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This grad text is about energy and other resources, and the technologies that have been and are being developed to exploit them; to understand how the global energy system is developing, and how it might in the future.
Originally published: Rochester: The Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Company, 1904. clxxx, 896; xvi, 897-1893; xiv, 1894-2956 pp. Reprint of the sole edition. Important treatise on water rights that examines rights based on relationships from the international to the community level as they affect water rights. This book has three parts: Part One: The Rights of States and Nations examines international rights and constitutional and statutory rights. Part Two: Rights Between Public and Individual, includes the public use of waterways, municipal water supply, drainage and rights of navigation. Part Three: Rights Between Individuals discusses the rights of riparian owners in watercourses, such as the right to dam a stream.