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The Goods of Design
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 310

The Goods of Design

Examining the practice of design through the lens of professional ethics, this book’s critical vision enables practitioners, academics and students to reflect on the ethics of designing. The volume argues for a practice-based cultivation of ethics and provides a normative direction to guide individual and collective professional design activity.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 368


This book’s central argument is that plug-ins, situated design outcomes that aim to enrich the complex system of the city and expand its potentialities, are a solid yet supple conceptual framework for rethinking how design can be a key agent in city making. This book showcases some of the projects developed by Elisava’s Design for City Making Research Lab, a research institute that investigates the role of design in the material and social construction of our habitats, focusing on spatiality, temporality, interactions, meaning, citizen engagement and social impact. Projects by students, professors and researchers, in collaboration with multiple partners including the public administratio...

Expanding the Frontiers of Design
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 510

Expanding the Frontiers of Design

Design Thinking, a method widely used in design business and management, has changed the landscape of contemporary design. Whereas in the past non-designers were called upon to serve as external consultants ad-hoc, in an effort to promote creativity and innovation most design teams now consist of a mix of designers and other professionals. The impact of this development on the design landscape in recent years is so far without thorough investigation and analysis of its various influences. This book comprises an edited collection of selected papers from the 13th Design Thinking Research Symposium (DTRS13) which offers an exploration of Design Thinking from theoretical, practical, and pedagogi...

Developing Citizen Designers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 313

Developing Citizen Designers

The aim of this book is to enable students, educators and designers in the early stages of their careers to learn and practise design in a socially responsible manner. It responds to the rise of academic debate and teaching in the areas of social design, sustainable design, ethical design and design futures. Chapters: Design Thinking (Socially responsible design, design activism, design authorship) - Design Methodology (collaborative learning, participatory design) - Making a Difference (getting involved. resources). Grafikdesign, Ausbildung, Studium, Methoden.

Digital Transformation and Ethics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 537

Digital Transformation and Ethics

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-05-28
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  • Publisher: Nomos Verlag

Dieses Buch diskutiert die Digitalisierung, Robotisierung und Automatisierung der Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft und den Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz aus einer ethischen Perspektive. Nach einer Einleitung zur Beziehung zwischen Moral und Technologie und einer Bewertung der Moralfähigkeit von Technologien führt das Buch ethische Prinzipien ein, die der ethischen Beurteilung der digitalen Transformation der Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft zugrunde liegen. Anschließend werden Chancen und Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation aus einer ethischen Sicht analysiert. Schließlich werden hinsichtlich der Herausforderungen ethische Lösungsansätze entwickelt. Einer der Forschungsschwerpunkte von Peter G. Kirchschläger (Ordinarius für Theologische Ethik und Leiter des Instituts für Sozialethik ISE an der Universität Luzern; zuvor Visiting Fellow an der Yale University) liegt auf der Ethik der Digitalisierung, Robotisierung, Automatisierung und künstlichen Intelligenz.

CHI 2006
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 726

CHI 2006


Leestrip '98
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 132

Leestrip '98


Architecture and Collective Life
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 416

Architecture and Collective Life

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-10-28
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book addresses the complex relationship between architecture and public life. It’s a study of architecture and urbanism as cultural activity that both reflects and gives shape to our social relations, public institutions and political processes. Written by an international range of contributors, the chapters address the intersection of public life and the built environment around the themes of authority and planning, the welfare state, place and identity and autonomy. The book covers a diverse range of material from Foucault’s evolving thoughts on space to land-scraping leisure centres in inter-war Belgium. It unpacks concepts such as ‘community’ and ‘collectivity’ alongside themes of self-organisation and authorship. Architecture and Collective Life reflects on urban and architectural practice and historical, political and social change. As such this book will be of great interest to students and academics in architecture and urbanism as well as practicing architects.

The Social Design Reader
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 497

The Social Design Reader

"[This book] is an anthology of key writings written over the past 55 years by leading proponents, researchers, and practitioners shaping the emergence of socially responsible design as a concept, as a nascent field of study, and as a developing discipline within professional design practice."--Preface (page [xiii]).

Comunicació I Estratègia
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 211

Comunicació I Estratègia

Avui dia les empreses no es diferencien pels seus productes, sinó per la imatge que projecten en la societat, cosa que situa la comunicació en el cor de l'estratègia de qualsevol organització. Tradicionalment, la comunicació es trobava entre les «lògiques marginals» de les empreses, allà on s'amunteguen els sentiments, les relacions personals i tot allò que no es pot reduir a un número en el compte de resultats. Quan el valor afegit es troba en els sentiments, en les relacions personals i, en definitiva, en la resta de valors intangibles, la comunicació passa a ser una peça clau per gestionar les organitzacions. Aquest llibre parla de la comunicació com a estratègia en les organitzacions. Això vol dir que la comunicació no és un simple instrument al servei de la gestió, sinó un aspecte fonamental de la gestió en les organitzacions.