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A new crop of essays on topics in the literature of Goethe and the Goethezeit, with a special section providing innovative readings of Goethe's lyric poetry. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 20 contains a special section on Goethe's lyric poetry with contributions from leading scholars. The essays incorporate a range of new methodologies that provide innovative readings of Goethe's most important poems, includin...
This volume addresses the current situation in higher education and what creative action needs to be taken for the future development of the various systems of higher education. Higher education in the 21st centuries is under immense pressure from various sides. First, there is dramatic limitation of funding from public sources and limited and selective funding support from private sources that is re-constructing the landscape of higher education in most societies around the World. Secondly there is the continuous stream of administrative re-organization efforts of political origins (e.g. “the Bologna process”) that guide the advancement of higher education in our present time. Increa...
An intimate collection of portraits of internationally renowned scientists and Nobel Prize winners, paired with interviews and personal stories. What makes a brilliant scientist? Who are the people behind the greatest discoveries of our time? Connecting art and science, photographer Herlinde Koelbl seeks the answers in this English translation of the German book Fascination of Science, an indelible collection of portraits of and interviews with sixty pioneering scientists of the twenty-first century. Koelbl’s approach is intimate and accessible, and her highly personal interviews with her subjects reveal the forces (as well as the personal quirks) that motivate the scientists’ work; for ...
New essays on poetical and theoretical responses to the Holocaust's rupture of German and European civilization. Crisis presents chances for change and creativity: Adorno's famous dictum that writing poetry after Auschwitz would be barbaric has haunted discourse on poetics, but has also given rise to poetic and theoretical acts of resistance. The essays in this volume discuss postwar poetics in terms of new poetological directions and territory rather than merely destruction of traditions. Embedded in the discourse triggered by Adorno, the volume's foci include the work of Paul Celan, Gottfried Benn, and Ingeborg Bachmann. Other German writers discussed are Ilse Aichinger, Rose Ausländer, C...
The sibling stands out as a ubiquitous—yet unacknowledged—conceptual touchstone across the European long nineteenth century. Beginning in the late eighteenth century, Europeans embarked on a new way of classifying the world, devising genealogies that determined degrees of relatedness by tracing heritage through common ancestry. This methodology organized historical systems into family trees in a wide array of new disciplines, transforming into siblings the closest contemporaneous terms on trees of languages, religions, races, nations, species, or individuals. In literature, a sudden proliferation of siblings—often incestuously inclined—negotiated this confluence of knowledge and iden...
Argues on the evidence of nine major German novels that literature and business have in common a reliance on language, understood in a creative, performative, and rhetorical sense.
Gegenstand dieser Studie ist das Korpus von Texten, die unter Rückbezug auf Fénelons "Télémaque" und seine Nachfolger von der Fürstenerziehung und der Organisation des Staates erzählen. Wirkmächtige Romane wie Loens "Redlicher Mann am Hofe", Hallers "Usong", Wielands "Goldner Spiegel" und Knigges "Geschichte der Aufklärung in Abyssinien" bilden ein für Zeitgenossen klar umrissenes Genre, das auf die narrative Vermittlung politischen Wissens verpflichtet ist. Ziel der Untersuchung ist die historische Rekonstruktion einer Gattungsentwicklung von der produktiven Transformation der europaweit breit rezipierten französischen Vorbilder bis hin zum Funktionswandel der Gattung um 1800. Dam...
A fresh reading of the Willhelm Meister novels that dismisses the notion of the Bildungsroman to reveal unities between the texts.
Zur Literatur- und Imaginationsgeschichte einer typisch modernen Faszination. Das Handwerk ist eine der großen Faszinationen der gesellschaftlichen Moderne. Das zeigt auch die Literatur, die zwar kein Handwerk ist, sich aber durchgängig mit Handwerk befasst. Nicht umsonst präsentieren literarische und ästhetische Texte seit der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts auffallend häufig längst vergangene Handwerkswelten, stellen Handwerker und Handwerkerinnen dar oder diskutieren im Rückgriff auf Handwerk den Status von Literatur und vor allem die Unterscheidung zwischen "guter" und "schlechter" Literatur. Michael Bies untersucht diesen kontinuierlichen, in seiner Breite bislang aber nicht erfassten Bezug von Literatur auf Handwerk. In seiner komparatistisch angelegten Analyse zeigt er in Lektüren deutschsprachiger Texte der Zeit zwischen 1775 und 1950, dass Literatur entscheidend an der "Erfindung" eines typischen modernen Handwerksbildes mitarbeitet und nicht nur moderne Arbeitsverhältnisse reflektiert, wenn sie von Handwerk handelt, sondern auch sich selbst und ihre eigenen Möglichkeiten zu erfassen sucht.