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This book compares how governments in 192 countries perceive climate change related health risks and which measures they undertake to protect their populations. Building on case studies from the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Korea, Japan and Sri Lanka, The Politics of the Climate Change-Health Nexus demonstrates the strong influence of epistemic communities and international organisations on decision making in the field of climate change and health. Jungmann shows that due to the complexity and uncertainty of climate change related health risks, governments depend on the expertise of universities, think tanks, international organisations and researchers within the public sector to understan...
The objective of this 1st Workshop was to bring together end-users, manufacturers and (computer) control specialists to evaluate possibilities in the important field of factory automation. This volume offers solutions for product, process design, production design and control. Technical criteria are also discussed and economic justification methods are evaluated. The papers included present intelligent, modular, "low cost" approaches or solutions appropriate for small and medium sized companies which might benefit from improved efficiency and competitiveness.
Infrastructure makes worlds. Software coordinates labor. Logistics governs movement. These pillars of contemporary capitalism correspond with the materiality of digital communication systems on a planetary scale. Ned Rossiter theorizes the force of logistical media to discern how subjectivity and labor, economy and society are tied to the logistical imaginary of seamless interoperability. Contingency haunts logistical power. Technologies of capture are prone to infrastructural breakdown, sabotage, and failure. Strategies of evasion, anonymity, and disruption unsettle regimes of calculation and containment. We live in a computational age where media, again, disappear into the background as infrastructure. Software, Infrastructure, Labor intercuts transdisciplinary theoretical reflection with empirical encounters ranging from the Cold War legacy of cybernetics, shipping ports in China and Greece, the territoriality of data centers, video game design, and scrap metal economies in the e-waste industry. Rossiter argues that infrastructural ruins serve as resources for the collective design of blueprints and prototypes demanded of radical politics today.
In the war on terrorism, does the United States Judiciary fulfill its critical function to guarantee compliance by the Executive with the political norms and ideals of human rights codified both in the United States Constitution and International Law?This study examines the means by which policies such as the Bush Administration applies in the war on terrorism can be achieved in the United States system of government. It focuses on the legal concepts affected by the Bush Administration’s treatment of alleged enemy combatants after September 11, 2001 by analyzing three lawsuits filed with United States Courts. The three cases—Rumsfeld v. Padilla, Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, and Rasul v. Bush—so far have been the only cases reviewed by the highest court of the nation, the United States Supreme Court.
"Methodological knowledge acquisition and knowledge engineering have achievedincreasing attention in recent years due both to active research projects and to successful practical applications. Both aspects have over the years been reflected in the structure of the European Knowledge Acquisition Workshops (EKAW), where a users' forum has always been combined with a scientific workshop. This volume contains the proceedings of EKAW-92. The papers are organized into five thematic sectionson: - Technology transfer - General modelling approaches - Knowledgeformalization and automated methods - Elicitation and diagnosis of human knowledge - Practice and experiences of knowledge acquisition. A total of 65 persons from around the world served as the program committee. Their recommendations and sometimes very detailed comments helped both workshop organizers and individual authors to achieve the high quality reflected in this volume."--PUBLISHER'S WEBSITE.
Seit einigen Jahren alarmieren Meldungen über das Verschwinden der Honigbiene. Die Verluste betreffen uns alle: Ohne die Biene als Bestäuberin fielen dreißig Prozent der globalen Ernte aus. Das weltweite Bienensterben ist kein Mysterium und keine Naturkatastrophe. Es ist die Summe all dessen, was wir den Bienen antun. Sie sterben an Pestiziden, an Überzüchtung und an Parasiten, mit denen sie ohne uns nicht zu kämpfen hätten. Die Bienen sterben am Menschen und seinen Versuchen, ein perfektes System zu verbessern.Im Buch More Than Honey zeigen Markus Imhoof, Regisseur des gleichnamigen Dokumentarfilms, und Journalist und Autor Claus-Peter Lieckfeld, wie Menschen in aller Welt von und mit der Honigbiene leben: im idyllischen Alpental, im Labor, auf horizontweiten Monokulturen - und in Gegenden, wo Bienen nicht mehr als Bestäuber zur Verfügung stehen. Sie porträtieren ein Verhältnis von Mensch und Biene, das es wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen gilt, weil sich unsere Lebensbedingungen sonst radikal verändern werden.
Legislative und Exekutive im amerikanischen Regierungssystem haben im Zuge der Ausweitung der Staatstätigkeit ein breites Repertoire an Kooperationsformen aufgebaut. Was der Kongreß an Regulierungsarbeit an die Verwaltung delegiert, kontrolliert er durch eine intensivierte Aufsicht über den Gesetzesvollzug. Beide Seiten profitieren von dieser Zusammenarbeit. Der Kongreß nutzt die Expertise der Verwaltung, behält aber das letzte Wort. Die Administration erhält im Gegenzug Ermessensspielraum. Seit den 80er Jahren geht der Oberste Gerichtshof der Vereinigten Staaten gegen diese Arbeitsteilung zwischen den Gewalten vor. Der Supreme Court sieht darin einen Verstoß gegen das Gewaltenteilung...
Communicating Cultures explores contemporary and historical issues. The title may be read in various ways, including cultures as communicative systems; cultures communicating with one another; or, communication about cultures. The contributors to this volume represent different fields within or related to European ethnology, such as anthropology, geography, folklore, linguistics, or area studies. ** "The editors have assembled a rich collection of papers. The questions that they address - migration and diasporas; the invention of traditions; education and language; media and representation - are at the very heart of today's agenda in cultural analysis." - from the Foreword
Dieses Open Access-Buch gibt eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der digitalen Transformation. Es werden aktuelle technologische Trends sowie Auswirkungen auf den Wettbewerb und die Geschäftsmodellentwicklung erläutert. Außerdem werden anhand empirischer Umfragen sowie Fallstudien aus der Praxis die Chancen und Risiken digitaler Transformationsprojekte aufgezeigt. Die Ergebnisse helfen Unternehmen dabei, Technologiepotentiale abzuschätzen und frühzeitig zukunftsweisende Technologiekompetenzen aufzubauen.
Dopo aver realizzato moltissime imprese sugli Ottomila e dopo una cinquantina di prime, Hans Kammerlander si è posto un nuovo traguardo: la salita delle seconde vette più alte dei sette continenti, un progetto decisamente attraente per un alpinista come lui, soprattutto perché la salita di queste montagne presenta più difficoltà delle cosiddette Seven Summits, che oggi sono montagne «di moda», spesso prese d’assedio dagli alpinisti. Il progetto di Kammerlander delle Seven Second Summits è diventato un viaggio intorno al mondo che lo ha condotto dal K2 in Asia all’Ojos del Salado al margine del deserto di Atacama in America Meridionale, dal Mount Kenia fino al Polo Sud e nella giu...