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Words and music for ten favourite carols are accompanied by a sweet and appealing assemblage of paper collage illustrations and simple linking text in this retelling of the Nativity story. Each carol comes with the words to the first verse (or two), a simple melody line and guitar chords for carols including: O Little Town of Bethlehem; Mary had a Baby; Silent Night; Away in a Manger; The First Nowell; While Shepherds Watched; We Three Kings; O Come, all ye Faithful; Go Tell it on the Mountain; We Wish you a Merry Christmas. This book also includes a play-along element of children singing each of the carols to musical accompaniment, interspersed with a spoken narrative.
Sharon már éppen élvezhetné a boldog házaséletet Andyvel, de a városban zajló polgármester választás egyre jobban megkeseríti mindkettejük életét. A feltörekvő karriere miatt egyre kevesebb ideje marad a támogatásra szoruló férjére, ráadásul feltűnik a színen egy fiatal, jóképű nyomozó, aki rejtett érzéseket ébreszt fel benne. Andy minden idejét a választási kampányával tölti, de egy este segítséget kérnek tőle. A titokzatos japán lány hamar felfordítja az életét. Egy táskányi lopott pénzzel akar külföldre szökni, ezzel azonban lavinát indít el maga körül. A lopott pénzről kiderül, hogy a legesélyesebb polgármester jelölt barátnőjének is köze van hozzá. Steve úgy gondolja, csak akkor nyerheti el Nicolette szívét, ha visszaszerzi a nő pénzét. Őrült hajsza veszi kezdetét a táskáért, a város legrangosabb címéért.
Az eltűnt lány és a Kegyetlen kötelékek nemzetközileg is elsőrangú sikerkönyvszerzője új regénnyel tér vissza – egy olyan történettel, mely még az eddigieknél is jobban felvillanyoz, provokál, és tele van izgalommal. Mi történik, ha arról a személyről, akiről eddig azt gondoltad, úgy ismered, mint a tenyered, kiderül, hogy valójában egyáltalán nem az, akinek hitted? Andrea Oliver mindent tud az anyjáról, Lauráról. Hogy egész életét egy tengerparti városkában töltötte, Belle Isle-ban. Hogy mindig is nyugodt életet akart élni, és a közösség pillérévé válni. Hogy sosem tartott semmit sem titokban előtte. Mert mindannyian ismerjük az an...
The United Nations claims to exist in order to maintain international peace and security, providing a space within which all states can work together. But why, then, does the UN invoke its responsibility to protect through humanitarian intervention in some instances but not others? Why is it that five states have the power to decide whether or not to intervene? This book challenges the dominant narrative of the UN as an institution of equality and progress by analyzing the colonial origins of the organization and revealing the unequal power relations it has perpetuated. Harsant argues that the United Nations is unable to fulfill its claims around the protection of international peace and sec...
In the year 1649, the Iroquois are on the warpath, killing traitors and Christians at the mission of Sainte Marie. The shaman is worried about windigos and the Black Robe about the fires of hell. Worlds collide in a renowned First Nations playwright's epic, dark, funny, and healing vision of early Canada.
With its mix of family drama, sex and violence, Britain's Tudor dynasty (1485-1603) has long excited the interest of filmmakers and moviegoers. Since the birth of movie-making technology, the lives and times of kings Henry VII, Henry VIII, and Edward VI and queens Mary I, Jane Grey and Elizabeth I have remained popular cinematic themes. From 1895's The Execution of Mary Stuart to 2011's Anonymous, this comprehensive filmography chronicles every known movie about the Tudor era, including feature films; made-for-television films, mini-series, and series; documentaries; animated films; and shorts. From royal biographies to period pieces to modern movies with flashbacks or time travel, this work reveals how these films both convey the attitudes of Tudor times and reflect the era in which they were made.
SAGUS is a series of books that document a life, a life that proceeded it and a life thereafter. Each volume covers a period of time or an event and they run chronologically. The uniqueness of the series is that it uses as contemporaneous records, diaries, notes, images, books, archives and photographs most of which belong to the author and his family. In other words the volumes are the closest that can be achieved to real-time testimony with a true record and insight to the times. There is no rewriting of history and hence they avoid this deficiency of most memoirs. Well almost because even when the basis of the writing is a diary, it is of course one person’s view and interpretation of an event. We all look at the same thing in slightly different ways, see some things but not others. SAGUS Vol 12 covers a single academic year at the authors English grammar school running from 1970 through until the summer of 1971.
The Alexander Technique for Musicians is a unique guide for all musicians, providing a practical, informative approach to being a successful and comfortable performer. Perfect as an introduction to the Alexander Technique, or to supplement the reader's lessons, the book looks at daily and last-minute practice, breathing, performance and performance anxiety, teacher–pupil relationships, ensemble skills, and the application of the Alexander Technique to instrumental and vocal work. Complete with diagrams and photographs to aid the learning process, as well as step-by-step procedures and diary entries written by participating students, The Alexander Technique for Musicians gives tried-and-tested advice, drawn from the authors' twenty-plus years of experience working with musicians, providing an essential handbook for musicians seeking the most from themselves and their art.
CMJ New Music Report is the primary source for exclusive charts of non-commercial and college radio airplay and independent and trend-forward retail sales. CMJ's trade publication, compiles playlists for college and non-commercial stations; often a prelude to larger success.