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This book highlights assessment techniques, issues, and procedures that appeal to practicing clinicians. Rather than a comprehensive Handbook of various tests and measures, The Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents is a practitioner-friendly text that provides guidance for test selection, interpretation, and application. With topics ranging from personality assessment to behavioral assessment to the assessment of depression and thought disorder, the leaders in the field of child and adolescent measurement outline selection and interpretation of measures in a manner that is most relevant to clinicians and graduate students. Each chapter makes use of extensive case material in order to highlight issues of applicability.
This book gives a comprehensive introduction to Comparative Indo-European Linguistics. It starts with a presentation of the languages of the family (from English and the other Germanic languages, the Celtic and Slavic languages, Latin, Greek and Sanskrit through Armenian and Albanian) and a discussion of the culture and origin of the Indo-Europeans, the speakers of the Indo-European proto-language.The reader is introduced into the nature of language change and the methods of reconstruction of older language stages, with many examples (from the Indo-European languages). A full description is given of the sound changes, which makes it possible to follow the origin of the different Indo-Europea...
Pain syndromes involve a complex interaction of medical and psychological factors. In each syndrome unique physiological mechanisms are mediated by emotional states, personality traits, and environmental pressures to determine the nature and extent of pain complaints and pain-related disability. The Handbook addresses the complexities of chronic pain in three ways. Section I describes general concerns that cross-cut the different syndromes, such as the use of narcotic pain medications, the detection of deception and malingering, and the epidemiology of pain. Section II presents comprehensive reviews of a wide range of pain syndromes. Each covers basic pathophysiology, psychological factors found to influence the course of the syndrome, and syndrome-specific multidisciplinary treatment approaches. Most of the Section II chapters are coauthored by psychologists and physicians. Section III discusses pain in special populations, including the elderly and children. The Handbook is the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and integrated single-volume resource for all those professionally concerned with pain.
Toto je výtah ze šestisvazkové „Šríla Prabhupáda-lílámrty“, autorizovaného životopisu Šríly Prabhupády, v podobě snadno čitelného formátu jedné knihy. O „Lílámrtě“ Stillson Judah, zesnulý emeritní profesor na Graduate Theological Union / Pacific School of Religion, napsal: „Toto dílo je výmluvný hold památce muže, který hrál hlavní roli v americké náboženské historii během kontrakulturních 60. a 70. let. Poskytuje bohatý zdroj informací učencům a všem ostatním se zájmem o hnutí, které Prabhupáda přinesl do Ameriky z Indie.“
No detailed description available for "Old Church Slavonic Grammar".
This text applies Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to use in school settings, presenting the first comprehensive integration of theory with specific interventions strategies and techniques designed for work in school. Chapters are organized around topics such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, peer aggression and bullying.
Interest in the assessment and management of children's pain has increased dramatically over the past few years. Recent advances in the understanding of the plasticity and complexity of pain processing and new information about internal pain-inhibitory systems have revolutionized traditional approaches to pain control. It is now known that children's pain is plastic--not simply and directly related to the nature and extent of tissue damage--and that there are many ways to alleviate their suffering. Using a multifaceted approach that encompasses the neural and psychological factors that mediate pain, and featuring specific examples drawn from the Pain Clinic at The Children's Hospital of West...