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This book provides a comprehensive guide to delivering analgesia and sedation to critically ill patients for professionals and caregivers being involved in the management of these patients. It discusses and explains in detail the advantages and limitations of each drug and device using clear flowcharts, diagrams and tables. Furthermore, it explores the new drugs and – above all – new sedation delivery systems, particularly those for administering volatile anesthetics on ICUs. This book is a valuable and practical resource for anesthesists, intensivists and emergency physicians interested in sedation.
This book offers a comprehensive description of the main surgical treatments for adrenal tumors, encompassing both open surgery and laparoscopy. Introductory chapters cover surgical anatomy, pathology, the clinical diagnostic pathway, the role of different imaging techniques, and perioperative management. After discussion of general principles of adrenal surgery and instrumentation, individual surgical techniques are described in detail with the aid of step-by-step color photos and schematic drawings. For each procedure, careful attention is paid to indications and contraindications and to the most frequent complications. A further feature is the inclusion of numerous helpful decision-making algorithms for diagnosis and treatment. The text is structured according to the principles of "best practice" and the guidelines on evidence-based medicine and will thus be a valuable tool for practitioners in their clinical work.
The World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine (WFSIC- CM) has reached the age of maturity. Physicians, nurses, and many others associated with the field of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine will be coming from all corners of the world to Florence, Italy in August, 2009 to celebrate the 10th quadrennial congress. Every 4 years for the last 36 years, congresses in the magnificent venues of London (1973), Paris (1977), Washington (1981), Jerusalem (1985), Kyoto (1989), Madrid (1993), Ottawa (1997), Sydney (2001), and Buenos Aires (2005) have sig- fied an ever-developing process which has resulted in the four pillars of the field of Intensive and Critical Care Medi...
Outstanding steps forward were made in the last decades in terms of identification of endogenous pacemakers and the exploration of their controllability. New "artifical" devices were developed and are now able to do much more than solely pacemaking of the heart. In this book different aspects of pacemaker - functions and interactions, in various organ systems were examined. In addition, various areas of application and the potential side effects and complications of the devices were discussed.
Responses to major disasters tend to be complex, not merely because of the size and scale of operations and the number of countries and agencies involved, but also because of the range of functions represented by these organizations. A full-scale emergency response can involve people trained in at least 35 different disciplines and professions. This increasing sophistication of modern emergency response makes the process of coordination a particularly challenging one. It involves matching urgent needs with available resources in the most rapid and efficient way possible: timely mobilization and quick action can reduce injury and loss of life, as well as damage. Emergency response management ...
In many European regions, rural areas are facing major challenges in economic and social terms, consequence of transformations in the role and meaning of agriculture. The loss of the productive character strongly contributed to the emergence of new roles and functions, particularly related to leisure and tourism. The book aims to discuss questions directly related to the connections between rural tourism and local socioeconomic contexts, presenting diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives and diff erent case studies from various European regions. The book addresses the relationships among rural tourism and the complex interactions, confl icts and innovative processes developing in rural territories as consequence of the implementation of tourism activities. The book responds to some relevant and not yet comprehensively researched aspects within this topic, especially in what extent tourism, in its various forms and processes, might give an important contribution to rural development.
Il presente volume raccoglie i contributi presentati al XII Congresso Nazionale SIPSA organizzato dalla Associazione S.I.P.S.A. – Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute e dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute dell’Università di Firenze. Il Congresso si propone di offrire un’occasione di dialogo e confronto tra studiosi, ricercatori e professionisti impegnati nell’ambito della psicologia della salute che possa stimolare una riflessione sull’importante ruolo della Psicologia come scienza della salute. Le tematiche spazieranno dalla bioetica, all’e-Health, agli interventi sociali e politici per contrastare le disparità nell’accesso all’assistenza e saranno discussi in simposi, sessioni tematiche, tavole rotonde e sessioni poster.
Il presente volume si propone di eseguire uno studio che, attraverso un set di indicatori da applicare a tre parametri (appropriatezza, efficienza e qualità dei servizi sanitari), valuti le eventuali debolezze dei servizi assistenziali, territoriali e ospedalieri in caso di disastri con ripercussioni sul medio-lungo periodo. Il progetto vuole identificare la vulnerabilità degli ospedali fiorentini nel caso in cui l’area del Comune di Firenze e le aree limitrofe siano interessate da una maxi-emergenza con parziale o totale compromissione della continuità assistenziale delle strutture ospedaliere. Si propongono, inoltre, strategie e piani per mantenere la continuità operativa anche in caso di maxi-emergenza.
Il Master in Pneumologia Interventistica ha l’obiettivo di formare uno pneumologo polivalente, con competenze professionali in broncoscopia diagnostica e operativa, toracoscopia, gestione delle vie aeree artificiali, attraverso il contributo sinergico di docenti universitari e ospedalieri. Il Master vede ogni anno la partecipazione di numerosi specialisti provenienti da tutto il territorio nazionale. La presente opera raccoglie tutte le tesi presentate dai partecipanti alla VI edizione del Master in Pneumologia Interventistica dell’a.a. 2014-2015 a testimonianza e degna conclusione di un impegnativo ma proficuo anno di studio e attività pratiche per il conseguimento di una competenza professionale certificata, utile e spendibile nel curriculum dello specialista pneumologo.