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This is the first feminist and postcolonial analysis of Galician cultural nationalism and its relation to the Spanish state and Spanish centralism.
The contents of this book cover what a Canon is and why it matters, the Canon backstory, modern Canons, factors that make a work Canonical, the literary Canon, and much more.
This book analyzes the promotion of subnational identities undertaken by Spanish fascism and the Franco regime between 1930 and 1975, as well as their patterns of survival, accommodation and adaptation. It examines the proactive attitudes of the various actors committed to the dictatorship – from Falangists to Francoist intellectuals to Catholic conservatives – alongside their repressive or annihilating approach to regional cultures and languages. As in most Fascist regimes between 1922 and 1945, a narrative of the ethnocultural, ethnoterritorial and historic diversity of the nation persisted, with differing degrees of intensity and different tendencies. These discourses and practices we...
The Manual of Galician Linguistics provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the current situation of the Galician language and introduces its readers to the most important topics of current linguistic research on Galician. Thevolume includes chapters covering diachronic and synchronic descriptions of all main areas of language structure (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicology), as well chapters on social and regional variation, language contact, sociolinguistics, language variation and other interesting areas of linguistic research. Rich in descriptive details and grounded in modern linguistic theory, this manual will be an essential research tool for students and researchers who are interested in the Galician language and in Romance linguistics. The preparation of this work has been partially funded through grants from the Ministerio de Cultura of the Government of Spain to the Instituto da Lingua Galega, and from the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade of the Xunta de Galicia to the research group Filoloxía e Lingüística Galega of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ED431C 2021/20).
This volume in a series of history of universities contains a mix of chapters and book reviews. The book acts as a tool for the historian of higher education. The volume combines original research and reference material. Topics include teaching and learning in the University of Bologna, religious debates in eighteenth-century University of Oxford, and Richard Bentley's intellectual genesis.
This second of the three-volume Who’s Who in Islamic Studies presents the scholarly world at long last with its own biographical encyclopaedia. Taking as a starting point the inventory of authors from the renowned Index Islamicus, the author, Wolfgang Behn (Berlin), has systematically collected numerous data on the lives and works of the tens of thousands of authors listed in the Index Islamicus from 1665 to 1980. This Biographical Companion will be an indispensable reference tool for the serious student and scholar of Islamic Studies. It enables the user to quickly gain knowledge on the life, work, and professional background of almost every major and minor author, and thus to place each author in his/her proper perspective. A tremendous achievement and a true must for every library.
En Os escritores galegos ante a Guerra Civil española, Xesús Alonso Montero rescata textos pouco coñecidos, ademais dalgúns inéditos, que revelan o complexo e problemático mapa moral e político daqueles anos. Textos non frecuentados para achegármonos á personalidade política e ao labor literario de escritores como Otero Pedrayo, Vicente Risco, Álvaro Cunqueiro, Ramón Cabanillas, Iglesia Alvariño, Celso Emilio Ferreiro, Álvaro de las Casas...
Este libro recibiu unha axuda á edición do Ministerio de Cultra e Deporte Día das letras galegas 2020 Entre 1808 e 1936, datas decisivas da historia peninsular e, polo tanto, da historia de Galicia, desenvólvese un ciclo da literatura galega que chamamos contemporánea, é dicir, que está ligada ás orixes da vida colectiva dos galegos durante os tempos actuais: séculos XIX e XX. Os acontecementos que marcan ambas as datas sinalan fitos que constitúen sinais de termo moi relevantes no devir histórico de Galicia. A literatura do país, directa ou indirectamente, é testemuño elocuente daquel acontecer. Desde os textos patrióticos e políticos do primeiro terzo do século XIX -que na...
Este libro recibiu unha axuda á edición do Ministerio de Cultra e Deporte Día das letras galegas 2020 Entre 1808 e 1936, datas decisivas da historia peninsular e, polo tanto, da historia de Galicia, desenvólvese un ciclo da literatura galega que chamamos contemporánea, é dicir, que está ligada ás orixes da vida colectiva dos galegos durante os tempos actuais: séculos XIX e XX. Os acontecementos que marcan ambas as datas sinalan fitos que constitúen sinais de termo moi relevantes no devir histórico de Galicia. A literatura do país, directa ou indirectamente, é testemuño elocuente daquel acontecer. Desde os textos patrióticos e políticos do primeiro terzo do século XIX -que na...