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Volumul este câștigătorul Concursului de Debut „Adenium START“, secțiunea Eseu, organizat de Editura Adenium în anul 2014 și conține eseuri despre artă și literatură ce constituie un periplu literar și vizual ghidat de o evoluție tematică realizată pe antiteze: flăcările spiritualizate ale lui El Greco și cele negre, demonice ale lui Goya sau eliberarea sugerată de Rodin prin nerăbdarea formelor create și deplina lor revărsare în extaz senzual la Gauguin. Eseurile presupun atenta observare a unei perechi pictor (sculptor) – scriitor (poet), motiv pentru care fiecare dintre formele de exprimare vizuală este pusă în corespondență cu cel puțin un text literar care o reflectă.
Flavonoids are abundant secondary metabolites found in plants and fungi that have various roles in these organisms, including pigmentation, cell signalling, plant defence and inter-organism communication. Due to their abundance in nature, flavonoids are also important components of the human diet, and the last four decades have seen an intense study focused on the structure characterization of flavonoids and on their roles in mammal metabolism. This book reviews most of the well-established activities of flavonoids, and we also present more recent research studies on the area of flavonoids, including the chemical aspects of structure characterization of flavonoids, the biosynthesis of flavonoids in model plants as well as their role in abiotic stress situations and in agriculture, the role of flavonoids in metabolism and health and their importance in foods, from consumption to their use as bioactive components.
Viata sa de rugaciune si dorinta arzatoare de a implini lucrarile lui Dumnezeu au cantarit greu in continutul acestei carti. Sfantul Simeon, un veteran in mijlocire, care si-a dedicat viata cautarii fetei lui Dumnezeu, exprima cu acuratete dorinta Dumnezeului nostru ca fiecare crestin sa aiba aceasta pasiune pentru El.
This volume presents the contributions of the third International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology (Meditech 2011), held in in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The papers of this Proceedings volume present new developments in - Health Care Technology, - Medical Devices, Measurement and Instrumentation, - Medical Imaging, Image and Signal Processing, - Modeling and Simulation, - Molecular Bioengineering, - Biomechanics.
Diese Studie entwirft eine Typologie des Verschwindens in der Literatur und spannt dabei den Bogen von vormodernen Texten bis hin zur unmittelbaren Gegenwartsliteratur. Überall auf der Welt verschwinden Menschen: Sie werden entführt, verschleppt, heimlich ermordet; sie verlaufen sich oder gehen einfach weg. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, ob das Verschwinden als paradigmatisches Symptom der Moderne und Postmoderne angesehen werden kann. Untersucht werden zahlreiche literarische Texte, von Hawthorne über Poe, Borges, Auster bis hin zu Danielewski. Eine ausführliche Analyse gilt dem Werk Roberto Bolaños, der als Autor des Verschwindens schlechthin präsentiert wird.