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Syukur Alhamdulillah kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, yang dengan limpahan rahmat dan berkah-NYA, kami dapat menyelesaikan menulis buku karangan ini bersama para ahli Tentang Komitmen Pemerintah Memberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Komitmen pemberantasan korupsi merupakan tonggak penting dalam pemerintahan sebuah negara, hampir setiap pemilihan kepala negara tak luput dari kesungguhan meneropong apa komitmen yang diberikan oleh calon kepala negara untuk memberantas korupsi, tak pelak ini terjadi karena korupsi terus terjadi menggerus hak rakyat atas kekayaan negara yang berlimpah, nyaris tak tersisa untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat. Buku persembahan penerbit PohonCahaya #PohonCahayaSemesta
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Alhamdulillah, puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT karena atas Ridha – Nya ditengah berbagai kesibukan pada tahun 2024 sebagai tahun politik dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai tenaga pengajar penulis menyempatkan diri untuk menulis buku sebagai bahan ajar dalam hukum kesehatan, dan Alhamdulillah buku ini berhasil diselesaikan. Sebagai calon akademisi dan praktisi dibidang hukum tidak akan terlepas pada masalah pengaduan maupun pelanggaran hukum dalam praktek kesehatan yang dialami baik oleh pasien sebagai penerima pelayanan kesehatan maupun oleh tenaga kesehatan sebagai pihak yang memberikan pelayanan medis. Buku persembahan penerbit PohonCahaya #PohonCahayaSemesta
This book addresses critical questions about how legal development works in practice and is a timely reference for practitioners of institutional reform, providing a thought-provoking interdisciplinary collection of essays in an area of renewed scholarly interest. The contributors are a distinguished, international group of scholars and practitioners of law, development, social sciences and religion, with extensive experience in the developing world.
Between Harmony and Discrimination explores the varying expressions of religious practices and the intertwined, shifting interreligious relationships of the peoples of Bali and Lombok. As religion has become a progressively more important identity marker in the 21st century, the shared histories and practices of peoples of both similar and differing faiths are renegotiated, reconfirmed or reconfigured. This renegotiation, inspired by Hindu or Islamic reform movements that encourage greater global identifications, has created situations that are perceived locally to oscillate between harmony and discrimination depending on the relationships and the contexts in which they are acting. Religious belonging is increasingly important among the Hindus and Muslims of Bali and Lombok; minorities (Christians, Chinese) on both islands have also sought global partners. Contributors include Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin, David D. Harnish,I Wayan Ardika, Ni Luh Sitjiati Beratha, Erni Budiwanti, I Nyoman Darma Putra, I Nyoman Dhana, Leo Howe, Mary Ida Bagus, Lene Pedersen, Martin Slama, Meike Rieger, Sophie Strauss, Kari Telle and Dustin Wiebe.
This open access book applies for the first time emerging concepts of socioeconomics to analyse an economic sector, namely agriculture. It considers the rational choices of all actors in the system (just as agricultural economists do) and their cultural preferences and constraints (just as rural sociologists do). Socioeconomic concepts are subsequently used to structure agricultural issues with regard to the three governance mechanisms (hierarchy, markets, and cooperation), and different agricultural systems are presented and compared. The book will be of interest to social scientists with various backgrounds, and seeks to break down the barriers of single-disciplinary thinking.
Summary: "Since the rise of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, the traditional Islamic schools known as the madrasa have frequently been portrayed as hotbeds of terrorism. For much longer, the madrasa has been considered by some as a backward and petrified impediment to social progress. However, for an important segment of the poor Muslim populations of Asia, madrasas constitute the only accessible form of education. This volume presents an overview of the madrasas in countries such as China, Indonesia, Malayisia, India and Pakistan."--Publisher description.
The Sufis were heirs to a tradition of Islamic mysticism, and they have generally been viewed as standing more or less apart from the social order. Professor Eaton contends to the contrary that the Sufis were an integral part of their society, and that an understanding of their interaction with it is essential to an understanding of the Sufis themselves. In investigating the Sufis of Bijapur in South India, (he author identifies three fundamental questions. What was the relationship, he asks, between the Sufis and Bijapur's 'ulama, the upholders of Islamic orthodoxy? Second, how did the Sufis relate to the Bijapur court? Finally, how did they interact with the non-Muslim population surroundi...
This edited collection draws together papers on competition policy that were presented at the twenty-eighth conference of the Pacific Area Forum on Trade and Development (PAFTAD), held in Manila on 16th to 18th September 2002.