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Grundschulenglisch kompetent unterrichten Qualitativ hochwertiger Englischunterricht in der Grundschule hängt vor allem von der professionellen Kompetenz der Lehrkräfte ab. Der vorliegende Band in englischer Sprache behandelt in 13 Kapiteln grundlegende Themen und Konzepte für deren Entwicklung in Aus- und Fortbildung sowie im Selbststudium. Der Praxisband geht auf die besonderen Bedingungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ein und berücksichtigt die internationalen Forschungen zum Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Grundschule. Er ist dabei dem aufgabenorientierten Lehren und Lernen verpflichtet. Ausgehend von der Heterogenität heutiger Grundschulkinder und der Komplexität des fremdsprachli...
This volume focuses on the teaching of English as a foreign language to young learners at primary school. The volume features an introduction that covers essentials of teaching English to young learners from a theoretical, empirical, and neuroscientific perspective while also discussing the notion of a principled mindset, competence development, transcultural learning, the use of materials and literature, and lesson planning. The subsequent contributions cover reading and writing, bilingual programs, the transition from primary to secondary school, storybooks, the importance of self-selected fiction, anti-bias education, ways of encouraging young learners to speak, and professional advice fo...
How do digital technologies shape both how people care for each other and, through that, who they are? With technological innovation is on the rise and increasing migration introducing vast distances between family members--a situation additionally complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the requirements of physical distancing, especially for the most vulnerable – older adults--this is a pertinent question. Through ethnographic fieldwork among families of migrating nurses from Kerala, India, Tanja Ahlin explores how digital technologies shape elder care when adult children and their aging parents live far apart. Coming from a country in which appropriate elder care is closely associated w...
Evangeline Phillips isn’t exactly a Grinch, but being estranged from her parents means Christmas is just another day for her. But when Evie meets her new neighbor—her hot, kind, and blessed-with-the-sexiest-accent-Evie-has-ever-heard neighbor—she thinks it might be just the thing to help her get past the holiday season. Annika Mayer isn’t really running away. But when there’s a job opening in the United States, it seems like the perfect time to leave Germany and start fresh, even if it’s only temporary. It’s just a pity that she’s missing out on the most important holiday: Christmas with her family. Fortunately, Annika’s cute new neighbor is exactly the distraction she needs. As their friendship and flirtation builds, Evie and Annika decide on an American-German Christmas mesh-up—they’ll share their Christmas traditions and make it through the season together. And as they plan their “Merry Weihnachten,” that flirtation starts to build into something more. But with so much standing between them and forever, Evie and Annika realize they might not get their gift-wrapped happy ending after all.
Open Access Musicology (OAM) publishes peer-reviewed, scholarly essays primarily intended to serve students and teachers of music history, ethno/musicology, and music studies. The constantly evolving collection ensures that recent research and scholarship inspires classroom practice. OAM essays provide diverse and methodologically transparent models for student research, and they introduce different modes of inquiry to inspire classroom discussion and varied assignments. Addressing a range of histories, methods, voices, and sounds, OAM embraces changes and tensions in the field to help students understand music scholarship. In service of our student- and access-centered mission, Open Access ...
From the laughing clubs of India and robotic granny minders of Japan to the "Flexsecurity" system of Denmark and the elderscapes of Florida, experts in this collection bring readers cutting-edge and future-focused approaches to our aging population worldwide. In this fourth edition of an award-winning text on the consequences of global aging, a team of expert anthropologists and other social scientists presents the issues and possible solutions as our population over age 60 rises to double that of the year 2000. Chapters describe how the consequences of global aging will influence life in the 21st century in relation to biological limits on the human life span, cultural construction of the l...
Die Vielzahl virulenter und drängender Konfliktlagen und Umwälzungen einer als krisenhaft erfahrenen Gegenwart erschüttert nicht nur das Theater und das gesamte Kunst- und Kulturleben, sondern tangiert auch die Zukunft der Disziplin Theaterwissenschaft. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist ein Bewusstsein dafür gewachsen, dass drängende gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen in Beziehung zu Theater, Tanz und Performance gesetzt und analytisch, theoretisch wie historisch untersucht werden müssen. Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert Beiträge des 15. Kongresses der Gesellschaft für Theaterwissenschaft und bietet einen Überblick darüber, welche Themen von Theaterwissenschaftler:innen aus Deutschland,...
Kehanette bulunmak cesaret ister. Zaman zaman televizyon izlencelerine de konu olur, kehanet. Geleceğe ilişkin yorumlarda bulunmak, değişimler ve yeniliklerle ilgili öngörülerde bulunmak gerçekten çok zor. Çünkü dünya çok hızlı dönüyor. Televizyon izlenceleri hatırlatmasını, TRT'de uzunca bir süre yayınlanan ve şu sıralar tekrarları çıkan “Seksenler” dizisine istinaden belirttim. Diziyi izlemek yeterli aslında. Çünkü 80'li yılların Türkiye'sini anlatıyor. O yıllarda yaşananlar, o yılların ürünleri, o yılların modası dizinin tümünde görülebilir. Öte taraftan dizide geleceğe dönük “46”lık lakaplı karakter de geleceğe ilişkin öng...
Die vielfältigen Beiträge des Bandes zum 34. Forum Junge Romanistik – mit dem für die Nachwuchstagung programmatischen Titel „Interaktion(en) – Brüche, Spuren, Konstruktionen“ – spiegeln die Vielfalt an Interaktionen auf unterschiedlichsten Ebenen wider, die in den verschiedenen Disziplinen (Sprach-, Literatur-, Medien-, Kulturwissenschaft und Fachdidaktik) der Romanistik und vor allem in ihrem Gegenstand, den unterschiedlichen Sprachen und vielfältigen Kulturen der Romania, zu Tage treten. Die Autorinnen und Autoren nehmen Bezug auf die Brüchen entspringende Produktivität und Kreativität, gehen den Spuren von Interaktionen aus diachroner bzw. historischer Perspektive nach und skizzieren ein Verständnis von Interaktion(en) als Konstruktion(en), das sowohl deren Prozesse und Ergebnisse zu beleuchten vermag, als auch den Anteil der jeweiligen Interaktionspartnerinnen und -partner. Mit Beiträgen von/avec des contributions de: Charlotte Coy, Martin Gärtner, Sophie Engelen, Jannis Harjus, Linda Harjus, Melanie Koch-Fröhlich, Florian Lützelberger, Annika Mayer, Lydia Momma, Vânia Morais, Hanna Nohe, Peter Reimer, Albert Wall
Answering the question of effectiveness of educational interventions is no easy task for a multitude of reasons. The effectiveness of an intervention depends not only on the intervention itself but also, for example, on the target group, the available infrastructure, the current legislation, the time of implementation or the expertise of the teachers. This special issue shows the diversity in the goals pursued and the interventions used to achieve them. It also shows methodological differences in effectiveness research and argues the need for nuanced interpretation and for explicitly considering the context for the intervention.