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In many countries, the exclusive concentration on a simple extension of the road based transportation network led to growing individual car traffic hence to additional demand for roads and striking external effects of transport. All issues have a severe negative impact on the living and working conditions within many urban centers. In the last decade, especially in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, municipalities tried to restrict continuous growth of car traffic and intensified their efforts in supporting alternative concepts with focus on environmentally-friendly mobility approaches. However, many of these approaches were quite ambitious and innovative but often rather implem...
While the trend towards the growth of megacities creates huge challenges, it also offers the opportunity for reshaping mobility patterns in cities, promoting energy efficiency and principles of low carbon development. In this volume, an overview is provided of solutions comprising concepts for sustainable transportation through intelligent management, innovative instruments for integrated transport planning, modelling systems, adaptation strategies in the transport sector and concepts for enhancing public transit. Developed for five cities of the programme by transdisciplinary and international research teams in close collaboration with local stakeholders, they are presented on the background of big challenges ranging from data collection issues, modelling and planning in a fast growing environment to resistance of citizens against big infrastructure projects
The world now has more than a billion motor vehicles, and this number continues to increase as developing countries imitate developed societies in their adoption of the culture of automobility. This book explores the political ecology of motor vehicles in an era of growing social disparities and environmental crises, the latter of which are most manifest in anthropogenic climate change to which motor vehicles constitute a major contributor. A political ecological perspective recognizes that motor vehicles, perhaps more than any other machine, embody the social, structural, cultural, and environmental contradictions of the capitalist world system. In addition to highlighting many of the environmental, social, and health, environmental consequences of humanity’s increasing reliance on motor vehicles, particularly private automobiles, this book argues that ultimately we need as a species to move beyond motor vehicles as much as possible but that such an effort will have be part and parcel of creating an alternative world system based on social justice, democratic processes, environmental sustainability, and a safe climate, one termed democratic eco-socialism.
The revised Swiss Spatial Planning Law, which came into effect in 2014, and the minimum strategy of ‘inward development before outward development’ obligate municipalities to direct their spatial development to ward existing, largely built-up spaces, and to coordinate building zone dimensioning across municipal boundaries. For many small- and medium-sized municipalities in Switzerland, this means changing thought patterns with regard to spatial planning practice. A major element of inward development is the constructional densification of existing settlement areas. However, especially in small- and medium-sized municipalities, densification is confronted with numerous problems, such as i...
In diesem Buch sind die Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes „komDRIVE“ dargestellt. Das Vorhaben analysierte die Potenziale des Einsatzes von elektrischen Fahrzeugen in verschiedenen Branchen des urbanen Wirtschaftsverkehrs. Darauf aufbauend wurden die Auswirkungen des Einsatzes von elektrischen Fahrzeugflotten auf elektrische Netze, unter Berücksichtigung der Aspekte Energieerzeugung, ‑speicherung und –verteilung untersucht. Dabei standen insbesondere die Batteriealterung und Batteriekosten sowie das Netzintegrationsmanagement im besonderen Fokus der Betrachtungen. Durch den Einsatz von entsprechenden Modellen konnten die Verringerung der lokalen (Luftverschmutzung) und der globalen...
Der hier vorliegende fünfte Band von Vorträgen der Kolloquiumsreihe Verkehrsplanungsseminar des Fachgebiets Integrierte Verkehrsplanung der TU Berlin widmet sich speziell dem Thema Wirtschaftsverkehr. Die mit dem Transport von Gütern und der Erstellung von Dienstleistungen verbundenen Verkehre waren in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten aufgrund von veränderten Rahmen¬bedingungen wie wirtschaftlicher Strukturwandel durch starke Technologiewandlungen geprägt. Durch diese Veränderungen rückte der Wirtschaftsverkehr stärker in das öffentliche Interesse. Der Klimawandel und der überproportionale und ansteigende Anteil insbesondere des Güterverkehrs am Haupttreibhausgas CO2 schoben den Wirts...
In an era defined by climate change, huge resource consumption, a lack of social cohesion, rapidly accelerating technological innovations, economic shifts, and the transformation of political systems, solutions must be pursued at every level of action. This book shows how solutions from urban design and planning can, by integrating the approaches of multiple disciplines, be the first steps toward envisioning the sustainable, energy-efficient, and climate-sensitive city of the future. This book is compiled for readers from a range of professional backgrounds. Its intended audience includes the government bodies, municipalities, urban planners, engineers, architects, civil servants, and citize...
Governing Compact Cities investigates how governments and other critical actors organise to enable compact urban growth, combining higher urban densities, mixed use and urban design quality with more walkable and public transport-oriented urban development. Philipp Rode draws on empirical evidence from London and Berlin to examine how urban policymakers, professionals and stakeholders have worked across disciplinary silos, geographic scales and different time horizons since the early 1990s.
Der Öffentliche Verkehr ist ein Kind des 19. Jahrhunderts. Während er im 20. Jahrhundert immer mehr zugunsten des Automobils an Bedeutung verloren hat, befindet sich der Öffentliche Verkehr heute in der Krise. Gleichzeitig werden aber große Hoffnungen in den Öffentlichen Verkehr gesetzt, der nach wie vor als Garant für eine nachhaltige Verkehrsentwicklung gehalten wird. Demgegenüber kommt die sozialwissenschaftliche Analyse zu dem Ergebnis, dass der öffentliche Kollektivverkehr den individuellen Mobilitätsbedürfnissen moderner Gesellschaften nicht gerecht wird. Die These lautet, wenn der Öffentliche Verkehr die in ihn gelegten Hoffnungen nicht enttäuschen soll, bedarf es einer strukturellen Reform. Vorgestellt und diskutiert werden Ansätze, die auf eine Strategie der Individualisierung des öffentlichen Kollektivverkehrs und der Veröffentlichung des privaten Individualverkehrs zielen.