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Kualitas merupakan faktor yang terdapat dalam suatu produk yang menyebabkan produk tersebut bernilai sesuai dengan maksud untuk apa produk itu diproduksi (Handoko, 1995 : 54). Kualitas suatu produk mengandung berbagai tujuan, baik itu tujuan produsen maupun tujuan konsumen. Produsen menganggap kualitas suatu produk itu baik jika produk tersebut laku keras dan disukai di pasaran, sehingga mampu mendatangkan keuntungan yang optimal. Sedangkan konsumen akan menganggap kualitas produk itu baik jika kebutuhan dan keinginannya terhadap produk tersebut dapat terpuaskan. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa kualitas atau mutu barang atau jasa hasil produksi suatu perusahaan merupakan cerminan keberhasilan...
Manajemen K3 adalah suatu pendekatan yang bertujuan untuk melindungi keselamatan, kesehatan, dan kesejahteraan para pekerja dalam lingkungan kerja. Dalam era modern ini, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja menjadi isu yang semakin penting, mengingat kompleksitas dan risiko yang terkait dengan berbagai industri dan sektor. Manajemen K3 melibatkan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan pengendalian berbagai kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk mencegah kecelakaan kerja, penyakit akibat kerja, dan mengoptimalkan kondisi kerja yang aman dan sehat.
Penelitian manajemen adalah bidang studi yang mengkaji bagaimana organisasi dikelola dan dioperasikan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Penelitian ini mencakup berbagai aspek seperti strategi, operasi, sumber daya manusia, keuangan, pemasaran, dan teknologi informasi. Untuk menghasilkan temuan yang dapat diandalkan dan relevan, diperlukan metodologi penelitian yang tepat. Metodologi penelitian manajemen mengacu pada pendekatan, teknik, dan prosedur yang digunakan untuk merancang, mengumpulkan, menganalisis, dan menginterpretasikan data dalam konteks manajemen.
This second edition of Project-Based Learning (PBL) presents an original approach to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) centric PBL. We define PBL as an “ill-defined task with a well-defined outcome,” which is consistent with our engineering design philosophy and the accountability highlighted in a standards-based environment. This model emphasizes a backward design that is initiated by well-defined outcomes, tied to local, state, or national standard that provide teachers with a framework guiding students’ design, solving, or completion of ill-defined tasks. This book was designed for middle and secondary teachers who want to improve engagement and provide context...
Serving as a reference manual to guide readers through the possibilities for employing carbon-based nanostructured materials, this book fills a gap in the literature for graduate students and professional researchers discussing the advantages and limitations across analytical chemistry in industry and academia.
The case studies in this new, acclaimed series illustrate the great value of anthropology in understanding and addressing problems faced by human societies around the world. Each case study examines an issue of socially recognized importance in the historical, geographical, and cultural context of a particular region of the world and includes comparative analysis to highlight not only the local effects of globalization but also the global dimensions of the issue. With readable narrative styles and an engagement with people that goes beyond that of observer and researcher, these anthropologists describe how their work has implications for advocacy, community action, and policy formation. Book jacket.
Paper-Based Analytical Devices for Chemical Analysis and Diagnostics is a valuable source of information for those interested in microfluidics, bioanalytical devices, chemical instrumentation/mechanization, in-field analysis, and more. This book provides a critical review of the scientific and technological progress of paper-based devices, as well as future trends in the field of portable paper-based sensors for chemical analysis and diagnostics directly at point of need. It uniquely focuses on the analytical techniques associated with each type of device, providing a practical framework for any researcher to use while learning how to use new types of devices in their work, deciding which ones are best for their needs, developing new devices, or working toward commercialization. - Reviews the evolution of this area and offers predictions for the future of the field of paper-based analytical devices - Explores the analytical techniques used in development of paper-based devices - Discusses challenges and shortcomings specific to each type of device, helping users and developers to avoid pitfalls
Human development is a long and steady process that began with stone tool making. Because of this skill, humans were able to adapt to climate changes, discover new territories, and invent new technologies. "Pressure knapping" is the common term for one method of creating stone tools, where a larger device or blade specifically made for this purpose is use to press out the stone tool. Pressure knapping was invented in different locations and at different points in time, representing the adoption of the Neolithic way of life in the Old world. Recent research on pressure knapping has led for the first time to a global thesis on this technique. The contributors to this seminal work combine research findings on pressure knapping from different cultures around the globe to develope a cohesive theory. This contributions to this volume represents a significant development to research on pressure knapping, as well as the field of lithic studies in general. This work will be an important reference for anyone studying the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods, lithic studies, technologies, and more generally, cultural transmission.
Prosiding ini memuat sejumlah abstrak dan makalah yang disajikan dalam Celebes International Conference on Diversity of Wallacea’s Line (CICDWL 2015). Mengusung tema "Sustainable Management of Geological, Biological, and Cultural Diversities of Wallacea's Line toward A Millennium Era" seminar ini diselenggarakan di Kendari pada 8–10 Mei 2015.