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This volume addresses the family situation in Japan and Germany. Gender-segregated labor markets and precarious employment patterns bear detrimental consequences for the socioeconomic capacity to maintain family households and to have children. By applying a gender-sensitive approach, this volume’s focus is on the impact of family law, family policy , and family support measures. Scholars from Japan and Germany examine differences and characteristics of social security legislation, intergenerational support systems, single-parent families, inequality among households and poverty situations, local domestic and care service provision, female labor market participation, parental leave systems, organization of child care, domestic violence, historical developments of housework as an institution, and labor market policies.
A lively, accessible survey of genders and sexualities in modern Japanese history from the 1860s to the present.
Der aktuelle Band der Japanstudien beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Familie. Er besteht aus zehn themenrelevanten Beiträgen und sechs Buchbesprechungen, von denen jeweils die eine Hälfte in deutscher und die andere Hälfte in englischer Sprache verfasst ist. Zusammengenommen möchten die hier versammelten Beiträge einen vielfältigen und detaillierten Einblick in japanisches Familienleben ermöglichen, der dazu anregen soll, das Thema Familie und die ihr derzeit unterstellte Krise differenziert und aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln zu betrachten.
This handbook explores the challenges demographic change pose twenty-first century Japan. The first part gives the fundamental data involved, and the subsequent parts address the social, cultural, political, economic and social security aspects of Japan's demographic change.
Téma kontinuity a změn v Asii je obecně přijímané jako důležitý a složitý problém. Asie je považována za jednu z nejdynamičtěji se rozvíjejících částí světa. Rychlé proměny Asijských ekonomických, politických a sociálních či kulturních systémů poskytují řadu námětů ke zkoumání v takových oblastech, jako je antropologie, etnografie, lingvistika a literární studia, či v takových vědních oborech, jako jsou sociální, politická a ekonomická studia. Obzvláště po několika letech opatření proti šíření Covid-19 je důležité porozumět tomu, co zůstalo stejné, či co se mohlo změnit a být navždy ztraceno. The theme of ‘continuity a...
This book introduces Japan’s current policy initiatives directed at eldercare and international labor migration, and, wherever appropriate,it adds a comparative perspective from Germany. The book shows how eldercare is currently being organized and discusses integration policies for foreigners. It studies the policy-making process behind the system, and contextualizes the migration avenue within the strong roots of Japan’s eldercare in local communities and the non-preparedness of the nation to grant local citizenship to international newcomers. Through applying an approach of multi-level policy making, putting a strong focus on the local level and introducing new approaches, this book is of interest to policy makers and scholars in aging, migration, health care, and contemporary Japan.
"This volume includes the most important contributions to the tenth meeting of the German-Japanese Society for the Social Sciences, held in Osnabreuck, Germany, from 28 to 31 August 2008"--Page 1.
Every day, human beings tell and are told stories, sometimes in obvious ways, sometimes not. Most of our communication with each other, direct or indirect, involves narrative production and reception. Narrative is constitutive of human being. However, whose narratives are heard? Feminists argue that the relations between language, knowledge, gender and power, particularly the question as to whether man-made and controlled language is a material fit to receive and convey woman’s stories, are critical issues, because historically, patriarchy has worked to silence women’s dialogue. Male knowledge, unsurprisingly, created and continues to create unrepresentative maternal narratives which lea...
Das vorliegende Jahrbuch widmet sich dem Schwerpunktthema "Japan als Fallbeispiel in den Wissenschaften", mit dem am DIJ vor einigen Jahren eine neue Arbeitsphase eingeleitet wurde. Es sollte in besonderer Weise den Ort des DIJ auf dem Schnittpunkt zwischen area studies und den systematischen Wissenschaften beleuchten und zur Beantwortung der Frage beitragen, worin der spezifische Erkenntniswert der japanbezogenen Forschung für die Wissenschaft im allgemeinen liegen könnte.
This book explores, in rich, ethnographic detail, the lives of a group of Japanese fishers and community residents in coastal Japan in the aftermath of the tsunami generated from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Focused on one town in Miyagi Prefecture near the epicenter of the 2011 quake, the text provides a singularly unique opportunity to hear, in their own voices, individuals’ reflections and experiences on life after the disasters while also drawing upon anthropological fieldwork data from many of the same individuals 10 years prior to the disaster. Alyne E. Delaney skillfully contextualizes local culture and fishing livelihoods and lays out key impacts of disaster reconstruction...