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Preface Contents Abbreviations i Authors i part i Harmonization of Succession Law in Europe: The Current Debate chapter 1 Need and Opportunity of Convergence in European Succession Laws Walter Pintens chapter 2 Testamentary Freedom or Forced Heirship? Balancing Party Autonomy and the Protection of Family Members Andrea Bonomi part ii New Trends in Catalan Succession Law chapter 3 Between Tradition and Modernisation: A General Overview of the Catalan Succession Law Reform Esther Arroyo Amayuelas - Miriam Anderson chapter 4 Testamentary Freedom and Its Limits Esteve Bosch Capdevila chapter 5 Freedom of Testation, Compulsory Share and Disinheritance Based on Lack of Family Relationship Antoni V...
This book presents a complete and coherent view of the subject of Common European Sales Law from a range of European perspectives. The book offers a comparison of the CESL with the CISG, as well as pre-existing instruments, including the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) and the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL). It analyses the process of enactment of CESL and its scope of application, covering areas such as the sale of goods, the supplying (licensing) of digital content, the supply of trade-related services, and consumer protection. It examines the design of the CESL bifurcating businesses into large and small-to-medium sized enterprises, and the providing of rules covering digital content and the supply of trade-related services. Lastly, it studies the field of application of the CESL combined with the already existing EU consumer protection laws, as well as nation-specific laws.
Launching a major new research project examining the principles of succession law in comparative perspective, this book discusses the formalities which the law imposes in order for a person to make a testamentary disposal of property. Among the questions considered are the following. How are wills made? What precisely are the rules - as to the signature of the testator, the use of witnesses, the need for a notary public or lawyer, and so on? Is there is a choice of will-type and, if so, which type is used most often and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each? How common is will-making or do most people die intestate? What happens if formalities are not observed? How can requiremen...
This book is about the protection from disinheritance. Regardless of what a person's will might say, the closest relatives usually have a claim to some of the deceased's property. The book explores this issue in a sample of countries in Europe as well as in the USA, Canada, Latin America, China, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.
We are standing on the threshold of the robotic era, the fourth industrial revolution. The undeniable impact and consequences of robotics are already raising economic concerns, such as the loss of income tax revenue as robots gradually replace human workers, as well as legal doubts regarding the possible taxation of robots or their owners. Financial law must adapt to this new reality by answering several crucial questions. Should robots pay taxes? Can they? Do they have the ability to pay? Can they be considered entrepreneurs for VAT purposes? These are just some of the many issues that Dr. Álvaro Falcón Pulido lucidly and insightfully addresses in this fascinating new monographic work, which includes an exhaustive bibliography on the subject.
Esta publicación es de carácter trimestral. En cuanto a su Consejo de Redacción y Consejo Asesor, su director es Antonio Manuel Morales Moreno, y la secretaría la ejerce Nieves Fenoy Picón. El Anuario contiene monografías que realizan el estudio de temas y materias de derecho privado suscitados en muchos casos por la actualidad social y legislativa de nuestro país, a lo que se suman reseñas de los seminarios más destacables celebrados en el período correspondiente en el territorio nacional, y recensiones de la bibliografía más sobresaliente disponible en el mercado editorial. A lo anterior se añaden relaciones o repertorios de decisiones relevantes del derecho comunitario y menciones de pronunciamientos del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Unión Europea. Finalmente, se incorporan resúmenes de fallos dictados por el Tribunal Supremo, con una precisa identificación de las materias afectadas.
Intestate Succession is the second volume in the Comparative Succession Law series which examines the principles of succession law from a comparative and historical perspective. This volume discusses the rules which apply where a person dies either without leaving a valid will, or leaving a will which fails to dispose of all of the person's assets. Among the questions considered are the following: What is the nature of the rules for the disposal of the deceased's assets? Are they mechanical or is there an element of discretion? Are particular types of property dealt with in particular ways? Is there entitlement to individual assets (as opposed to money)? Do the rules operate in a parentelic ...
La relación médico-paciente se ha visto modificada y actualizada por el surgimiento de los derechos de los pacientes. En este sentido, el modelo paternalista clásico sufrió una profunda revisión y, en la actualidad, nos encontramos ante la etapa de decisiones compartida, en la que se han incorporado distintos derechos al estatuto de los pacientes. En este marco, el consentimiento informado aparece como una de sus manifestaciones más relevantes, pues se concreta en el reconocimiento del derecho de todo paciente a decidir en el ámbito de su salud. El mismo, se encuentra formado por dos facultades que, no obstante, están íntimamente ligadas. De un lado, la información se centra en la ...