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We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies. It is annual event hosted and organised by the Graduate School of State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. It was fully 2 days event 20-21 October 2020 by Virtual (online) mode with 3 keynotes speakers: Prof. Abdel Aziz Moenadil from the University of Ibn Thufail, Maroko, Prof Wael Aly Sayyed from the University of Ain Syams, Cairo, Mesir, and Assoc. Prof. Aria Nakissa, Ph.D. from Harvard University. The proceeding consisted of 41 accepted papers from the total of 81 submission papers. The proceeding consisted of 6 main areas of Interdisciplinary Islamic Stu...
This book is the proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (ICIIS), which was held in conjunction with the 1st International Conference on Education, Science, Technology, Indonesian, and Islamic Studies (ICESTIIS) in Jambi, Indonesia, on 20-21 October 2021, using blended platforms, in person and online. The Graduate School of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin, Jambi jointly organized the conference. This conference brought together academic researchers, business professionals, and graduate students to share their experiences and research findings on a wide variety of topics related to interdisciplinary Islamic studies. The proceedings are comprised of 52 high-quality papers chosen from more than 250 submissions. Islam and medicine, Islamic education, Islamic studies, psychology, the Qur'an and Hadith, and science and technology are the six issues covered in the papers. This publication is made possible by the committed steering and organizing committees who oversaw and organized the conference, as well as the reviewers for their academic contributions and commitment to assessing papers.
This book is an anthropological investigation into the different forms the economy assumes, and the different purposes it serves, when conceived from the perspective of Islamic micro-finance as a field of everyday practice. It is based on long-term ethnographic research in Java, Indonesia, with Islamic foundations active in managing zakat and other charitable funds, for purposes of poverty alleviation. The book explores the social foundations of contemporary Islamic practices that strive to encompass the economic within an expanded domain of divine worship and elucidates the effects such encompassment has on time, its fissure and synthesis. In order to elaborate on the question of time, the book looks beyond anthropology and Islamic studies, engaging attentively, critically and productively with the post-structuralist work of G. Deleuze, M. Foucault and J. Derrida, three of the most important figures of the temporal turn in contemporary philosophy.
The event to provide a scientific forum that will appeal to them -individual scholars, practitioners, policy makers, especially post graduate students to present their experiences, research findings, sharing ideas and experiences. For the nature of the object being discussed is interdisciplinary, the Post-Graduate School (SPS) of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta is called to organize International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Studies 2019 (ICIIS 2019) with the theme “Moslem Societies and Social Transformation”. In 2019, this event has been held in 7-9 November 2019 in the Post-Graduate School of Syarif Hidayattullah State Islamic University Jakarta. It is the conju...
This book addresses topics relating to religion, education, science, and technology, and explore their role in developing a more inclusive and sustainable future. With discussions viewed through the lenses of religious and Islamic studies, education, psychology, social science, economics, and natural science, the book is interdisciplinary. It also brings together a range of diverse work by academics around the world including Indonesia, Malaysia, the United States, Australia, Kenya, Germany, and the Philippines. The papers are derived from the 5th International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (ICIIS 2022), a prestigious event designed to provide a global forum for academician...
This book addresses the complexity of Islam in Thailand, by focusing on Islamic charities and institutions affiliated to the mosque. By extrapolating through Islam and the waqf (Islamic charity) in different regions of Thailand the diversity in races and institutions, it demonstrates the regional contrasts within Thai Islam. The book also underlines the importance of the internal histories of these separate spaces, and the processes by which institutions and ideologies become entrenched. It goes on to look at the socio economic transformation that is taking place within the context of trading networks through Islamic institutions and civil networks linked to mosques, madrasahs and regional p...
"This modern study on bid'ah - or heretical innovation - critically explores the boundaries of normative Islam and outlines the legal debate surrounding the subject. It examines the influence of foreign elements in Islamic thought, focusing on corrupt religious practices, as well as distorted beliefs, acts of worship and customary practices pertaining to religious expression. Muhammad al-Ghazali also argues for a 'Sufi core' in the reformist tradition, but one that has been stripped of the foreign accretions that have corrupted many Sufi movements."
Buku ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pemikiran dan kiprah politik A. Hasjmy, menyuguhkembangkan sebuah nilai dalam memahami politik Islam. Transformasi nilai Islam merupakan sebuah rekontruksi pemikiran untuk dapat dengan mudah memahami idealitas dan realitas politik ke-Indonesiaan sebaga negara Islam modern. Sebagai bidang studi pemikiran, kajian ini berusaha menganalisis konsep dan praksis politik A. Hasjmy dalam konteks ke-Indonesiaan. Tidak hanya itu, kajian ini juga berupaya mengungkapkan konteks sosial yang menjadi akar historis perkembangan intelektual yang melatar belakangi dibalik konsep dan kiprah politik terhadap paradigma pemikiran tokoh yang dikaji. Mengingat bidang kajian in...
Hadirnya buku ini merupakan sebuah jawaban dari kegelisahan yang muncul terkait pertimbangan hakim dalam memutus perkara perceraian akibat nusyûz di Pengadilan Tinggi Agama dilihat dari perspektif gender. Dari beberapa penelusuran akademik masih ada putusan yang danggap belum berpihak pada keadilan gender, sehingga perlu dipertanyakan mengenai pertimbangan yang digunakan hakim dalam memutus suatu perkara. Setiap keputusan hakim akan selalu berpijak pada nilai-nilai kemaslahatan, tetapi maslahat seperti apa dan bagaimana yang menjadi acuan utama para hakim dalam membangun argumen tersebut. Buku ini berasal dari riset doktoral Sekolah Pascasarjana UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta dengan judul ...