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Why do we need more questionnaires to measure aspects of spirituality/religiosity when we already have so many well-tried instruments in use? One answer is that research in this field is growing and that new research questions continuously do arise. Several of these new questions cannot be easily answered with the instruments designed for previous questions. The field is expanding and, consequently, the research topics. Meanwhile several multidimensional instruments were developed which cover existential, prosocial, religious and non-religious forms of spirituality, hope, peace and trust—and several more. The ‘disadvantage’ of these instruments is the fact that some are conceptually broad and often rather unspecific, but they might be suited quite well for culturally and spiritually diverse populations when the intention is to compare such diverse groups. This is the reason why more research on new instruments is needed as can be found in this Special Issue, and to stimulate a critical debate about their pros and cons.
Buku ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan luas kepada para tenaga kesehatan dalam melakukan psikoedukasi pada pasien yang mengalami Gangguan Bipolar dan keluarganya. Seseorang yang menderita gangguan bipolar akan mengalami perasaan yang tidak nyaman bukan saja karena penyakitnya, namun reaksi dari diri dia terhadap penyakitnya dan reaksi orang sekitar terhadap dirinya yang menderita gangguan mood. Reaksi ini sering menjadi penghalang penanganan dan pengobatan dan akhirnya tidak mendapatkan penyembuhan yang optimal.
Era pandemi Covid-19 merupakan masa yang sulit. Berbagai kelompok usia, tak terkecuali anak-anak, harus segera beradaptasi dengan kondisi di era tersebut. Sebagai generasi penerus di masa depan, anak-anak perlu mendapatkan kondisi yang optimal untuk bertumbuh dan berkembang. Dengan segala dinamika yang terjadi di era pandemi Covid-19, kekerasan muncul dan anak-anak pun tak luput dari hal tersebut. Buku ini kami sajikan sebagai upaya promosi, preventif, dan pemutakhiran wawasan khususnya terkait kondisi kekerasan pada anak di era pandemi Covid-19. Materi dalam buku ini ditulis oleh berbagai pakar di bidang psikiatri khususnya psikiatri anak dan remaja. Buku ini ditujukan kepada kalangan profesional, antara lain dokter, psikiater, psikolog, dengan harapan dapat berbagi pengetahuan mengenai kondisi kekerasan pada anak di era pandemi Covid-19.
Buku saku ini hadir sebagai salah satu bentuk kepedulian dalam kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Airlangga dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan kader pendamping ODGJ. Buku ini berisi informasi praktis mengenai Skizofrenia, tanda dan gejala, intervensi yang diberikan kepada Orang dengan Skizofrenia (ODS), serta cara komunikasi dalam pendampingan terhadap ODS dan keluarga sebagai caregiver ODS.
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Airlangga menyambut baik penyusunan dan penerbitan “Buku Ajar Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa: Pemeriksaan Psikiatri” ini karena hadirnya buku ini akan memudahkan proses belajar mengajar terutama untuk bidang keprofesian kedokteran. Kami berharap buku ini “ramah” di mata dan hati peserta didik kami sehingga hal-hal yang tercantum di dalam buku ini dapat diaplikasikan dalam praktik klinis pemeriksaan psikiatrik klienklien yang membutuhkan bantuan
Sambutan Ketua Seksi Psikoseksual dan Marital PDSKJI Naek L. Tobing ............................................................................. iii Sambutan Ketua Panitia Konas Panitia Psikoseksual dan Marital 2 Esther Sinsuw ............................................................................... vii KEYNOTE SPEECH Unveiling psychosexual and marital phenomenons: beyond Myths and Taboos (Sasanto Wibisono) ....................................................................... 1 Paraphilia Outbreak (Ike Siregar) .................................................................................. 3 Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples in Crisis (Yeo Pei Li) .................................
Awarded second place in the 2017 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. "I welcome, at long last, a book on global mental health targeted to nurses, the front-line health worker for billions of people around the world. The roles that nurses can, and should, play in mental health care are diverse and this book addresses both well-trod as well as emerging concerns across the continuum of care from promotion to prevention to treatment. Importantly, at the heart of this diversity is the foundation of compassion and care, the hallmark of the nursing profession." – Vikram Patel, Professor of International Mental Health and Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow i...
This book highlights religious faith from a positive psychology perspective, examining the relationship between religious faith and optimal psychological functioning. It takes a perspective of religious diversity that incorporates international and cross-cultural work. The empirical literature on the role of faith and cognition, faith and emotion, and faith and behaviour is addressed including how these topics relate to individuals’ mental health, well-being, strength, and resilience. Information on how these faith concepts are relevant to the broader context of relational functioning in families, friendships, and communities is also incorporated. Psychologists have traditionally focused o...
Teaching for Student Learning: Becoming an Accomplished Teacher shows teachers how to move from novice to expert status by integrating both research and the wisdom of practice into their teaching. It emphasizes how accomplished teachers gradually acquire and apply a broad repertoire of evidence-based teaching practices in the support of student learning. The book’s content stems from three major fields of study: 1) theories and research on how people learn, including new insights from the cognitive and neurosciences; 2) research on classroom practices shown to have the greatest effect on student learning; and 3) research on effective schooling, defined as school-level factors that enhance ...
Pharmaceutical companies, academic researchers, and government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health all possess large quantities of clinical research data. If these data were shared more widely within and across sectors, the resulting research advances derived from data pooling and analysis could improve public health, enhance patient safety, and spur drug development. Data sharing can also increase public trust in clinical trials and conclusions derived from them by lending transparency to the clinical research process. Much of this information, however, is never shared. Retention of clinical research data by investigators and within organi...