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This book is based on presentations given at CGRP '98, the Third International Meeting on CGRP and related peptides held in the UK in May 1998. The principal speakers have each contributed a chapter and many of the short and poster communications will also be found here. This book follows from the tradition set by the First and Second Meetings in 1
Discover your body’s health potential The Truth about Sugar teaches you everything you need to know about the effects of sugar on your biology. Your health doesn’t depend on how much sugar you eat. It depends on how much sugar is circulating in your bloodstream. Blood sugar spikes can maintain a negative health spiral, where even small fluctuations in blood sugar levels can sustain weight problems, chronic diseases and fatigue. The good news is it’s easy to get your blood sugar back on track. And The Truth about Sugar shows you how. Get a 6-step personal sugar strategy Get 6 steps to a life-changing period of stable blood sugar Debunk myths about sugar and carbohydrates Discover basic knowledge and a new mindset of sugar, carbohydrates and calories Learn why some people can tolerate unlimited amounts of sugar while others put on weight – despite exercising and living a sugar-free life Get the tools for your best protection against chronic inflammation and lifestyle diseases With recipes, guides, exercises and reflections, glossary and reference section.
Supporting initiation, development and resolution of appropriate immune responses is key to survival. Many nutrients and dietary components have been purported to have a role in supporting optimal immune function. This is vital throughout the life course, from the development and programming of the immune system in early life, to supporting immunity and reducing chronic inflammation in older people. In this special issue of Nutrients, we examine the evidence for the role of diet and dietary components in promoting protective immunity.
“If you strive for more relevant innovation or want to outpace your competition, this book is for you.” —Roger Johnson, Senior Vice President of Product Design and Engineering, Keurig Dr Pepper When a company can get its best ideas to market faster, its leaders can be confident that their most important strategic decisions will be executed faithfully, and their visions for the company’s future will be realized. They are also able to be agile in response to market changes, pursue new opportunities, and achieve ambitious plans for growth. High Velocity Innovation will show how companies accelerate growth with: The strategic elements that pull innovation from their best people A framewo...
UD AF DIABETES 2 er det 21. århundredes mest ambitiøse bog. Den er skrevet for at knække en eksplosiv vækst i antallet af danskere med type 2 diabetes, der hastigt nærmer sig 500.000. Den er skrevet i fascination af den kompetente menneskekrop og med respekt for menneskets behov for mening med det, det gør.I bogen får duOpgør med myten om, at diabetes 2 er en kronisk sygdomEn grundig indføring i sukkers samspil med de vigtigste celler i kroppen – sukkers ABCOverblik over tre metoder til frihed for diabetes 2En komplet forståelse af alt det, der hjælper dig med at holde dit blodsukker stabiltBiologisk viden og en praktisk køreplan til at erstatte kroniske sygdomsprocesser med se...
Retaining the successful approach found in the previous volume in this series, the inventors and primary developers of drugs that successfully made it to market tell the story of the drug's discovery and development and relate the often twisted route from the first candidate molecule to the final marketed drug. 11 selected case studies describe recently introduced drugs that have not been previously covered in textbooks or general references. These range across six different therapeutic fields and provide a representative cross-section of the current drug development efforts. Backed by copious data and chemical information, the insight and experience of the contributors makes this one of the most useful training manuals that a junior medicinal chemist can hope to find and has won the support and endorsement of IUPAC.
“Have you tried peptides? Small proteins, the best in the land! Won’t you try peptides? Keep all your body processes in hand! For labor and lactation oxytocin you must buy! Enkephalin always gives a good runner’s high! So won’t you try peptides? Small proteins, the best in the land!” The above words [1], penned by Gary Gisselman to open Peptide Ångst: La Triviata, the opera which made its world premiere on July 1, 1999, also serve as a fitting charge to the th 16 American Peptide Symposium. This latest edition of a premier biennial series was held under the auspices of the American Peptide Society, June 26–July 1, 1999, at the Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis,Minnesota...
Er du en af de mange voksne, der ønsker at give næste generation de sundhedsfærdigheder, den fortjener? Leder du efter alternativer til den løftede pegefinger i forsøget på at få børn og unge til at spise sundt? Kan du acceptere, at alle skal vide det samme om sundhed, men at børn og voksne skal gøre noget forskelligt? Ønsker du at undgå at næste generations spisevaner tjener detailhandlens og reptilhjernens behov fremfor børnenes? Så vil denne bog hjælpe dig med at nå dit mål. I bogen får du: Den viden, som børn skal have om kroppen (inkl. Sukkers ABC i børnehøjde) Viden og overblik, som børn og unge skal have om mad Indsigt i forskellen mellem basiskost, energitilsku...