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Contemporary Economic Theory
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 288

Contemporary Economic Theory

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-07-27
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  • Publisher: Springer

Leading international scholars challenge neoliberalism on its assumptions, way of reasoning and empirical evidence. In particular, they discuss critically, from the standpoint of radical perspectives, the issues of limiting the state and privatization, inflation and unemployment, and the possibility of a socialist society. They also discuss the current project for the monetary and economic union (EMU) of Europe, considered as an application of neoliberalism. They assess and question the internal market, the common currency and central bank independence; and investigate alternatives to the EMU project and the marketization agenda.

Development Literature and Writers from Underdeveloped Countries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 28
HAVACILIK EKONOMİSİ - Teori, Politika ve Güncel Araştırmalar
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 548

HAVACILIK EKONOMİSİ - Teori, Politika ve Güncel Araştırmalar

Havacılık sektörü, birçok krizden aldığı ağır hasarlara raÄŸmen büyümesini devam ettirerek küresel seyahatin en çok tercih edilen ulaşım modlarından biri hâline gelmiÅŸtir. Ãœlkelerin geliÅŸmiÅŸlik seviyesinin önemli bir göstergesi olan hava taşımacılığı, ülke ekonomisine önemli katkılar saÄŸlamaktadır. 2019’un sonundan itibaren Covid-19 pandemisi ile bugüne kadarki en büyük krizi yaÅŸayan havacılık sektörü, seyahat yasakları ve kısıtlamaların kalkması ile hızlı bir toparlanma sürecine girmiÅŸ, pandemiden etkilenen ülke ekonomilerine de katkı saÄŸlamaya devam etmiÅŸtir. DeÄŸiÅŸen dünya düzenine ve dijitalleÅŸmeye en hızlı ayak uyduran ulaÅ...

Personal Income Distribution
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 552

Personal Income Distribution

Conference report on theory and practice of income distribution, with particular reference to the Netherlands, UK and socialist countries - covers measurement (incl. Econometric models) of income inequality, the effect of collective bargaining on wages, and examines incomes policy in general, etc. Bibliography after each chapter, graphs and statistical tables. List of participants. Conference held in noordwijk aan zee 1977 April 18 to 23.