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This publication provides a comprehensive compendium of the current state of Germany’s research infrastructure in the social, economic, and behavioural sciences. In addition, the book presents detailed discussions of the current needs of empirical researchers in these fields as well as of opportunities for future development. The importance of solid data for both public policy and the social and economic sciences is obvious. Today, empirical research is essential in finding solutions to many of the major challenges our society faces, such as environmental change, turbulent financial markets, and population growth. Based on 68 advisory reports by more than 100 internationally recognised authors from a wide range of fields, the book provides recommendations by the German Data Forum (RatSWD) on how to improve the research infrastructure so as to create conditions ideal for making Germany’s social, economic, and behavioural sciences more innovative and internationally competitive.
An accessible overview of the power of women in the economy and the obstacles they face Women are joining the workforce in increasing numbers, making inroads as entrepreneurs and leaders, acquiring more education, marrying later, and having fewer children - all trends consistent with spending a far greater fraction of their adult lives in the labor force. And yet, even as women break the glass ceiling and challenge gender and sexual norms, they are told they need to lean in and powerful movements like #TimesUP and #MeToo are still necessary to expose and overcome endemic discrimination, exploitation, harassment, and worse. Women in the Workforce: What Everyone Needs to Know (R) provides an e...
A riveting look at the real reasons Americans feel inadequate in the face of their dreams, and a call to celebrate how we support one another in the service of family and work in our daily life. Jay's days are filled with back-to-back meetings, but he always leaves work in time to pick his daughter up from swimming at 7pm, knowing he'll be back on his laptop later that night. Linda thinks wistfully of the treadmill in her garage as she finishes folding the laundry that's been in the dryer for the last week. Rebecca sits with one child in front of a packet of math homework, while three others clamor for her attention. In Dreams of the Overworked, Christine M. Beckman and Melissa Mazmanian off...
People’s involvement in social groups and networks constitutes a resource for societies and individuals. More specifically, involvement represents the basis upon which social integration takes place and provides access to material and non-material goods considered to be rewarding for individuals. Despite substantial research suggesting that unemployment triggers social exclusion and social isolation, evidence for the causal influence of unemployment on social involvement is limited. Past studies typically have relied on research methods that are unable to address causality. Using long-term panel data from Germany and panel estimation methods, Bettina Sonnenberg investigates the causal effects of unemployment on people’s social involvement. By taking into account selection confounds, she shows that findings from cross-sectional research are misleading and have advanced inaccurate conclusions regarding the social consequences of unemployment.
The rise of mobile phones has brought about a new era of technological attachment as an increasing number of people rely on their personal mobile devices to conduct their daily activities. Due to the ubiquitous nature of mobile phones, the impact of these devices on human behavior, interaction, and cognition has become a widely studied topic. The Encyclopedia of Mobile Phone Behavior is an authoritative source for scholarly research on the use of mobile phones and how these devices are revolutionizing the way individuals learn, work, and interact with one another. Featuring exhaustive coverage on a variety of topics relating to mobile phone use, behavior, and the impact of mobile devices on society and human interaction, this multi-volume encyclopedia is an essential reference source for students, researchers, IT specialists, and professionals seeking current research on the use and impact of mobile technologies on contemporary culture.
Wie viel Zeit braucht wahre Liebe? +++ Als sich Marleen und Hannes im "Club der Lebensmutigen" begegnen, könnten sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein: Während sie lernen muss, wieder nach dem Leben zu greifen, muss er akzeptieren, seines bald loszulassen. Doch als sich ihre Wege immer wieder kreuzen, wächst zwischen den beiden eine unvorhersehbare Liebe, die sich mutig und kämpferisch allen Widrigkeiten entgegenstellt. Und am Ende stellt sich für Marlen und Hannes nicht die Frage, ob sie sich trotz aller Unterschiede lieben können, sondern für wie lange...
Cet ouvrage aborde de manière transversale le droit du travail dans tous ses aspects : – conclusion du contrat de travail, salaire sous ses multiples formes, salaire en cas d'incapacité de travail, heures supplémentaires, obligation de fidélité et de diligence du travailleur, protection de la personnalité, vacances, congés parentaux, prohibition de concurrence ; – protections contre la résiliation : délais de résiliation, licenciements abusifs, en temps inopportun, avec effet immédiat ; – droit collectif du travail : licenciements collectif, plans sociaux, conventions collectives (CCT), droit de grève, dialogue social au sein de l'entreprise ; – égalité entre femmes et ...
Featuring a three-prong approach on culture, communication, and creative problem solving, The Intercultural Communication Playbook, with its unique, user-friendly layout and presentation, highlights how active, imaginative, and productive problem-solving methods can transform the way students understand intercultural communication. This framework from authors Teri Kwal Gamble, Michael W. Gamble, and Xiaowen Guan guides learners to understand their intercultural identity, broaden their worldview, and successfully improve their communication in real-world settings. Each chapter features exercises that encourage students to diversify their everyday thinking, individually examine their personal ...
Hat Deutschland zwanzig Jahre nach dem Fall der Mauer seine Trennung überwunden? Ist »zusammengewachsen, was zusammengehört«? In diesem Band versuchen Soziologinnen und Soziologen diese umstrittene Frage mithilfe empirischer Vergleiche der Entwicklung der Lebensbedingungen und -verläufe in Ost und West zu beantworten. Der Aufbau orientiert sich an den typischen Phasen des Lebensverlaufs: Kindheit, Jugend, Erwachsensein, Altern. Er beleuchtet Aspekte wie Schule und Bildung, Partnerschaft und Familie, Arbeitsmarkt und Erwerbsleben, Lebensstandard und Konsumstile, soziale Integration und politische Beteiligung. Grundlage der Bilanzierung bildet das SOEP, eine national und international vielfach ausgewertete Längsschnitterhebung, die seit 1984 (zunächst nur in Westdeutschland) jährlich bei denselben Personen und Haushalten durchgeführt wird und 1990 auch auf das Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR ausgedehnt wurde.