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The art of sub-Saharan Africa reveals the marvelous achievements of unknown artists over thousands of years. Their aesthetic ideal finds form in wood, ivory, fabric, bronze and iron. This illustrated study of traditional African art includes pieces from Western Sudan, the Congolese Basin, the Guinea coast, Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and East and South Africa. Each piece is characterized by its own traditions and artistic forms. The earliest works date from the beginning of the first millennium, the most recent from the early 20th century. Unique and rare examples are documented, many heretofore virtually unknown.
Having spent a good many years as a researcher of African art, I understand that education is of critical importance. This Encyclopedia is designed to bring benefits of knowledge to students, artists, collectors and for all lovers of African traditional art and culture. Avner Shakarov introduces African art in the context of the peoples who created it. Students and artists will find this Encyclopedia: Art of Africa as a fresh handbook, thought-provoking and a good deal more scholarly than most other writings on African art. African art has taken its place among the great art traditions of the world. It was collected as souvenirs and curios by European travelers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Later, a great deal was written about its influence on Picasso, Matisse, Braque, and other western artists. This book is well researched and studied in the rich heritage of black Africa through its most distinctive form, sculpture, and covers the entire continent. The book contains 95 images of African art, 30 tribal and village photos, 16 drawings and 5 maps to help locate geographically the peoples who created the works of art.
Cultural Awareness in Teaching Art and Design addresses an emerging area of development in contemporary pedagogy, the fostering of cultural awareness and sensitivity in the designers of tomorrow. By offering new and unique examples of how to better educate students around issues of cultural awareness, this book presents teaching methodologies that ultimately facilitate students in becoming better, and more inclusive, art and design professionals. Today, the role of education in the addressing of social and cultural issues is increasingly seen as central to pedagogical methodologies. Through engaged teaching, experiential learning, socially orientated pedagogy or any other definition, the ide...
From exclusive interviews with relatives and close association with the couple, the author writes a biography of real estate billionaires Leona and Harry Helmsley.
Il a ete parfois avance, avec une certaine legerete intellectuelle, que la democratie etait une pratique politique etrangere a l’Afrique et que la« greffe » n’aurait pas pris ! Aussi, parle-t-on de la democratie en Afrique non pas comme une aspiration profonde et une exigence des peuples, comme une condition sine qua non de la bonne gouvemance et de l’Etat de droit, mais comme un procede qui serait impose de l’exterieur. D’ailleurs, il n’est pas rare que cet « exterieur » lui-meme donne !’impression d’etre le maitre et le decideur ultime de la vie democratique des societes africaines. La democratie est-elle possible en Afrique ? La democratie est-elle compatible avec les ...
先秦時期就有四輪車、佛陀也是摩尼教先知、中國式鳳凰形象早在波斯經書出現,還有媽祖信仰早已傳播至美洲古巴和非洲剛果……等等,這一系列耳目一新的東西方交流例證,都在書中一一呈現,實實在在闡述了富含永恆魅力的絲路精神。全書56 篇文章,為過去五年發表於《今日中國》期刊特約專欄,通過多年世界各地實地考察,精心彙集大量古代器物及圖像,相互比較分析,生動地展現古代絲路沿線文明互鑒的宏大圖景。屈原在《離騷》提到「路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索。」是故本書以「路漫修遠」為軸,梳理古代觀念的脈絡,化作曉暢文字,期許讀者求索前人經驗之餘,能懷揣多元共生的氣度,繼續砥礪前行。
Genius in the Background introduces brilliant chess that will be unfamiliar to even well-read chess players. Twelve chess stars are profiled with examples of their greatest achievements, but these stars are not famous they are geniuses who stay in the background.For example, Pervakov and Afek are not household names but they compose chess studies and puzzles of such elegance and cleverness that they deserve to be famous. The names of top players such as Garry Kasparov and Veselin Topalov may be famous to chess fans, but they did not become World Champions without great help two of their coaches are profiled in this book and provide insights into the education of a champion.A broad range of chess is covered by the twelve profiles from openings to endgames, puzzles to training. The common thread is beauty and brilliance that deserves to be better known."