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This case study looks at the development of a money transfer company in a dynamic and fast changing market. Transnational nature of the business as well as profiles of customers are emphasised. Ria Money Transfer is part of the Euronet, US based parent company. Aspiring to become the most progressive company in the sector, Ria deals with customers with backgrounds from all over the world. This is also reflected in the work force of the company. Operating in distinct environments, businesses are not only concerned with a multicultural body of customers, agents and clients but also multiple economic, political, technological environments with a large number of small and big competitors. This case study alludes to the questions about the key drivers of success for a transnational company with such complex web of markets, consumers, clients and competitors. Company information, direct quotes from representatives and media are used to illustrate aspects of the business and markets.
Theories and models of contemporary migration often revolves around neofunctional models. They define migrants as rational actors who are focused on improving their well-being which is enabled by access to opportunities that are not available in their origin communities and/or countries. Nevertheless, initiation of migration is largely driven by difficulties, discomfort, disagreements, tensions, and conflicts at the origin, while migration decision and destination choices are moderated by individual characteristics, cultural and social capital as well as by the local, national, and international context. In other words, people do not move when they are satisfied and comfortable with what they have and where they are. The book's scope covers marginalisation and gangs, Kurds in Istanbul, Border perception, Development, security and Frontex, Kurdish Diaspora, Perspectives on conflicts, return of Kurdish villagers, young migrants in Istanbul, communal violence, Military service-migration nexus
The Turkish Migration Conference 2016 is the fourth event in this series, we are proud to organise and host at the University of Vienna, Austria. Perhaps given the growing number of participants and variety in scope of research and debates included at the Conference, it is now an established quality venue fostering scholarship in Turkish Migration Studies. Over the last five years, we have seen over 1000 abstracts submitted to the conference and year on year the number of accepted presentations grew. This year, the conference accommodates over 350 presentations by hundreds of academics from all around the World. The Migration Conference attracting such a healthy number of academics is a good indicator of the success and means the conference serving its purpose and offer a good opportunity for scholarly exchange and networking. Main speakers include Jeffrey Cohen, Ibrahim Sirkeci, Philip Martin, Gudrun Biffl, Karen Phalet, Samim Akgönül, and Katharine Sarikakis.
LITTLE TURKEY IN GREAT BRITAIN by Ibrahim Sirkeci, Tuncay Bilecen, Yakup Costu, Saniye Dedeoglu, M. Rauf Kesici, B. Dilara Seker, Fethiye Tilbe, K. Onur Unutulmaz is about Turkish movers in Britain. Turkish migration to British Isles has a long history but sizeable diaspora communities and enclaves of Turkish origin have emerged only in the last four to five decades. Earlier groups arrived were Cypriots fleeing the troubled island in the Eastern Mediterranean whilst Turks and Kurds of the mainland were not even considering the UK as a destination. This book is about these contemporary movers from Turkey, their movement trajectories, practices, and integration in Britain. Eight researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds and methodological schools came together to do the ground work for the students of this emerging subfield of human mobility studies. Turkey is now at the forefront of accommodating large scale inward mobility mostly due to the crisis in Syria and Iraq.
Pricing: The New Frontier by Gábor REKETTYE and Jonathan LIU Published: May 2018 The importance of pricing and price management is growing all over the world, primarily due to the turbulent economic situation, accelerating technological development, the saturation of markets and the globalization of competition. All these trends affect the achievement of company objectives, place prices, pricing and price management in a context that differs greatly from what has been known before. In developing and fast moving economies like India, getting the pricing strategy right is a necessity for the short and long term future of the firm. The pricing decision will impact on the profitability and ulti...
This volume presents the book of abstracts and programme for the Migration Conference 2018 hosted by ISEG and IGOT at Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal from 26 to 28 June 2018. It covers about 140 sessions and over 600 contributors from about 60 countries joining from around the world.
In Studying Criminology, the author explores the interplay between philosophical and criminological theories to provide a stimulating and insightful overview of the subject. It offers students a fresh way of thinking about crime, giving them an opportunity to develop their understanding and to hone their critical skills. Conceived by Chris Grey as an antidote to conventional textbooks, each book in the ‘Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap’ series takes a core area of the curriculum and turns it on its head by providing a critical and sophisticated overview of the key issues and debates in an informal, conversational and often humorous way. Suitable for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of Criminology and anybody interested in the field of Criminological studies.
It appears that literary work possesses eternal temporal validity due to its autonomous aesthetic value, whereas criticism provides points of view having temporary and transitory significance. Despite such claims, the vector of methodology in our series of books, dealing with the history of English literature, relies on Viktor Shklovsky, T. S. Eliot, Mikhail Bakhtin, and especially Yuri Tynyanov, whose main reasoning would be that literature is a system of dominant, central and peripheral, marginalized elements – to us, “tradition” (centre) versus “innovation” (margin) engaged in a “battle” for supremacy, demarginalization, and the right to form a new literary system – and th...
Fundamentals of International Migration is prepared as a textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate courses/modules. This book is a collection of articles and book chapters published in various journals and volumes carefully selected to cover a comprehensive range of topics and issues in contemporary human mobility. Students and tutors of the module would find it useful to guide and enhance classroom discussions. There are 8 parts with 28 chapters. Each part of the book begins with a list of essential and further reading to offer a wide range of views and perspectives to the students of international migration. CONTENTS PART 1: Introduction to Migration Studies Chapter 1. A record 65.3 mill...