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Em tempos estarrecedores e difíceis, uma coletânea como esta torna-se leitura obrigatória para compreender as políticas de saúde no capitalismo contemporâneo e a inserção das/os assistentes sociais nos diferentes espaços sócio-ocupacionais. O livro é fruto de indagações, reflexões e debates empreendidos por autores consagrados e jovens pesquisadoras(es) vinculadas(os) em estudos acerca das relações entre Estado, sociedade e políticas sociais; demonstrando que é precípuo resistir e lutar contra os desmontes e a privatização da saúde em defesa de um sistema universal que respeite as diferenças. Outro destaque desta obra é a possibilidade de (re)conhecer a realidade do B...
Este livro, Desenhando com a luz: Fotografia, Serviço Social e População em Situação de Rua, de Aline Cristina da Silva, apresenta importante contribuição ao Serviço Social brasileiro e áreas afins. Trata-se de um trabalho inovador que discute a fotografia, a partir dos aspectos históricos, compreendendo o seu uso na realidade brasileira e também enquanto instrumental no cotidiano laboral de assistentes sociais e políticas sociais públicas, em geral, essencialmente a fotografia documental. A perspectiva adotada, materialismo histórico-dialético, expõe a fotografia em causa, como recurso capaz de expressar diversos ângulos da realidade social e também como fonte de denúncia...
O Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET) em Serviço Social do câmpus Unesp Franca/SP é um programa criado pelo Governo Federal de forma vinculada ao Ministério da Educação. Foi implantado nesse câmpus em 1994 e tem atualmente, seu quadro composto por 17 estudantes (12 bolsistas e 5 colaboradores/as) e a Profa. Dra. Maria Cristina Piana como tutora. Atua na graduação do Ensino Superior do Curso de Serviço Social e é orientado pelo princípio da indissociabilidade do tripé ensino, pesquisa e extensão. O PET Serviço Social desenvolve diversas atividades grupais e coletivas que estimulam o desenvolvimento científico, técnico, tecnológico e acadêmico; além de proporcionar contat...
This book addresses contemporary themes in the professional education of social workers. The contributors raise important questions about the nature and purpose of professional social work practice in a modern, changing and complex society.
Stereotypes are beliefs about groups of people. Some examples, taken from human rights case law, are the notions that 'Roma are thieves', 'women are responsible for childcare', and 'people with a mental disability are incapable of forming political opinions'. Increasingly, human rights monitoring bodies including the European and inter-American human rights courts, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, and the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination voice concerns about stereotyping and warn States not to enforce harmful stereotypes. Human rights bodies thus appear to be starting to realise what social psychologists discovered a long time ago: that s...
This book results from a group meeting held at the Institute for Scientific Exchange in Torino, Italy. The central aim was for scientists to think together in new ways with those in the humanities inspired by quantum theory and especially quantum brain theory. These fields of inquiry have suffered conceptual estrangement but now are ripe for rapprochement, if academic parochialism is put aside. A prevalent theme of the book is a moving away from individual elements and individual actors acting upon each other, toward a coordinate hermeneutic dynamics that manifests as a coherent totality. Among the topics covered are image in photography and in neuroscience; language; time; brain and mathematics; quantum brain dynamics and quantum communication.
The provision of high-quality treatment with good aesthetic outcomes and shorter treatment times are important goals for all practising orthodontists. To facilitate these objectives, the availability of aesthetic appliances with low friction levels together with the introduction of orthodontic mini-screws have allowed faster and more efficient treatment with reduced side effects. The use of contemporary aesthetic appliances and mini-screws also negates the problems seen regarding patient compliance - which can be particularly problematic with adolescents and adults who are reluctant to use head-gear and traditional intra-oral devices. Authored by experts of international renown, Contemporary...
In Critique of Black Reason eminent critic Achille Mbembe offers a capacious genealogy of the category of Blackness—from the Atlantic slave trade to the present—to critically reevaluate history, racism, and the future of humanity. Mbembe teases out the intellectual consequences of the reality that Europe is no longer the world's center of gravity while mapping the relations among colonialism, slavery, and contemporary financial and extractive capital. Tracing the conjunction of Blackness with the biological fiction of race, he theorizes Black reason as the collection of discourses and practices that equated Blackness with the nonhuman in order to uphold forms of oppression. Mbembe powerfully argues that this equation of Blackness with the nonhuman will serve as the template for all new forms of exclusion. With Critique of Black Reason, Mbembe offers nothing less than a map of the world as it has been constituted through colonialism and racial thinking while providing the first glimpses of a more just future.