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Women and the word marginalization have never remained oxymoronic – the cross-cultural texts and Engels interest on subjugation make a perfect recipe for this incongruity. Multicultural and Marginalized Voices of Postcolonial Literature traces multifarious facets of marginalized literature across the world, giving a brilliant overview of the historical roots of multiculturalist and marginalized sections. The fourteen chapters relate key literary and cultural texts and cover a broad spectrum of historical, linguistic and theoretical issues. There are three sections in the book – section I has four chapters, dealing specifically theoretical constructions and representations. Section II consists of four chapters that offer varied spectrum of discourses on world literature, intersecting with the frameworks of literary theories. Section III comprises six chapters that explore the mind of dalits, subalterns, colonial women and gender issues of a variety of Indian English Writers and draw varied perspectives of it.
The Paradox of Planetary Human Entanglements provides a nuanced understanding of the complexity of planetary human entanglements in this age of increased borderisation and territorialisation, racism and xenophobia, and inclusion and exclusion. One of the greatest paradoxes of the 21st century is that of increased planetary human entanglements enabled by globalisation on the one hand and by the rising tide of exclusionary right-wing politics of racism, xenophobia, and the building of walled states on the other. The characteristic feature of this paradox is the unrestrained move towards the detention and incarceration of those who attempt to migrate. This brings to the fore the issue of border...
Writing Disaster in South Asian Literature and Culture: The Limits of Empathy and Cosmopolitan Imagination looks at the myriad ways in which disaster events (both man-made and natural) are perceived and represented in South Asian literature and culture. This book explores the affective mechanisms of empathy and imaginary identification which are conditioned and reiterated by biopolitical statist regimes of power to preempt and coopt any radical agential or cognitive intervention which might be evinced by the event of the disaster. The contributors also examine South Asian disasters vis-a-vis the registers of ecological crises, migration events, civil and liberation wars, and pandemics to understand the multifarious ways in which such ‘disasters’ are used as tropes to peddle certain structures of interpellation in the collective consciousness.
The book Decolonial Existence and Urban Sensibility: A Study on Mahesh Elkunchwar meticulously reflects upon some of the selected translated plays of Marathi playwright Mahesh Elkunchwar. It revolves around the themes of decolonial existence and urban sensibility in contemporary India as portrayed in his plays with respect to post-independent urban existence, socio-cultural existence and gender. The book also looks forward to establish a counterargument against the idealized and totalitarian definitions of West-centric existentialist philosophy, and establish indigenous dimensions of decolonial existence within specific contexts. It dismantles the colonially structured existing binaries of urban/rural, ethical/unethical and high culture/low culture through the diverse portrayal of human relationships in contemporary India and broadly addresses two inter-mingled perspectives. Firstly, it outlines the thematic and dramatic perspectives of the selected plays of Mahesh Elkunchwar and secondly, it explores the multi-dimensional philosophical perspectives that encapsulate the theoretical latitude of decoloniality and urban sensibility.
This book establishes river fiction as an identifiable genre-fiction. It argues that rivers and riverbeds—through myths and legends, ecological and environmental concerns, geographical and historical realities, politics and economics around them—can provide an underlying framework to understand Indian prose fiction. With essays on river fiction across India, the volume presents a new way of understanding and reading South Asian literature. The volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of literature and literary criticism and South Asian studies.
Hadiah pertama yang diberikan oleh orangtua kepada anaknya yang baru lahir adalah “nama”. Berbeda dengan hadiah lainnya, hadiah berupa nama merupakan hadiah yang abadi sepanjang masa karena si anak akan terus menggunakannya. Buku Ensiklopedi: 8.000 Nama Bayi dalam 60 Bahasa ini sengaja dibuat dan dipersembahkan untuk para orangtua calon ayah dan ibu yang sedang menantikan kelahiran buah hati tercinta. Sesuai dengan judulnya, buku ini menghimpun 8.000 nama bayi dalam berbagai bahasa di dunia (bahasa Armenia, Inggris, Perancis, Yunani, Latin, Jepang, Cina, Spanyol, Sansekerta, dan bahasa lainnya), lengkap dengan artinya masing-masing. Melalui buku ini, Anda akan memiliki keleluasaan dalam mencari, memilih, dan merangkai nama yang akan Anda hadiahkan untuk bayi Anda sebuah hadiah terbaik dan terbesar yang akan menjadi miliknya.
Every woman wants a dream husband and angel like children. Life continues normally for her until the moment of self-discovery. Nirmala depicts the journey of a teacher-turned-painter in search for true love and blissful motherhood. She is traditionally married to an ambitious banker and becomes the centre of the Pradhan family's happiness. Yet, true happiness eludes her. Life takes a dramatic turn when she gives birth to a still-born baby but the mother in her continues to live. At the hour of her dire need for emotional support, Manish doesn't have time for her. To him, family is second to career. Her passion for painting gives her solace in her agonies as a mother. Her encounter with a nee...
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba (1838–1918) was the first Sai Avatar (incarnation) in the Sai Trinity. His name and fame have been spreading like wildfire throughout the world. He is venerated and worshipped by billions of inhabitants on this planet. His life as a Sufi fakir, simple yet penetrating teachings, countless astounding miracles, blessings to everyone who simply chant His name, "Sai" and His great impact as the unique Jagat Guru (Universal Master) are duly acknowledged by billions of people from all races, religions, cultures and nations. Many Shirdi Sai Baba temples have been built not only in India, but also in many foreign countries like the UK, USA, Russia, Africa, Mauritius and eastern countries. Almost fifty-eight websites and twelve journals propagate His name. Still, most Sai devotees in the world do not know many crucial facts about Him. The book contains valuable information about prominent Shirdi Sai organizations, web sites, temples and books.
Kurangnya pengertian dan pemahaman tentang Perjanjian Lama menjadikan nilai-nilai kebenaran di dalamnya dianggap sebagai cerita, dan tidak relevan apabila diaplikasikan kepada umat pada masa sekarang. Padahal Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru tidak dapat dipisahkan, dan sangat penting untuk dimengerti. Bagaimana mungkin dapat memahami Perjanjian Baru dengan sempurna jika tidak memahami Perjanjian Lama? Bagaimana mungkin memahami Perjanjian Lama apabila tidak ingin membaca? Buku ini sangat luas memberikan penjelasan tentang perjanjian Lama yang mampu mengubah persepsi dan membuka wawasan Anda tentang kebenaran firman Allah yang disampaikan kepada para nabi, melalui kejadian-kejadian yang tertulis dalam Alkitab (Perjanjian Lama). Buku ini sangat bermanfaat bagi hamba Tuhan, mahasiswa, bahkan para pengajar teologi karena buku ini mengupas tuntas fakta sejarah dalam Perjanjian Lama yang menyempurnakan pemahaman dan wawasan Anda tentang firman Allah.