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The Authoritarian Divide
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 277

The Authoritarian Divide

In the context of the global decline of democracy, The Authoritarian Divide analyzes the tactics that populist leaders in Turkey, Venezuela, and Ecuador have used to polarize their countries. Political polarization is traditionally viewed as the result of competing left/right ideologies. In The Authoritarian Divide, Orçun Selçuk argues that, regardless of ideology, polarization is driven by dominant populist leaders who deliberately divide constituents by cultivating a dichotomy of inclusion and exclusion. This practice, known as affective leader polarization, stymies compromise and undermines the democratic process. Drawing on multiple qualitative and quantitative methodologies for support, as well as content from propaganda media such as public speeches, Muhtar Meetings, Aló Presidente, and Enlace Ciudadano, Selçuk details and analyzes the tactics used by three well-known populist leaders to fuel affective leader polarization: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey, Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, and Rafael Correa in Ecuador. Selçuk’s work provides a rubric for a better understanding of—and potential defense against—the rise in polarizing populism across the globe.

La derecha como autoritarismo en el siglo XXI
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 324

La derecha como autoritarismo en el siglo XXI

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-02-28
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  • Publisher: CADAL

Los signos de un viraje global hacia políticas conservadoras son claros. En general, sugieren que el liberalismo, en su forma económica de libre mercado y en su versión política más tolerante e inclusiva, se ha desacreditado para amplias franjas de la ciudadanía. Incluidos segmentos de voto popular, hoy seducidos por liderazgos neopopulistas autoritarios, oligárquicos y xenófobos. En este libro nos proponemos reflexionar, de forma preeminente, sobre aquellas derechas cuya vocación autoritaria les hace abrazar formas políticas que mezclan la limitación de derechos e instituciones –tradicionalmente ligados al modelo democrático– con modos de implementación, defensa y profundización de un capitalismo de acusados rasgos oligárquicos. Todos estos temas son abordados en los capítulos que conforman la obra por colegas de reconocida trayectoria académica, con diversa procedencia nacional y disciplinar. Lo que otorga a la reflexión aquí reunida un carácter más amplio y plural que otros emprendimientostradicionales.

Pensar las Ciencias Sociales en Paraguay. Quehaceres en Sociología, Historia y Ciencia Política
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 373

Pensar las Ciencias Sociales en Paraguay. Quehaceres en Sociología, Historia y Ciencia Política

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-11-18
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  • Publisher: CEADUC

©2021 ©PENSAR LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES EN EL PARAGUAY. QUEHACERES EN SOCIOLOGÍA, HISTORIA Y CIENCIA POLÍTICA CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS ANTROPOLÓGICOS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA (CEADUC) BIBLIOTECA DE ESTUDIOS PARAGUAYOS - VOL. 126 Autores: Carlos Aníbal Peris Castiglioni, Javier Caballero Merlo, Friedhelm Guttandin, Sara Mabel Villalba, Sarah Patrícia Cerna, Claudio José Fuentes, Pedro Caballero, Ramon Fogel, Roni Paredes, Guzmán Ibarra, María Graciela Monte de López Moreira, Carlos Pastore, Tomás Palau y Adriano Irala Burgos Diseño de tapa y gráficas: Rebeka Nadir Sanabria Corrección: Estela Asilvera ISBN: 978-99925-200-5-5

La izquierda como autoritarismo en el siglo XXI
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 356

La izquierda como autoritarismo en el siglo XXI

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-10-01
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  • Publisher: CADAL

La izquierda como autoritarismo en el siglo XXI expone y analiza –desde perspectivas políticas, disciplinarias y metodológicas distintas– las indeseables derivas no democráticas de movimientos, gobiernos e intelectuales de izquierda en el mundo y, más específicamente, en América Latina. Autores provenientes de distintas universidades del subcontinente y de Canadá, Estados Unidos y Francia –entre ellos el sociólogo mexicano Roger Bartra (UNAM)– reflexionan sobre la genealogía teórica de la izquierda autoritaria, las políticas de Estado específicas que oprimen a la ciudadanía y la confusión entre militancia política y ejercicio académico. En momentos en que los nacionalismos y populismos de diverso signo político se imponen como opciones a los problemas económicos y ambientales actuales, es preciso que las ciencias sociales y las humanidades enfrenten el carácter regresivo de propuestas políticas que no se constituyen en alternativas sino en callejones sin salida, al estilo de Venezuela, Nicaragua y Cuba. Este libro es una contribución en este sentido.

Drug War Capitalism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 256

Drug War Capitalism

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-11-10
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  • Publisher: AK Press

Though pillage, profit, and plunder have been a mainstay of war since pre-colonial times, there is little contemporary focus on the role of finance and economics in today's "Drug Wars"—despite the fact that they boost US banks and fill our prisons with poor people. They feed political campaigns, increase the arms trade, and function as long-term fixes to capitalism's woes, cracking open new territories to privatization and foreign direct investment. Combining on-the-ground reporting with extensive research, Dawn Paley moves beyond the usual horror stories, beyond journalistic rubbernecking and hand-wringing, to follow the thread of the Drug War story throughout the entire region of Latin A...

Venezuela's Bolivarian Democracy
  • Language: en

Venezuela's Bolivarian Democracy

Venezuela’s Bolivarian Democracy brings together a variety of perspectives on participation and democracy in Venezuela. An interdisciplinary group of contributors focuses on the everyday lives of Venezuelans, examining the forms of participation that have emerged in communal councils, cultural activities, blogs, community media, and several other forums. The essays validate many of the critiques of democracy under Chávez, as well as much of the praise. They show that while government corporatism and clientelism are constant threats, the forms of political and cultural participation discussed are creating new discourses, networks, and organizational spaces—for better and for worse. With ...

Isabel Allende: Life and Spirits
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 252

Isabel Allende: Life and Spirits

A series of interviews with the Chilean author.

Tides of Revolution
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 336

Tides of Revolution

Winner of the 2019 Bolton-Johnson Prize from the Conference on Latin American History This is a book about the links between politics and literacy, and about how radical ideas spread in a world without printing presses. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, Spanish colonial governments tried to keep revolution out of their provinces. But, as Cristina Soriano shows, hand-copied samizdat materials from the Caribbean flooded the cities and ports of Venezuela, hundreds of foreigners shared news of the French and Haitian revolutions with locals, and Venezuelans of diverse social backgrounds met to read hard-to-come-by texts and to discuss the ideas they expounded. These networks efficiently spread antimonarchical propaganda and abolitionist and egalitarian ideas, allowing Venezuelans to participate in an incipient yet vibrant public sphere and to contemplate new political scenarios. This book offers an in-depth analysis of one of the crucial processes that allowed Venezuela to become one of the first regions in Spanish America to declare independence from Iberia and turn into an influential force for South American independence.

Haiti and the Americas
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 252

Haiti and the Americas

Haiti has long played an important role in global perception of the western hemisphere, but ideas about Haiti often appear paradoxical. Is it a land of tyranny and oppression or a beacon of freedom as site of the world's only successful slave revolution? A bastion of devilish practices or a devoutly religious island? Does its status as the second independent nation in the hemisphere give it special lessons to teach about postcolonialism, or is its main lesson one of failure? Haiti and the Americas brings together an interdisciplinary group of essays to examine the influence of Haiti throughout the hemisphere, to contextualize the ways that Haiti has been represented over time, and to look at...

Carceral Communities in Latin America
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 424

Carceral Communities in Latin America

This book gathers the very best academic research to date on prison regimes in Latin America and the Caribbean. Grounded in solid ethnographic work, each chapter explores the informal dynamics of prisons in diverse territories and countries of the region – Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic – while theorizing how day-to-day life for the incarcerated has been forged in tandem between prison facilities and the outside world. The editors and contributors to this volume ask: how have fastest-rising incarceration rates in the world affected civilians’ lives in different national contexts? How do groups of prisoners form broader and mor...