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Die Absicht vorliegender Studie ist zunachst eine kritische Priifung der philosophischen Anthropologie Max Schelers. Die Zeit von vierzig Jahren seit Schelers Tod, wahrend der die Ent wicklung der philosophischen Bemiihung urn Wesen und Wirk Abstand lichkeit des Menschen nicht stillstand, diirfte geniigend bieten fUr eine niichterne, person- und sachgerechte Bewaltigung dieser Aufgabe. Leitender Gesichtspunkt sind dabei die christ lichen bzw. theologischen Implikationen im Schelerschen Men schenbild. N ach der philosophischen Gotteslehre ist die philo sophische Anthropologie wohl am meisten aus der stet en Aus einandersetzung mit christlichem Gedankengut gewachsen. "Seitdem das Christentum i...
IBSS is the essential tool for librarians, university departments, research institutions and any public or private institution whose work requires access to up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge of the social sciences.
The IBSS is the essential tool for librarians, university departments, research institutions and any public or private institution whose work requires access to up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge of the social sciences.
First published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
The IBSS is the essential tool for librarians, university departments, research institutions and any public or private institution whose work requires access to up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge of the social sciences.
The IBSS is the essential tool for librarians, university departments, research institutions and any public or private institution whose work requires access to up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge of the social sciences.
This bibliography lists the most important works published in anthropology in 1993. Renowned for its international coverage and rigorous selection procedures, IBSS provides reserchers and librarians with the most comprehensive and scholarly bibliographic service available in the social sciences. IBSS is compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science at the London School of Economics, one of the world's leading social science institutions. Published annually, IBSS is available in four subject areas: anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
First published in 2004. The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences is an annual four volume publication covering Economics, Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology. It is compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science under the auspices of the International Committee for Social Science Information and Documentation. Some 100,000 articles (from over 2,700 journals) and 20,000 books are scanned each year in the process of compiling the International Bibliography. Coverage is international with publications in over 70 languages from more than 60 countries. All titles are given in their original language and in English translation
Une anthropologie chamanique ? Pourquoi pas ? Il existe bien des anthropologies structurales, économiques, politiques et autres. L’anthropologie se caractérise par l’étude de l’être humain individuel et social en polarisant l’attention sur ce qui se montre. Le chamanisme se caractérise par l’étude de l’être humain individuel et social en polarisant l’attention sur ce qui ne se montre pas. Les forces invisibles, inconscientes, passéistes, viennent sans cesse dans le présent pour perturber, ou parfois réparer, les phénomènes visibles, conscients. Ce que l’anthropologue voit, le chamane le reconnaît et s’en détourne pour mieux comprendre les enjeux invisibles qui conditionnent et déterminent les jeux visibles (conflits, maladies…). Dès lors, l’anthropologue chamanique pénètre par les brèches du visible dans un univers invisible, infiniment plus vaste et complexe, où tout s’inverse, se renverse et bouleverse. Vous retiendrez de l’auteur, et de son ouvrage, le principe de l’honnêteté civique et intellectuelle.