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The 6th International Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship Conference was held on September 13-14, 2023, in Lampung, Indonesia. Our theme was "Echoing the Financial and Digital Transformation to Support Inclusive Economic Growth". The process of selecting articles uses a double-blind review to ensure the quality of the papers. Reviewers were not allowed to know the authors' identities. The reviewers come from Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, and the Philippines. The contributions of the ICEBE conference to academia and society are as follows: provide knowledge and skills to participants on how to do quality research and community service; provide knowledge and skills to participants on how to publish research and community service results in reputable international journal publications; disseminate the research and community service results that the participants have carried out; review the latest research issues in economics and business, especially those related to sustainable development.
This is an open access book.The Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Lampung in Indonesia is hosting the International Conference of Economics, Business & Entrepreneurship (ICEBE) 2022, its fifth annual international conference. The goal of this conference is to provide a clear direction and substantial advancements in the quickly recovering global economy. The 5th ICEBE welcomes and cordially encourages all authors to submit outstanding works on a range of topics relevant to the conference's theme. Theme: “Global Economy and Business Recovery Growth to Create a Sustainable Business-Friendly Environment”
One of the main challenges faced by all entrepreneurs, is the need to growth. Growth is part of all organizations, it implies continuous growth of sales, purchases, number of employees, profit and thus the growth of the enterprise. Most innovations that are part of the organizations are derived from the internal organization. Industrial Revolution 4.0 provides both opportunities and challenges to all entrepreneurs to grow their business. The rapid development of technology and all digital aspects create opportunities of innovation in organizations. These proceedings provide details beyond what is possible to be included in an oral presentation and constitute a concise but timely medium for the dissemination of recent research results. It will be invaluable to professionals and academics in the field of business, entrepreneurship and economics to get an understanding of recent research developments.
Bagi Surya Burhanudin, pendidikan haruslah diperjuangkan. Setiap anak harus mendapatkan fasilitas pendidikan terbaik supaya mereka mampu menjadi generasi penerus bermasa depan cerah. Baginya, kuliah di luar negeri adalah kewajiban. Bukan karena pendidikan di dalam negeri tak ada yang memadai, melainkan generasi muda harus memiliki kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan mahasiswa dari berbagai bangsa. Dengan demikian, generasi muda Indonesia akan mampu berkompetisi di ranah global. Berbekal tekad tersebut, setelah pensiun dari perusahaan BUMN ternama di Indonesia, Surya mendirikan yayasan yang memfasilitasi anak-anak Indonesia untuk berkuliah ke Malaysia. Ia bahkan melakukan berbagai mediasi untuk m...
Pelanggan hari ini sangat ramai. Aku, Tara, dan Thia kewalahan melayani para pelanggan. Begitu pula dengan Rafi dan Radit. Di saat seperti inilah, Kelly memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk berulah. Ya, ketika Radit sedang mengantar esanan es krim, Kelly menjegal kaki Radit. Raditpun terjatuh dan pelanggan pesanan es krimnya tumpah mengenai seorang pelanggan perempuan yang sedang duduk. Kami yang melihat kejadian itu sangat terkejut, apalagi Radit. Sedangkan Kelly tersenyum penuh kemenangan. ?AAAHHH!? jerit pelanggan. Bagaimana sikap sang pelanggan selanjutnya? Apa lagi yang akan menima Radit? Mengapa Kelly tega mempermalukan Radit? Mengapat terjadi perseteruan di antara mereka, ya? Hanya ada satu jawaban ... Baca dan nikmati kisahnya dalam buku ini sepuas-puasnya! [KKPK, DAR Mizan, Cerita, Anak, Indonesia]
WARNING!!!: This book may cause sleepless nights, increased heart rates, and an insatiable appetite for horror films! In the dead of night, a scream echoes from your TV. Your heart races, palms sweat, but you can't look away. Sound familiar? Welcome to "Planet Terror," where that delicious fear becomes an obsession. Imagine holding the power to terrify your friends, to know the secrets behind every jump scare, every twisted plot. This isn't just a book—it's a skeleton key to the world's most chilling cinematic nightmares. "Planet Terror" isn't just a book—it's your passport to a realm of nightmares, a compendium of fear that will forever change how you experience horror films. Uncover th...
This professional book introduces marketing and luxury brand professionals to a new definition of luxury and the art of designing the ultimate luxury experience in both the physical space (e.g., in-store, hotel, restaurant) and the digital space (e.g., social media, website, e-commerce). Specifically, it offers an overview of customer experience issues and explores big five experiential strategies that can be applied by luxury houses in order to provide the best luxury experience to their customers. Themes such as quality of customer luxury experience, immersion and co-production/co-creation in luxury, creation and management, digital and immersive marketing, and innovative market research a...
Sukhoi dan Cerita pencarian dan Evakuasi
Cendera Mata Perpisahan PENULIS: CAMVERCI ISBN : 978-623-7913-24-5 Terbit : April 2020 Sinopsis: Jika kita berbicara tentang kenangan, sudah tentu itu adalah suatu keadaan yang paling selaras dengan suasana hati para pelajar pada tingkat akhir SMA. Karena hanya dengan satu langkah, mereka akan berpisah. Dan hal yang membuat mereka erat dalam perpisahan adalah kenangan. Sayangnya, kenangan-kenangan tersebut biasanya tidak pernah tersimpan. Bahkan, jangankan tersimpan, terungkap pun tidak pernah. Hanya menjadi sebuah cerita yang belum usai dan lebur begitu saja. Buku ini tercipta sebagai wadah untuk menyalurkan kenangan-kenangan tersebut. Sebagai antivirus bagi cerita yang belum usai dan lebur begitu saja. “Cendera Mata Perpisahan” merepresentasikan sebuah tetesan kata perpisahan dari episode putih abu. Sangat cocok bagi kalian penikmat kenangan masa sekolah. Dengan kenangan yang berbeda-beda. Dengan emosi yang berbeda-beda. Dengan diksi yang berbeda-beda. Dan dengan karakter yang berbeda-beda. Tentu akan membuat setiap lembaran-lembaran puisi yang tertulis dalam buku ini akan menjadi sangat bervariasi dan tidak membosankan. Happy shopping & reading Enjoy your day, guys