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The New Testament shows the early Church as having both stable institutions and dynamic growth in charismatic ministries. In the twenty-first century, although many historically-determined inessentials have changed, the Church's structure remains fundamentally the same. This study looks at New Testament ministries (Eph 4:11-12), Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and the history of the gift of tongues from the Acts of the Apostles through to the charismatics of our time, to see how these elements contribute to the fast-paced, global phenomenon we call the "pentecostalization" of modern Christianity. Our research shows that much of what appears to be novel in current ecclesial movements is the fruit of charisms that have been poured out from the beginning. The disciples of Christ are still bringing "out of his treasure what is new and old."
During the past 50 years, theological libraries have confronted secularisation and religious pluralism, along with revolutionary technological developments that brought not only significant challenges but also unexpected opportunities to adopt new instruments for the transfer of knowledge through the automation and computerisation of libraries. This book shows how European theological libraries tackled these challenges; how they survived by redefining their task, by participating in the renewal of scholarly librarianship, and by networking internationally. Since 1972, BETH, the Association of European Theological Libraries, has stimulated this process by enabling contacts among a growing number of national library associations all over Europe.
The structural approach facilitates exposure of the elements of eschatological teaching characteristic of 2 Peter's author with its correct or incorrect interpretation. Narratives drawn from Jewish tradition aim to show two attitudes towards the announcement of destruction: a positive attitude, signifying salvation, and a negative attitude, signifying annihilation. This pattern is transferred to the attitude towards prophetic and apostolic eschatological teaching. Part 1 of the commentary (2 Pet 1–2) focuses on the misinterpretation of this teaching by false teachers and their followers. Their eschatological scepticism is ridiculed and their grim fate described. As the starting point for t...
This final volume is an authoritative collection from more than two dozen leaders and scholars of the Spirit-empowered movement.
Książka została napisana z potrzeby kapłańskiego serca, spontanicznie, w obliczu zagrożeń płynących z globalnych ideologii współczesnego świata, które są i powinny być zarówno dla Kościoła, jak i dla każdego katolika, poważnym wyzwaniem. Zło tych ideologii pochodzi z ich alternatywnego w stosunku do chrześcijaństwa systemu wartości i rozumowania, który stawia do góry nogami cały porządek moralno-prawny świata i w konsekwencji może prowadzić do katastrofy kulturowej naszej cywilizacji. Ich wspólnym mianownikiem jest budowanie świata bez Boga, by na Jego tronie posadzić zlaicyzowanego i wyzwolonego z wszelkich moralno-duchowych ograniczeń człowieka. Historia cywilizacji zachodniej zna liczne próby tej detronizacji Boga i laickiego wyzwolenia ludzkości. Jednak nigdy dotąd podobne ideologie nie przybrały rozmiarów globalnych, by móc zagrozić całej cywilizacji ludzkiej. I o tych zagrożeniach traktuje ta książka dając katolikom podstawową wiedzę na ich temat.
The book was written out of the need of a priestly heart, spontaneously, in the face of threats from the global ideologies of the modern world, which are and should be a serious challenge for both the Church and every Catholic. The evil of these ideologies comes from their system of values and thinking, alternative to Christianity, which turns the entire moral and legal order of the world upside down and, as a consequence, can lead to a cultural catastrophe of our civilization. Their common denominator is building a world without God in order to sit on His throne a man who is secularized and liberated from all moral and spiritual limitations. The history of Western civilization knows numerous attempts at this dethronement of God and the secular liberation of mankind. However, never before have similar ideologies taken on a global scale in order to be able to threaten the entire human civilization. And these dangers are dealt with in this book, giving Catholics a basic understanding of them.
A history of Creationism in Europe, from its reception to its rise and the response that has followed. For decades, the creationist movement was primarily situated in the United States. Then, in the 1970s, American creationists found their ideas welcomed abroad, first in Australia and New Zealand, then Korea, India, South Africa, Brazil, and elsewhere—including Europe, where creationism plays an expanding role in public debates about science policy and school curricula. In this, the first comprehensive history of creationism in Europe, leading historians, philosophers, and scientists narrate the rise of—and response to—scientific creationism, creation science, intelligent design, and o...
NOVITA'! LO STILE DEI LIBRI NOVITA'! A parte il contenuto che è molto interessante e utile... facile da leggere perché scritto in modo leggero, “colpisce” come la pubblicità...tocca profondamente e fa riflettere...non lascia il lettore indifferente...interessante e direi anche nuovo e originale, tutto fatto a slogan, con frasi brevi che tendono a colpire il lettore con il detto rapido piuttosto che discorsivo. Mi ricordo, qualche tempo fa, andavo abbastanza spesso a Verona, ogni tanto incontravo un barbone. Mi piaceva parlare con lui perché era barbone soltanto fuori, ma il suo cuore era pieno di saggezza. Una volta mi ha detto una cosa che mia ha colpito e mi è rimasta fino ad oggi e spero che mi rimarrà per sempre: “noi barboni siamo la coscienza del mondo... tu pensi che offrendomi 5 euro stai aiutando me? Invece no! Io sto aiutando te, ti do una possibilità di fare il bene. Può essere che questi cinque euro ti aprono il cielo”... Translator: Andrzej Stanislaw Budzinski PUBLISHER: TEKTIME