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This volume collects novel contributions to comparative generative linguistics that “rethink” existing approaches to an extensive range of phenomena, domains, and architectural questions in linguistic theory. At the heart of the contributions is the tension between descriptive and explanatory adequacy which has long animated generative linguistics and which continues to grow thanks to the increasing amount and diversity of data available to us. The chapters develop novel insights into a number of core syntactic phenomena, such as the structure of and variation in diathesis, alignment types, case and agreement splits, and the syntax of null elements. Many of these contributions show the influence of research by Ian Roberts and collaborators and they provide varied perspectives on current research in synchronic and diachronic comparative syntax.
Beyond Sentidiño: New Diasporic Reflections on Galician Culture is an interdisciplinary study of Galician literature, languages, and cultures. The volume brings together essays from fields across the humanities and social sciences to foster a discussion that incorporates new concepts that, as of now, are not part of the imaginary of Galiza: gentrification, language imperialism, youth unemployment, deruralization and deindustrialization, media control, technocapitalism, and gender and sexual normativity. It also serves to moderate a conversation about how independence from the political, material, and sociocultural networks of autonomic Galiza allows diasporic scholars to think of Galician culture in a de-essentializing manner. Working and living in the diaspora provides a lens through which to unmask the hegemonic neocolonial and neoliberal representation and reproduction of Galicianness promoted by different social, political, and mediatic powers.
The Routledge Handbook of Portuguese Phonology provides an up-to-date description of the Portuguese phonological system, including a thorough account of the fundamental concepts, data, and previous explanations, as well as the status quaestionis, directions for future research, and further reading. Divided into five parts with contributions from leading international scholars and rising stars, the book’s 23 chapters provide a thorough account of the Portuguese sound system and a range of perspectives on Portuguese phonology. This is the most comprehensive volume on Portuguese phonology written in English, and it delves into the most pressing issues and challenges regarding a wide variety of topics, such as segmental and suprasegmental phenomena; aspects concerning the interfaces between phonology and other linguistic domains; and issues on synchronic variation, diachronic change, acquisition, and the teaching of Portuguese speech prosody to non-native learners. This in-depth resource will be invaluable for researchers and advanced students of Portuguese language and linguistics, as well as those interested in phonology and linguistics more broadly.
The refereed proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language, PROPOR 2003, held in Faro, Portugal, in June 2003. The 24 revised full papers and 17 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 64 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on speech analysis and recognition; speech synthesis; pragmatics, discourse, semantics, syntax, and the lexicon; tools, resources, and applications; dialogue systems; summarization and information extraction; and evaluation.
This volume gathers contributions on the linguistic and sociocultural history of Brazilian Portuguese, considering aspects related to the socio-historical development of (the) Portuguese in (of) Brazil. It brings to the public the output of Project 3 – "History of Brazilian Portuguese: from Europe to America" – of the Latin American Association of Linguistics and Philology (ALFAL).
A presente obra é mais uma demonstração da capacidade e necessidade de adaptação da língua portuguesa a ecologias linguísticas distintas. Composta por 13 capítulos originais que versam sobre diversos aspetos do português falado na África atlântica – Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau e São Tomé e Príncipe – e no Brasil, com um papel central para a relevância do papel de contacto de línguas na reestruturação, variação e mudança linguísticas, dá-se, assim, continuidade ao crescente número de estudos que tem vindo a desbravar os recantos multifacetados da língua, acrescentando-lhe novos horizontes que põem a descoberto a sua dinâmica e vitalidade junto das comunida...
In Hide Now, Glyn Maxwell shows how the times have begun to warp time itself: in the poet’s vision, the past rears up again with its angry ghosts, the present is racked by its martial and climatic nightmares, and the future has already come and gone. All the stories of the earth seem menaced by just one – to which nations cover their eyes and ears, and from which the grown-ups run and hide. Scheherazade, Robespierre, Dick Cheney and the Reverend Jim Jones all have their place here, though the book’s presiding genius is the lonely figure of Cassandra, cursed with knowing the fate of a world that finds her screamingly funny. Glyn Maxwell has established an international reputation as one of the most intelligent and stylishly original English poets since Auden, and he has never written with greater urgency or power. ‘[Maxwell’s] astonishing technical facility can make syllables, vowels and consonants do absolutely anything. His energetic voice riffs through evasively ordinary speech taking on love, politics, comedy and bizarre narratives in brilliantly elaborate syntax and forms’ Independent
Localidades abragidas pelo Guia: Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima.
Este livro é uma homenagem a Jacyra Andrade Mota, renomada ex-professora do Instituto de Letras da UFBA. Seu conteúdo traz depoimentos dos colegas dessa eminente educadora, provenientes de diferentes universidades brasileiras. Integram o livro 15 capítulos, que estão apresentados em ordem alfabética dos nomes de seus autores.