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Parties to cross-border disputes arising anywhere in the vast Portuguese-speaking world – a community of more than 230 million in a space that offers a wide array of investment opportunities across four continents – increasingly seek Portugal as their preferred seat of arbitration. A signatory to all relevant international conventions, Portugal has proven to be an ‘arbitration-friendly’ jurisdiction. This volume is the first and so far only book in English that provides a thorough, in-depth analysis of international arbitration law and practice in Portugal. Its contributing authors are among the most highly regarded legal names in the country, including scholars, arbitrators, and pra...
In international arbitration, deference entails that one decision-maker does not make an autonomous assessment but limits its decision-making power out of respect for the decision or authority of another actor. For example, a court exercising post-award review might refrain from reviewing a question of procedure de novo but instead defer to a prior determination made by the arbitral tribunal. In this book, prominent arbitration practitioners and academics offer the first systematic analysis of such deference in international arbitration. With abundant reference to case law from major arbitration hubs, the analysis is organized around the three relationships in which questions of deference ar...
This book demystifies the effectiveness of good faith in international commercial arbitration law. In the growing universe of international commercial arbitration, it is more pressing than ever to discuss the role of good faith and challenge residual conservative skepticism regarding its usefulness. The book employs principles, standards and concepts which are normatively ingrained in good faith. These include the principle of pacta sunt servanda, the estoppel doctrine, the transnational standard of cooperation and fair dealing among merchants. It also discusses the pertinence of good faith to corrective justice, proportionality, prohibition of discrimination and unconscionability, internati...
This book looks at social-environmental activism in one of the world's most important and threatened tropical forests--Southern Bahia, Brazil. It explores what it means to be in and of a place through the lenses of history, environment, identity, class, and culture. It uncovers not only what separates people but also what brings them together as they struggle and strive to create their individual and collective paradise.
In the process of resolving disputes, it is not uncommon for parties to justify actions otherwise in breach of their obligations by invoking the need to protect some aspect of the elusive concept of public order. Until this thoroughly researched book, the criteria and factors against which international dispute bodies assess such claims have remained unclear. Now, by providing an in-depth comparative analysis of relevant jurisprudence under four distinct international dispute resolution systems – trade, investment, human rights and international commercial arbitration – the author of this invaluable book identifies common core benchmarks for the application of the public order exception....
A Lei n.o 54/2017, de 14 de julho, aprovou o regime regulador do contrato de trabalho do praticante desportivo. No entanto, a regulamentação desta relação especial de trabalho deve ser compreendida num horizonte mais alargado, convocando as normas de âmbito coletivo, associativo, federativo e internacional que regulam a realidade do Desporto profissional. O Autor pretende justamente oferecer ao mercado da literatura jurídico-desportiva uma obra que, partindo de uma análise sistemática, transversal e integradora dos vários dados legais ou regulamentares que regulam esta actividade profissional, sirva de instrumento de consulta e estudo para todos aqueles que, desde os profissionais do foro até aos operadores desportivos, lidam com este ramo do Direito.
ÍNDICE Apresentação / António Pedro Pinto Monteiro DOUTRINA – ARBITRAGEM NO SETOR DA CONSTRUÇÃO Existirá em Portugal uma (efetiva) justiça administrativa alternativa? / Fernanda Paula Oliveira / Carla Machado Dispute Boards nos contratos de construção / Ricardo Saraiva Conflito entre cláusulas de arbitragem e de eleição de foro em contratos de construção: necessidade de segurança jurídica / Gustavo Scheffer da Silveira Atrasos concorrentes: uma primeira leitura / Joana Brandão / Diogo Duarte de Campos / Francisca Mendonça Neves Analysing the construction adjudication regime in Hong Kong and its impact on construction arbitration / Andrew Skudder / Fan Yang DOUTRINA – O...
Inclui: — Lei da Arbitragem Voluntária anotada (2011). — Lei da Arbitragem Voluntária em Matéria de Patentes Relativas a Medicamentosanotada (2018). — Código Deontológico aprovado pela Associação Portuguesa de Arbitragem anotado(2020). — Código de Boas Práticas Para Peritos em Arbitragem aprovado pela AssociaçãoPortuguesa de Arbitragem anotado (2020). — Diretrizes da International Bar Association Sobre Conflitos de Interessesem Arbitragem Internacional anotadas (2014). — Sumários da jurisprudência portuguesa sobre a Lei da Arbitragem Voluntária(2012–2023). — Bibliografia selecionada sobre a Lei da Arbitragem Voluntária anotada (2023). — Tradução inglesa da Lei da Arbitragem Voluntária de 2011. — Tradução castelhana da Lei da Arbitragem Voluntária de 2011. — Exposição de Motivos da Lei da Arbitragem Voluntária de 2011. — Convenção de Nova Iorque de 1958 sobre o reconhecimento e a execução de sentenças arbitrais estrangeiras.