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  • Language: en
  • Pages: 257


Theocritus: Space, Absence, and Desire discusses many of Theocritus's Idylls with emphasis on how these poems construct space--its contours and borders, along with the people, animals, and objects that fill it--and the equally important role of absence. Drawing on spatial theory from anthropology and cultural geography, author William G. Thalmann studies each poem in itself and in its connections with other poems, so that a loose coherence emerges among them. Spatially, the Ptolemaic empire provides a setting and reference point for the various types of Idylls (bucolic, urban, mythological, and encomiastic poems), in ways that help legitimate it. In all the idylls, however, space is construc...

Brill's Companion to the Reception of Alexander the Great
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 879

Brill's Companion to the Reception of Alexander the Great

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-09-11
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Alexander the Great offers a considerable range of topics, of interest to students and academics alike, in the long tradition of this subject’s significant impact, across a sometimes surprising and comprehensive variety of areas. Arguably no other historical figure has cast such a long shadow for so long a time. Every civilisation touched by the Macedonian Conqueror, along with many more that he never imagined, has scrambled to “own” some part of his legacy. This volume canvasses a comprehensive array of these receptions, beginning from Alexander’s own era and journeying up to the present, in order to come to grips with the impact left by this influential but elusive figure.

Hellenistic Poetry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 601

Hellenistic Poetry

A major new collection of use to all students and scholars working on Hellenistic Greek poetry

Bodily Fluids, Chemistry and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Boerhaave School
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 305

Bodily Fluids, Chemistry and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Boerhaave School

This book explores the importance of bodily fluids to the development of medical knowledge in the eighteenth century. While the historiography has focused on the role of anatomy, this study shows that the chemical analyses of bodily fluids in the Dutch Republic radically altered perceptions of the body, propelling forwards a new system of medicine. It examines the new research methods and scientific instruments available at the turn of the eighteenth century that allowed for these developments, taken forward by Herman Boerhaave and his students. Each chapter focuses on a different bodily fluid – saliva, blood, urine, milk, sweat, semen – to investigate how doctors gained new insights into physiological processes through chemical experimentation on these bodily fluids. The book reveals how physicians moved from a humoral theory of medicine to new chemical and mechanical models for understanding the body in the early modern period. In doing so, it uncovers the lives and works of an important group of scientists which grew to become a European-wide community of physicians and chemists.

Strategies of Ambiguity in Ancient Literature
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 488

Strategies of Ambiguity in Ancient Literature

Ambiguity in the sense of two or more possible meanings is considered to be a distinctive feature of modern art and literature. It characterizes the "open artwork" (Eco) and is generated by "disruptive tactics" (Wellershoff) and strategies to engender uncertainty. While ambiguity is seen as a "paradigm of modernity" (Bode), there is skepticism regarding its use in the pre-modern era. Older studies were dominated by the conviction that there was a lack of ambiguity in pre-modernity because, according to the rules of the "old rhetoric", ambiguity was seen as an avoidable error (vitium) and a violation of the dictate of clarity (perspicuitas). The aim of the volume is to re-examine the putative...

Hoog water ; laaglands leven
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 214

Hoog water ; laaglands leven

Nederland is een kunstland. Wonen op een oude zeebodem vinden wij hier heel gewoon, maar het is uniek in de wereld. Vier meter (of meer) onder zeeniveau krioelt het in ons land van de bedrijvigheid. Daar tussendoor wenkt de geschiedenis de zorgvuldige kijker. In deze bundel neemt Karel Feenstra ons mee in het verhaal van ons land en het water. Grote historische lijnen en alledaagse observaties komen samen in dit literaire borduurwerk dat - net als de Flevowand in het Flevomuseum - in trefzekere steken de ziel van ons bijzondere land blootlegt. Van de Swifterbantcultuur reizen we over de polders van onze tijd langs terpen, wierden, verdronken dorpen, Hanzesteden, droogmakerijen, dijken, waterwerken, Deltawerken. En wie waren de mensen van wie de namen verloren gingen, maar op wiens schouders onze geschiedenis nog altijd rust? Hoog water is een rijke bundel korte verhalen die elk op zichzelf staan, en samen een verhaal vormen.

Lycophron : éclat d'obsccurité
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 768

Lycophron : éclat d'obsccurité

De l’œuvre abondante de Lycophron, il n’est resté que le poème inclassable qu’est l’Alexandra auquel est consacré le présent ouvrage. L’Alexandra, qui tient à la fois de la tragédie et de l’épopée, rapporte le contenu des prophéties émises par la fille de Priam, Cassandre alias Alexandra, au moment où son frère Pâris part de Troie pour enlever Hélène ; ces prophéties portent sur l’avenir de Troie et de la Grèce et balayent quasiment l’ensemble de la mythologie et de l’histoire jusqu’à l’époque ptolémaïque. Ce poème prophétique se caractérise par son obscurité fameuse qui en fit le parangon de l’œuvre illisible et absconse. Cette obscurité t...

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 228


Alexandra, which has come down to us under the name of Lykophron, is generally regarded as one of the most bizarre and inaccessible works of Greek literature. This is because Alexandra is not a conventional narrative poem, but an erudite literary game with countless mythological allusions and intertextual references to previous Greek literature, a riddle totalling almost 1,500 verses. This makes Alexandra a unique work in Greek literature, which had neither predecessors nor successors in this form and scope. This edition is the first German translation of the poem in over 125 years. Alexandra is not a work that can be grasped in a quick and cursory reading, but a text that requires a concentrated and in-depth treatment from its recipients. For this reason, the German translation is accompanied by extensive notes that provide the explanations necessary for understanding. In addition, the explanatory notes show the literary history of how the poet deals with existing versions of myths by alluding to or deviating from the familiar and introducing or inventing innovations.

Swallows and Floating Horses
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 387

Swallows and Floating Horses

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018
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  • Publisher: Unknown

"Swallows and Floating Horses is a comprehensive bilingual anthology of Frisian literature, including nearly a hundred and fifty poems and prose extracts from all historical periods and all areas where Frisian is spoken and written, accompanied by new translations into English by a group of respected translators. The editors have selected a richly coloured collection of text fragments that tell the story of the Frisians and their language, historically the closest to English - legends, stories, reminiscences, journalism, drama, children's rhymes, extracts from the enigmatic Oera Linda Book, as well as other surprising texts. The anthology begins with the ancient Old Frisian laws and concludes with examples of contemporary poetry and prose. Frisian is mainly spoken in the present Dutch province of Friesland (Fryslân), but varieties of Frisian are also spoken along parts of the North Sea coast of Germany." --back cover.

Hellenistic Poetry in Context
  • Language: en

Hellenistic Poetry in Context

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This volume is devoted to Hellenistic poetry in the context of the contemporary world of third century Alexandria and beyond. This topic fits in with the increasing interest in the role of literature in ancient society in recent research, which has already been applied successfully to various aspects of Hellenistic poetry. The subject also has an added interest because for a long time there has been a tendency to regard this kind of poetry as art for art's sake, a kind of autonomous poetry and display of virtuosity among scholar-poets, who indulged in being as sophisticated as possible without being in touch with the real world. This view has been rightly challenged in recent years and the articles in this volume reflect this new approach, as the authors investigate the ways in which Hellenistic poetry, played a part in its social and cultural context.