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Buku "Biokimia Dasar" memberikan landasan yang kokoh untuk pemahaman tentang prinsip-prinsip biokimia yang mendasar. Memulai dari struktur dan fungsi molekuler dasar, buku ini membawa pembaca dalam perjalanan mendalam untuk menjelajahi dunia seluler di tingkat kimia. Dari karbohidrat hingga asam nukleat, setiap bab menguraikan dengan jelas peran penting yang dimainkan oleh beragam molekul biokimia dalam menjaga keberlangsungan kehidupan. Pembaca akan dibimbing melalui proses-proses krusial seperti Pengantar biokimia dasar, Struktur Molekul dan Fungsi Biomolekul, Metabolisme karbohidrat dan pembentukan ATP, Metabolisme asam amino, Metabolisme purin dan pirimidin, Lipid, Protein, Biokatalisato...
Metabolisme merupakan serangkaian proses biokimia yang terjadi di dalam tubuh untuk mengubah nutrisi menjadi energi yang diperlukan untuk menjaga fungsi organ-organ tubuh da menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari. Proses ini melibatkan pembentukan dan pemecahan molekul-molekul dalam sel, termasuk karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak. Sementara itu, cairan tubuh, seperti darah, cairan serebrospinal, dan cairan interstisial, memainkan peran penting dalam transportasi nutrisi, pembuangan limbah, serta menjaga keseimbangan suhu tubuh. Keseimbangan elektrolit dan volume cairan tubuh yang tepat sangat penting untuk memastikan fungsi organ-organ tubuh berjalan dengan baik. Kombinasi antara metabolisme yang efi...
Yang menjadi motivasi saya dalam menyusun buku ini adalah karena kesalahan-kesalahan saya sebagai seorang ibu dalam membesarkan dan merawat anak. Oleh karena itu saya ingin berbagi ilmu, agar kesalahan saya tersebut tidak terjadi pada ibu-ibu lainnya. Wulan Mulya Pratiwi, S.ST.Keb Tulisan ini penulis persembahkan bagi semua ibu, calon ibu dan masyarakat yang peduli terhadap nutrisi generasi penerus bangsa. Jika bukan kita yang peduli, siapa lagi? Mari, kita mulai dari keluarga sendiri, sebarkan informasi ke sekitar dan berkontribusilah dalam mengedukasi lingkungan. Karena anak adalah pemberian Allah Swt yang tak terhingga dan nutrisi anak tak pernah bisa dikejar di kemudian hari. dr. Zuhrah Taufiqa, M. Biomed Semoga buku ini bermanfaat buat ibu-ibu di mana saja berada. Menjadi seorang ibu butuh pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. Oleh karena itu, seManga, Manhua & Manhwatlah menuntut ilmu, seperti janji Allah Barangsiapa yang berjuang menuntut ilmu, maka Allah akan mudahkan jalan menuju surga (HR. Muslim).
The fourth edition of this comprehensive, accessible introduction to the Arab-Israeli conflict features over 50 primary documents, an expanded map and illustration program, and the most up-to-date coverage available for the classroom.
CD contains the entire text of the five volume set.
Comprehensive Coverage of the Entire Area of Classification Research on the problem of classification tends to be fragmented across such areas as pattern recognition, database, data mining, and machine learning. Addressing the work of these different communities in a unified way, Data Classification: Algorithms and Applications explores the underlying algorithms of classification as well as applications of classification in a variety of problem domains, including text, multimedia, social network, and biological data. This comprehensive book focuses on three primary aspects of data classification: Methods-The book first describes common techniques used for classification, including probabilis...
This 120-page soft journal features: 120 unlined pages 6" x 9" size - big enough for your writing and small enough to take with you smooth 55# cream-color paper, perfect for ink, gel pens, pencils or colored pencils a matte-finish soft cover for an elegant, professional look and feel This journal can be used for writing poetry, jotting down your brilliant ideas, recording your accomplishments, and more. Use it as a diary or gratitude journal, a travel journal or to record your food intake or progress toward your fitness goals. The simple lined pages allow you to use it however you wish. Journals to Write In offers a wide variety of journals, so keep one by your bedside as a dream journal, one in your car to record mileage and expenses, one by your computer for login names and passwords, and one in your purse or backpack to jot down random thoughts and inspirations throughout the day. Paper journals never need to be charged and no batteries are required! You only need your thoughts and dreams and something to write with. These journals also make wonderful gifts, so put a smile on someone's face today!
Management of a patient with a difficult airway has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the introduction of both new guidelines and equipment. Chapters cover basic topics such as recognition of a difficult airway and general principles of management and then move onto more complicated topics such as the 'anticipated' and 'unanticipated' difficult airway scenarios. New equipment is outlined and reviewed, and a chapter focuses on extubation and its importance. The book also includes a chapter on management in common clinical settings and a separate chapter covers paediatric airway management. This book summarises the most up-to-date literature in a style that has direct clinical application to busy healthcare professionals. Designed to give readers a greater insight into the management of difficult airway as a clinical entity, this pocketbook is the ideal easy reference guide.
It is said that for every naturally occurring ailment, there is a naturally occurring remedy. So many people are in the process of finding earth friendly practices to help improve the health of the planet. Incorporating herbs into your life can benefit both the earth, and your body, this book provides a path to taking control of your own health, even growing beneficial plants in your own back yard. If you are familiar with using herbs or are discovering them for the first time; Herbs To Help you Heal can give you the information you need at a glance to make smart and informed choices.