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Organized around the 2016 Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) Standards, Counseling Individuals Through the Lifespan introduces readers to the fundamentals of the counseling process during each stage of human development. Topics such as the client-counselor relationship, counseling theory, research, and interventions are addressed with a focus on caring for the total person within their environment and culture in today’s diverse world. Emphasizing the importance of self-reflection, chapters include case illustrations and guided practice exercises to further the development of successful, ethical 21st century counselors. Included with this title: The password-protected Instructor Resource Site (formally known as SAGE Edge) offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides.
The MIAW-Milan International Architecture Workshop is the international intensive programme at the Politecnico di Milano – School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering, that provides an international design forum for schools, teachers, and students, but it is also an informal platform to discuss issues and share ambitions that education implies. It aims to stimulate cross-over thinking between researchers and practitioners in the design field, involving different scales and encouraging an interdisciplinary approach towards design problems. The MIAW 2021 edition focused on the 2026 Winter Olympic Games Milano-Cortina. The workshop experimented with new design approaches to make the Olympic Games physically responsible, socially sustainable, and environmentally friendly.
Mit den Beiträgen dieses Jahrbuchs Raumplanung 2024 werden die Herausforderungen für eine Planungswende sowohl grundsätzlich als auch in einzelnen Teilbereichen der Planung umrissen. Die Kritik am dominanten Wachstumsparadigma führt zur Postwachstumsplanung, zu neuen Ansätzen in der Verkehrs- und Mobilitätswende, aber auch zu neuen Planungs- und Bewertungsinstrumenten für die Klima- und Energiewende. Perspektivenänderungen sind notwendig und tragen zudem zu innovativen Kooperationen für eine nachhaltige(re) Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung bei. Das Jahrbuch Raumplanung 2024 stellt sich im Weiteren auch Fragen zur Gestaltung der Zukunft: Reicht es aus, marginale Verbesserungsschritte anzustreben? Oder stellen uns die aktuellen Krisen vor Herausforderungen, die nur transformativ und gestaltend bewältigt werden können? Reicht es aus, innerhalb vertrauter Systeme zu denken, oder bedarf es nicht vielmehr eines Perspektivenwandels auch und gerade in der Planung?
La parola monumento designa un oggetto intenzionalmente volto ad evocare eventi storici significativi o grandi personaggi degni di essere ricordati e a perpetuarne la memoria in una dimensione atemporale; un’opera costruita senza finalità materiale, ma con la chiara funzione sociale di rappresentare e condividere. Le opere prese in considerazione in questo libro abbracciano l’arco temporale di un secolo, dalle avanguardie artistiche e architettoniche dei primi anni del Novecento – cubismo, neoplasticismo, costruttivismo, futurismo – fino ai giorni nostri; forme-simbolo che alludono più che rappresentare, che relazionano evento-spazio-tempo e tenendo conto delle aspirazioni umane mantengono viva la memoria collettiva.
Il volume raccoglie gli atti del VII Convegno Nazionale dell’ARCo “Attualità delle aree archeologiche: esperienze e proposte”, svoltosi dal 24 al 26 ottobre 2013 presso la Facoltà di Architettura Roma Tre. Il Convegno ha posto temi che attengono al restauro, alla conservazione, alle metodologie e alle tecniche d’intervento con particolare attenzione alle relazioni con il contesto urbano. Nelle grandi città infatti, gli interventi infrastrutturali, come ad esempio quelli delle nuove linee metropolitane, pongono importanti sfide e domande sui rapporti che devono essere instaurati tra aree di scavo archeologico e sistemazioni a scala urbana. L’aumento dell’interesse e del numero ...
Human milk is uniquely tailored to meet infants’ specific nutritional requirements. However, it is more than just “milk”. This dynamic and bioactive fluid allows mother–infant signalling over lactation, guiding the infant in the developmental and physiological processes. It exerts protection and life-long biological effects, playing a crucial role in promoting healthy growth and optimal cognitive development. The latest scientific advances have provided insight into different components of human milk and their dynamic changes over time. However, the complexity of human milk composition and the synergistic mechanisms responsible for its beneficial health effects have not yet been unra...