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Prevailing scholarship on migration tends to present migrants as the objects of history, subjected to abstract global forces or to concrete forms of regulation imposed by state and supra state organizations. In this volume, by contrast, the focus is on migrants as the subjects of history who not only react but also act to engage with and transform their worlds. Using ethnographic examples from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and the Middle East, contributors question how and why particular forms of political struggle and collective action may, or indeed may not, be carried forward in the context of geographic and social border crossings. In doing so, they bring the dynamic relationship between class, gender, and culture to the forefront in each distinctive migration setting.
Dans le domaine des politiques de l'eau, la péninsule Ibérique a hérité de son passé une culture de l'eau d'une extrême richesse, variable d'un espace à l'autre mais homogène à l'échelle régionale. Il s'y est substitué, vers la fin du XIXe siècle, une nouvelle culture qui a placé, entre les usagers et la ressource, des structures administratives d'État rendues nécessaires par le coût et l'ampleur des grands travaux hydrauliques à réaliser. Ces structures nouvelles, souvent efficaces mais bureaucratiques, furent aussi à l'origine d'une rupture complète avec les modes de fonctionnement technique et social antérieurs. Les liens anciens avec les territoires se sont distendu...
Increasing irrigation efficiency has been high on the political agenda in Spain for many years. However, the overarching aim to reduce agricultural water consumption has not been met so far. To explore this phenomenon, Nora Schütze investigates processes of coordination between the water and agricultural sector in three Spanish river basins in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive implementation. From the perspective of polycentric governance, she identifies multiple mechanisms which illustrate how and why actors interact in certain ways, and thus shows why environmental aims of the Water Framework Directive remain unachieved.
While water is an increasingly scarce resource, most existing methods to allocate it are neither economically nor environmentally efficient. In these circumstances, water markets offer developed countries a form of regulatory response capable of overcoming many of the shortcomings of current water management. The debate on water markets is, however, a polarized one. This is mostly a result of the misunderstanding of the roles played by governments in water markets. Proponents mistakenly portrayed them as leaving governments, for the most part, out of the picture. Opponents, in turn, understand commodification of water and administration by public agencies as incompatible. Casado Pérez argue...
El territori ha recuperat un nou protagonisme. Ara, afortunadament, és molt més que un simple suport físic o contenidor d'activitats. El territori és entès com a recurs, patrimoni, referent identitari, paisatge cultural, bé públic o espai de solidaritat. Però els canvis són de tanta envergadura que en desconeixem la magnitud dels impactes a mitjà termini. Interrogants, desafiaments, amenaces i oportunitats que obliguen a afrontar processos d'una manera més participada, més pròxima, i tractant d'imaginar solucions consensuades a mitjà termini entre tots els actors implicats. Moltes d'aquestes qüestions, referides al País Valencià, es presenten en aquest treball col·lectiu que recull els quatre darrers números monogràfics publicats pel diari 'El País' Comunitat Valenciana amb motiu de la celebració del 9 d'Octubre, i que ara s'editen incloent-hi dues contribucions inèdites en forma de pròleg i d'epíleg.
Higher education is dynamic, constantly adapting to meet the requirements of students and industry. Transforming Higher Education Through Digitalization: Insights, Tools, and Techniques provides insights from experienced academicians on the digitalization of education and its appropriateness for enhancing the quality of teaching in institutions of higher education. The book also provides insights on technologies used in digital education, the competencies and skills required by teachers and students, managing quality of education through online modes, MOOCs (Massive, Open, Online Courses), and methods to support teachers and instructors in online education. The book also enables teachers and instructors to help students develop the knowledge and skills they need in a digital age and enable them to build collaborative learning that will bring them success. Written for educators, students, and policy makers of higher education, this book demonstrates how to transform traditional education to digital education and to continue their activities without the requirement of students and teachers meeting each other on campus.
Water exploitation has increased notably in the world during the last 250 years since the onset of industrialisation. The relationships between economic processes and water use are complex and include many interwoven drivers such as: technological development, dietary choices and food production, climate change, demographic change, and policy reforms, among others. Ensuring food, water, and energy for the growing population remains a common global challenge. Taking on a multi- and inter-disciplinary viewpoint, Water Resources and Economic Processes offers an up-to-date collection of contributions from leading scholars and works to gather research on important aspects of relevant fields and m...
Es conocido que las tierras del Mediterráneo occidental presentan uno de los grados de riesgo más elevado del conjunto de Europa. No lo es menos que la adaptación, por parte del hombre, a los peligros que históricamente encierra la naturaleza, que ha modelado paisajes y cultura en este ámbito. Ocupan un lugar destacado entre estos peligros las inundaciones. Al análisis -por parte de especialistas de diversas universidades de España y Francia- de este riesgo y sus consecuencias en las regiones mediterráneas se dedica la presente monografía. En ella historiadores y geógrafos analizan aspectos climáticos, hidrológicos, sociales, económicos y desvelan las medidas de reducción del riesgo de inundaciones que el hombre, en su secular lucha contra el medio, ha venido desarrollando hasta nuestros días. Las diferentes aportaciones ponen de manifiesto el aumento de la exposición al peligro de inundaciones que se ha experimentado en los últimos decenios en el Mediterráneo occidental, como prueba evidente de la progresiva e incomprensible ignorancia, cuando no pleno rechazo, de las enseñanzas del pasado.
El Concejo de la Villa de Elche acordó, el 27 de mayo de 1420, procurar la traída de aguas del Júcar para enjugar el acusado déficit de su dilatado regadío, supeditado al corto e irregular módulo salino del Vinalopó. Así pues, en el otoño de la Edad Media ya se había planteado el trasvase Júcar-Vinalopó. El fracaso de esta iniciativa, reiterado en 1528 y 1535, dejó paso a la alternativa mediocre de los pantanos (Almansa, 1574; Tibi, 1593; Elche, 1632); por más que el referido viaje de agua continuara siendo expectativa recurrente y anhelo permanente seiscientos años, hasta la actualidad. Por duración y vicisitudes en contextos históricos muy diversos, la conexión Júcar-Vinalopó constituye la epopeya más sobresaliente de la impar ejecutoria hidráulica alicantina. Júcar y Vinalopó son corrientes de naturaleza bien distinta. Por curso, cuenca y aportación media, el Júcar es el primer río de la fachada este y, tras el Ebro, el segundo de la vertiente mediterránea española. Por el contrario, el Vinalopó, tributario del Segura hasta las postrimerías del setecientos, es el río-rambla por antonomasia.