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This book documents the state of the art on Victim-Offender Mediation with youth offenders in 15 European nations (Austria, Belgium, England and Wales, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden). It provides an up-do date review of current theory and practice and presents a critical discussion of problems and benefits which may help guide future policy decisions and applications. The book informs both those who are interested in evaluating the current state of affairs of Victim-Offender Mediation with youth offenders in Europe, and those who would like to promote Victim-Offender Mediation in their own countries. The common format used in each chapter facilitates comparison across countries. Per country, five areas of investigation are explored and discussed: norms and legislation allowing for the implementation of victim-offender mediation programmes; values and theoretical frameworks of victim-offender mediation; organizational structure of victim-offender mediation services; professional characteristics of mediators; benefits, potential problems, and criticisms of current practice.
Criminality has accompanied social life from the outset. It has appeared at every stage of the development of every community, regardless of organisation, form of government or period in history. This work presents the views of criminologists from Central Europe on the phenomenon of criminality as a component of social and political reality. Despite the far advanced homogenisation of culture and the coming together of the countries that make up the European Union, criminality is not easily captured by statistics and simple comparisons. There can be huge variation not only on crime reporting systems and information on convicts but also on definitions of the same crimes and their formulations ...
The conference brought together over 350 people with a professional interest in family mediation. The Council of Europe recommendation R 98 (1) encourages member states to introduce, promote and strengthen family mediation as an appropriate process for the resolution of family disputes, particularly those involving children in marital separation and divorce. The Conference proposed increasing promotion of mediation; assistance for cross-border mediation, training and accreditation of family mediators; assisting states to adopt family law practices that reduce family disputes.
This comprehensive guide provides an accessible introduction to the philosophy of restorative justice and its practical application in a wide range of settings, showing how it can help both victims and offenders when harm has been done. Drawing on many years' experience of working in victim support, probation, mediation and restorative practices, Marian Liebmann uses pertinent case examples to illustrate how restorative justice can be used effectively to work with crime and its effects. Also included are sections on confronting bullying in schools, dealing with sexual and racial violence, tackling antisocial behaviour and community reconciliation after war. Whether in the context of families...
Teresa Pac provides a much-needed contribution to the discussion on shared culture as foundational to societal survival. Through the examination of common culture as a process in medieval Kraków, Poznań, and Lublin, Pac challenges the ideology of difference—institutional, religious, ethnic, and nationalistic. Similarly, Pac maintains, twenty-first century Polish leaders utilize anachronistic approaches in the invention of Polish Catholic identity to counteract the country’s increasing ethnic and religious diversity. As in the medieval period, contemporary Polish political and social elites subscribe to the European Union’s ideology of difference, legitimized by a European Christian heritage, and its intended basis for discrimination against non-Christians and non-white individuals under the auspices of democratic values and minority rights, among which Muslims are a significant target.
This publication contains a number of papers which highlight examples of good practice in relation to criminal policy in member states of the Council of Europe, set out under the headlines of: crime prevention, mediation and other community sanctions, the prison system, and criminal procedure. Many of the papers are written by members of the Criminological Scientific Council of the Council of Europe (CSC).
Renowned for its international coverage and rigorous selection procedures, this series provides the most comprehensive and scholarly bibliographic service available in the social sciences. Arranged by topic and indexed by author, subject and place-name, each bibliography lists and annotates the most important works published in its field during the year of 1997, including hard-to-locate journal articles. Each volume also includes a complete list of the periodicals consulted.
This publication is an initiative of the European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice, and results from its first conference which was held in Leuven, Belgium, from 27-29 October 1999. The first six chapters consider victim-offender mediation and restorative justice from a more theoretical point of view. These analyses of theoretical, legal, policy, ethical and societal aspects of mediation and restorative justice have been written by well-known scholars in this field. The second part of the book consists of overviews of the situation with regard to victim-offender mediation in the eight European countries in which it is currently the most developed (Austria, Belgium,...
Edited by two leading restorative justice scholars from the West and East, this unique e-book bridges a gap in the literature by bringing together new evidence on the application of restorative practices in educational settings. The book has two aims. First, it builds a bridge between the restorative justice world in the East with that of the West. The volume demonstrates how similar the theoretical and practical experiences are in the two sides of the world. It presents us with evidence of what works in policy, research and practice and allows us to make comparisons for the future. Secondly, the book challenges restorative justice which is often seen through the narrow lenses of the crimina...
Instytut Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, dla uczczenia jubileuszu naszego wieloletniego Dyrektora – prof. dr. hab. Andrzeja Siemaszki, zaprosił najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli szeroko rozumianych nauk prawnych do przygotowania artykułów nawiązujących do Osoby i dorobku Pana Profesora. Księga Jubileuszowa, którą trzymacie Państwo w rękach, obejmuje różne sfery zainteresowań i pracy Pana Profesora, a więc między innymi: praktykę stosowania prawa, kryminologię, politykę kryminalną, problematykę organów ścigania i wymiaru sprawiedliwości, teorie kryminologiczne oraz metodologię badań społecznych i statystycznych. Szczególne miejsce w księdze przeznaczamy dla licznych przyjaciół i współpracowników Pana Profesora, we wszystkich podejmowanych przez nich polach badań naukowych. Jesteśmy przekonani, że teksty zawarte w niniejszej księdze stanowią należyte uhonorowanie dorobku Profesora Andrzeja Siemaszki, nie tylko ze względu na ich różnorodność, ale przede wszystkim z uwagi na ich cenną zawartość merytoryczną.