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This book provides an overview of recent advances in Integrated Community-Managed Development (ICMD) as an innovative strategy for the community-based development of local institutions in order to achieve lasting poverty reduction and empowerment. The original approach presented here to improving the lives and livelihoods of the poor takes a critical stance on the failing concept of conventional community development, as it is based on the shifting paradigm of 'bottom-up' cooperation and development, where recent regional autonomy policies are enabling national services to successfully integrate with local institutions at the community level. Based on recent experiences in South-East Asia, w...
Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective is a compelling collection of research conducted by scientists andengineers around the world. The first of four volumes in the collection, Coal – Geology and Combustion, features chapters that discuss the origin of coal and coal fires; mining and use of coal; combustion and coal petrology; environmental and health impacts of coal fires; combustion by-products; geochemical, geophysical, and engineering methodologies for studying coal fires; the control, extinguishment, and political implications of coal fires; and much more. - Integrates pioneering coal-fires research, with topical coverage of remote sensing, policymaking, and more - Serves as an essential guide to the socio-economic and geo-environmental impacts of coal fires
Preparing a National Action Plan (NAP) on Business and Human Rights can be considered as a socially engineered instrument in the context of developing a corridor in which to frame business relations with the universal standard of human rights. In addition, the NAP on Business and Human Rights can be placed as a strategy for the policies developed by a country to protect human rights from the impact of corporate operations that are harmful or detrimental according to the UN Guiding Principles.
This is an open access book.WELCOME THE 7TH GCBME. We would like to invite you to join our The 7th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship. The conference will be held online on digital platform live from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, on August 8th, 2022 with topic The Utilization of Sustainable Digital Business, Entrepreneurship and management as A Strategic Approach in the New Normal Era.
Buku ini adalah serangkaian narasi yang memberdah eksistensi, relevansi dan tantangan hukum Ilslam pasca reformasi di berbagai bidang : agraria, mata uang kripto, perkawinan beda agama, perbankan, privatisasi BUMN dan lain lain. Ditulis oleh para akademisi dan aktivis yang kompeten di bidangnya dan disajikan dengan tutur bahasa yang mudah dipahami. Buku ini patut dibaca oleh siapapun yang ingin memahami perkembangan hukum Islam pasca reformasi, baik terkait dengan perkembangan legislasi pasca reformsi maupun perkembangan ekonomi politik dunia abad 21.
PEMBANGUNAN DAERAH BERBASIS GOTONG ROYONG DI INDONESIA (Mereplikasi Inovasi Model Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat) PENULIS: Nama Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-283-250-3 Terbit : Juni 2020 Sinopsis: Buku ini mengupas bagaimana model pembangunan berbasis gotong royong dan praktek best practices yang dihasilkan dari inovasi model pembangunan daerah berbasis gotong royong, penting untuk dibaca bagi para stakeholders pembangunan di daerah yang ingin mempelajari dan mereplikasi model kebijakan pembangunan daerah berbasis gotong royong di daerah. Email : WA di 081287602508 Happy shopping & reading Enjoy your day, guys
Buku Hukum Perseroan Persekutuan Modal (PT) di Indonesia ini hadir untuk memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang seluk-beluk hukum yang mengatur perseroan terbatas (PT) di Indonesia, sebuah bentuk badan hukum yang sangat penting dalam dunia usaha dan bisnis. Sebagai entitas yang memiliki hak dan kewajiban tersendiri, perseroan terbatas menjadi badan hukum yang sering dipilih untuk mendirikan dan mengelola perusahaan, dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan perlindungan hukum serta fleksibilitas dalam pengelolaan usaha.