legal norms are sentences in a logical sense, so some are true, while others are false, and that their logical value does not depend on whether or not they were adopted in the law-making process. Lastly, the b...
The book provides a contemporary view on different aspects of the deductive systems in various types of logics including term logics, propositional logics, logics of refutation, non-Fregean logics, higher order logics and arithmetic.
This volume is the result of the work of 15 researchers from four former communist countries (Poland, Hungary, Romania, Moldova) who approach the relationship between political power and the churches in Central and Eastern Europe during communism from an interdisciplinary perspective, exploring several directions: biographies (reconstructing the fate of the heroes of anti-communist resistance); institutions (analysing the mechanisms of repression); memorialisation (museum representations of communist repression); and cultural (cinematographic) representations of the communist past. Dragoș Ursu – PhD in History, with a thesis on political detention in Romania; post-doctoral researcher at the University of Alba Iulia; interested by the history of communist regimes, political repression, memory of anti-communist resistance, state-church relations in the 20th century.
Recepcja twórczości Samuela Becketta w Polsce to publikacja o doniosłym znaczeniu. Jest pierwszym systematycznym opracowaniem tematu, jakie ukazało się od 1990 roku, i stanowi punkt zwrotny. Siedemdziesiąt lat obecności Becketta w polskiej kulturze nakreśla dostatecznie szeroką perspektywę, aby stwierdzić, że współcześni przestają patrzeć na niego z pozycji karła. Piedestał, na którym zwykło się go umieszczać, burzą nawet ci, co go wznieśli. Czyżby w tej partii szachów po raz pierwszy powiedziano pisarzowi: mat? Bezcennym walorem książki są rozbudowane aneksy, w których zgromadzono informacje o wszystkich polskich inscenizacjach i utworach muzycznych inspirowanych tekstami Becketta. Skompilowano w nich także wykaz festiwali i seminariów beckettowskich. W części bibliograficznej czytelnik odnajdzie ponadto nigdy wcześniej niepublikowany, kompletny spis dzieł autora oraz listę ich przekładów na język polski.
This authoritative book provides a structural, global view of evolving judicial and doctrinal trends in the understanding of beneficial ownership in international taxation. Błażej Kuźniacki presents a route towards an international autonomous meaning of beneficial ownership, while also offering a comprehensive explanation of the divergent understandings and tax policy arguments underpinning its continuing ambiguity.