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  • Language: en
  • Pages: 420


Was hat das Alte Reich im Innersten zusammen gehalten? Waren es die Reichsinstitutionen wie beispielsweise das Reichskammergericht, der Reichshofrat und der Reichstag? Oder waren es die Reichsgrundgesetze wie der Westfälische Friede? Einen entscheidenden integrativen Faktor des Alten Reiches stellten gewiss die Personen und Personengruppen dar, die Aufgaben und Funktionen für Kaiser und Reich wahrnahmen. Inwieweit besaßen diese Personen eine spezifische Mentalität, die über das Zugehörigkeitsgefühl zu einer Reichsinstitution hinausging? Diesen und anderen Fragen gehen die Autoren nach, wobei das Spektrum der Beiträge von den Reichskammergerichtsboten, über Anwälte an den beiden höchsten Gerichten bis zu den kaiserlichen Kommissaren am Reichshofrat reicht.

Living I Was Your Plague
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 296

Living I Was Your Plague

From the author of the acclaimed biography Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet, new perspectives on how Luther and others crafted his larger-than-life image Martin Luther was a controversial figure during his lifetime, eliciting strong emotions in friends and enemies alike, and his outsized persona has left an indelible mark on the world today. Living I Was Your Plague explores how Luther carefully crafted his own image and how he has been portrayed in his own times and ours, painting a unique portrait of the man who set in motion a revolution that sundered Western Christendom. Renowned Luther biographer Lyndal Roper examines how the painter Lucas Cranach produced images that made the reform...

Defending Faith
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 494

Defending Faith

When in 1550 Andreas Osiander (1498-1552) advocated a different understanding of the central Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith alone, most other Lutheran churches in Germany rejected his stance, producing nearly one hundred opposing tracts. Timothy J. Wengert examines these reactions as a way of describing the theological side of confessionalization in Lutheran lands.--Back of dust jacket.

The Personal Luther
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 243

The Personal Luther

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-09-25
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Overwhelmingly, Martin Luther has been treated as the generator of ideas concerning the relationship between God and humankind. The Personal Luther deliberately departs from that church-historiographic tradition. Luther was a voluble and irrepressible divine. Even though he had multiple ancillary interests, such as singing, playing the lute, appreciating the complexities of nature, and observing his children, his preoccupation was, as he quickly saw it, bringing the Word of God to the people. This book is not about Luther’s theology except insofar as any ideational construct is itself an expression of the thinker who frames it. Luther frequently couched his affective utterances within a th...

Reformations Compared
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 303

Reformations Compared

Comparative essays by an international panel of historians offer fresh insights into the unfolding of the Reformation across Europe. From Saxony to the Baltic to Transylvania, each chapter draws out the variables that shaped the spread of the Reformation across comparable geographic spaces, offering new perspectives on this epochal subject.

Teaching Reformation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292

Teaching Reformation

Presented on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, this collection of essays honors the life and work of Dr. Timothy J. Wengert. Wengert, a pastor, a teacher of pastors, and a noted Reformation historian, brings to the work of scholarship a deep sense of its practical dimensions in the life of the church. Over the course of his career, Wengert's work and insights have been marked by the way in which they apply to and make different the lived life of the church, whether in preaching, worship, or theology. In these essays, Wengert's students, colleagues, and peers follow in their honoree's footsteps by highlighting the practical and pastoral implications of a rich tapestry of Reformation topics organized into three parts. In Part One, Luther and a diverse cast of colleagues are considered in light of their significance for today. In Part Two, the texts of the Reformation are examined, opening to Part Three, where the formation of faith through catechesis and the life of the church bring the book to a close.

Hispania Vetus
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 481

Hispania Vetus


Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band X (Juli 1533 – Dezember 1533)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 701

Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band X (Juli 1533 – Dezember 1533)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-03-11
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Anders als im Briefwechsel des ersten Halbjahres 1533 begegnen nun internationale Perspektiven: Der Konzilsinitiative Karls V. begegnet Bucer wegen der vom Papst gestellten Vorbedingungen skeptisch. Er verfasst aber eine Fürbereytung zum Concilio, die zusammen mit Desiderius Erasmus’ entsprechenden Schriften den Weg zur Einheit weisen soll. Im Blick auf die Schweiz hat Bucers Reise (April bis Mai 1533) die Beziehungen gefestigt, und die Korrespondenz aus den besuchten Orten wächst an. Auch an den Ereignissen im Reich nimmt Bucer regen Anteil: Sein Interesse gilt der Lage Konstanz’ im Zinsstreit mit dem Bischof. Ulm sucht einen Nachfolger fur den verstorbenen Prediger Konrad Sam; Bucer ...

How the Reformation Began
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 123

How the Reformation Began

The beginning of the Protestant Reformation is often dated to Luther’s Ninety-five Theses in 1517, but those theses might have been forgotten if not for the events that followed. This book begins with the Ninety-five Theses and outlines the subsequent events that shaped the Reformation at least as much as the Ninety-five Theses, and quite possibly more. It provides a trove of primary documents by Luther and his opponents, along with commentary by historians who understand the theological issues at stake. Spanning the major milestones from 1517 to 1521, it concludes with the edicts that excommunicated Luther and the judgment against him with the imperial Edict of Worms. By drawing attention to these texts and events, the book gives a more complete picture of how the Reformation began.

Church and School in Early Modern Protestantism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 830

Church and School in Early Modern Protestantism

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-08-08
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  • Publisher: BRILL

A great deal of scholarship has too often juxtaposed scholasticism and piety, resulting in misunderstandings of the relationship between Protestant churches of the early modern era and the theology taught in their schools. But more recent scholarship, especially conducted by Richard A. Muller over the last number of decades, has remapped the lines of continuity and discontinuity in the relation of church and school. This research has produced a more methodologically nuanced and historically accurate representation of church and school in early modern Protestantism. Written by leading scholars of early modern Protestant theology and history and based on research using the most relevant origin...