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  • Language: id
  • Pages: 181


Dalam dunia bisnis yang kompetitif saat ini, pemahaman yang kuat tentang manajemen pemasaran menjadi kunci keberhasilan. Buku “Manajemen Pemasaran” adalah panduan yang komprehensif bagi para praktisi dan pemula yang ingin menguasai strategi dan taktik pemasaran yang efektif. Di dalam buku ini disajikan materi-materi tentang: Konsep Dasar Manajemen Pemasaran Peran Manajemen Pemasaran Bagi Perusahaan Strategi Pemasaran pengambilan Keputusan Analisis Pasar & Perilaku Konsumen Segmentasi Pasar & Targetting Branding & Positioning Produk Riset Pasar dan Pengumpulan Data Konsumen Perencanaan & Pengembangan Produk Baru Manajemen Distribusi dan Penjualan Promosi dan komunikasi pemasaran Manajemen Harga & Penentuan Harga Produk Evaluasi dan Kinerja Pemasaran

Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2022 (iCAST-SS 2022)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 804

Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2022 (iCAST-SS 2022)

This is an open access book. The 5th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (iCAST) 2022, organized by the Indonesian Polytechnics Consortium will be held in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia from 23-24 October 2022. This prestigious conference is aimed at bringing together researchers and experts in intelligent technology and social science from educational institutions, R & D, industry, government and the community to exchange and share ideas or knowledges through a discussion of a wide range of issues related to Smart Manufacturing in Digital Transformation Industri 4.0 for Sustainable Economic Growth to Face Society 5.0.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 111


keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja diartikan sebagai suatu konsep dan usaha yang bertujuan untuk menjamin integritas dan keberlanjutan: baik bagi tenaga kerja maupun manusia secara umum, baik secara fisik maupun mental. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mencapai masyarakat yang adil, sejahtera, dan makmur melalui hasil karya dan warisan budaya. Dalam perspektif keilmuan, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja diartikan sebagai suatu ilmu pengetahuan dan implementasinya dalam usaha mencegah berbagai risiko seperti kecelakaan, kebakaran, peledakan, pencemaran, penyakit, dan sebagainya.

Proceedings of the 7th FIRST 2023 International Conference on Global Innovations (FIRST-T3 2023)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 168

Proceedings of the 7th FIRST 2023 International Conference on Global Innovations (FIRST-T3 2023)

Zusammenfassung: This is an open access book. The 7th FIRST 2023 International Conference offers the researchers in academics, industries, and governments, a conference, for exchanging, sharing, following up, and discussing the results of the latest researches, industry's needs, and government regulatory policies. The 7th FIRST 2023 International Conference facilitates the participants from all over the world to meet face to face to open chances in establishing connections and collaboration among them

Manajemen Kompensasi
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 253

Manajemen Kompensasi

Buku ini adalah panduan komprehensif yang mengeksplorasi semua aspek penting dalam pengelolaan kompensasi di lingkungan kerja modern. Buku ini dimulai dengan memperkenalkan prinsip-prinsip dasar manajemen kompensasi, menggarisbawahi peran krusialnya dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi dan memotivasi karyawan. Pembahasan berlanjut dengan analisis mendalam tentang cara menghubungkan strategi kompensasi dengan tujuan organisasi, serta proses penting dalam analisis pekerjaan dan penilaian pekerjaan. Dengan menyajikan cara desain sistem kompensasi yang efektif, buku ini juga membahas berbagai tunjangan dan fasilitas untuk karyawan. Penekanan khusus diberikan pada bonus, insentif, penghargaan kinerja...

Pengantar Manajemen Bisnis
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 185

Pengantar Manajemen Bisnis

Perkembangan teori manajemen tidak lepas dari jejak sejarah peradaban manusia, karena manajemen pada hakekatnya adalah alat atau cara untuk mencapai tujuan. Tujuan organisasi diwujudkan dalam karya-karya monumental seperti bangunan dan teknologi yang memudahkan hidup manusia. Piramida di Mesir, Candi Borobudur di Indonesia, dan Tembok Besar di China adalah bukti keberhasilan manajemen dan teori manajemen. Dibutuhkan ratusan ribu pekerja dan tidak kurang dari 20 tahun untuk menyelesaikan satu piramida, hingga tahun ini pemerintah Mesir berhasil merenovasi 5 piramida.

Handbook on Research in Relationship Marketing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 353

Handbook on Research in Relationship Marketing

The Handbook on Research in Relationship Marketing includes contributions from relationship marketing experts in business-to-business, business-to-consumer, global services, technology and a variety of other contexts of practice. Academics, students, a

A Life Less Anxious
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 182

A Life Less Anxious

Do you have a tremendous fear of public speaking, flying, or other social situations? Do you live in fear of having another panic attack? Do you depend on antidepressants, alcohol, or other medications to calm you down or help you sleep? If so, you're not alone. Tens of millions of Americans are affected by anxiety disorders and many more worldwide. I personally struggled for five years with extreme social anxiety and panic attacks, constantly battling my own scary and seemingly uncontrollable thoughts. I finally found the path to freedom from excessive worry, medication, and fear. I have overcome these problems and now live my life with a greater sense of inner peace and calmness. I'm not a...

Enhancing Digital Equity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 117

Enhancing Digital Equity

This book highlights how, in principle, digital technologies present an opportunity to reduce social disparities, tackle social exclusion, enhance social and civil rights, and promote equity. However, to achieve these goals, it is necessary to promote digital equity and connect the digital underclass. The book focuses on how the advent of technologies may become a barrier to social mobility and how, by concentrating resources and wealth in few hands, the digital revolution is giving rise to the digital oligarchy, further penalizing the digital underclass. Socially-disadvantaged people, living at the margins of digital society, are penalized both in terms of accessing-using-benefits (three levels of digital divide) but also in understanding-programming-treatment of new digital technologies (three levels of algorithms divide). The advent and implementation of tools that rely on algorithms to make decisions has further penalized specific social categories by normalizing inequalities in the name of efficiency and rationalization.

Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics
  • Language: en

Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Table of contents: Lesson 1. introduction to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics Lesson 2. basic pharmacokinetics Lesson 3. half-life, elimination rate, and auc Lesson 4. intravenous bolus administration, multiple drug administration, and steady-state average concentrations Lesson 5. relationships of pharmacokinetic parameters and Intravenous intermittent and continuous infusions Lesson 6. two-compartment models Lesson 7. biopharmaceutics: absorption Lesson 8. drug distribution and protein binding Lesson 9. drug elimination processes Lesson 10. nonlinear processes Lesson 11. pharmacokinetic variation and model-independent relationships Lesson 12. aminoglycosides Lesson 13. vancomycin Lesson 14. theophylline Lesson 15. phenytoin and digoxin.