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Scottish Gaelic
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 630

Scottish Gaelic

Scottish Gaelic: A Comprehensive Grammar is a definitive description of contemporary Gaelic. The volume presents an authoritative account of modern Gaelic grammar, attending to both idealised usages – as typically taught in formal education – and more colloquial forms. Core chapters include useful observations about dialectal and register differences, such as variations in inflection, pronunciation and word forms. The book also demystifies nuances of the language that many users find opaque, according to recent research. In each chapter, the most important, basic information is presented first (e.g. standard verb conjugations), followed by increasingly detailed information for more advanced users. This way, the book addresses the diverse needs of its intended audience. Brimming with authentic examples, the volume accommodates readers of all levels, from complete beginners to professional linguists. It is both an ideal textbook for structured coursework and an indispensable companion for independent study.

Commuter Airline Safety
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292
A Dictionary of Urdū, Classical Hindī, and English
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1298

A Dictionary of Urdū, Classical Hindī, and English

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1884
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The Scottish Celtic review
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 272

The Scottish Celtic review

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1881
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Nigheanan Mòra
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 99

Nigheanan Mòra

Tha iad òg is làn spòrs, nigheanan òga sa bhaile mhòir cho toilichte 's a ghabhas ... ach is e clach-mhìle a th' ann an tricheadamh cola-breith. Is nuair a dh'iarras Graeme air Jo a bana-chàirdean fhàgail airson fuireach còmhla ris-san, feumaidh Bell agus Anna rudeigin a dhèanamh airson stad a chur oirre. Bell, Anna and Jo have been having a whale of a time together since they left university, but when Jo announces that she's moving in with her boyfriend life takes quite a jolt. Desperate measures are called for if Bell and Anna want to put a stop to this ... or maybe they all need to grow up and behave better. Catrìona Lexy Campbell's comedy of dating, matchmaking and relationship sabotage tackles the genuine challenges of friendship and adult responsibility with a combination of sensitivity and mischief. Anyone who never wanted to grow up, or still hasn't, will recognise themselves in her lively cast of characters.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 306


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1872
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The Origins of English Words
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 684

The Origins of English Words

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2001-07
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  • Publisher: JHU Press

There are no direct records of the original Indo-European speech. By comparing the vocabularies of its various descendants, however, it is possible to reconstruct the basic Indo-European roots with considerable confidence. In The Origins of English Words, Shipley catalogues these proposed roots and follows the often devious, always fascinating, process by which some of their offshoots have grown. Anecdotal, eclectic, and always enthusiastic, The Origins of English Words is a diverting expedition beyond linguistics into literature, history, folklore, anthropology, philosophy, and science.

Folk tales and fairy lore in Gaelic and English
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 347

Folk tales and fairy lore in Gaelic and English


Saoghal Eile (Another World)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 97

Saoghal Eile (Another World)

Bha Eilidh daonnan a' gabhail iongnadh dè seòrsa beatha a bh' aig a seanair is a seanmhair anns a' Bhaile Dearg, a chaidh a bhàthadh le sgeama Hydro bho chionn bhliadhnaichean. Tha rudeigin annasach ag èirigh dhi ri taobh an locha agus anns a' mhionaid tha i air ais anns a' bhaile mar a bha e, air chall san àm a dh'fhalbh gun dòigh a bhith tilleadh. Ciamar a tha i a' dol a lorg slighe air ais dhan latha an-diugh? The Lasag Gaelic readers series offers young adults a range of engaging, easy-to-read fiction, with English chapter summaries and glossaries to assist Gaelic learners.

Brigh an Òrain - A Story in Every Song
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 463

Brigh an Òrain - A Story in Every Song

Few published collections of Gaelic song place the songs or their singers and communities in context. Brìgh an Òrain - A Story in Every Song corrects this, showing how the inherited art of a fourth-generation Canadian Gael fits within biographical, social, and historical contexts. It is the first major study of its kind to be undertaken for a Scottish Gaelic singer. The forty-eight songs and nine folktales in the collection are transcribed from field recordings and presented as the singer performed them, with an English translation provided. All the songs are accompanied by musical transcriptions. The book also includes a brief autobiography in Lauchie MacLellan's entertaining narrative style. John Shaw has added extensive notes and references, as well as photos and maps. In an era of growing appreciation of Celtic cultures, Brìgh an Òrain - A Story in Every Song makes an important Gaelic tradition available to the general reader. The materials also serve as a unique, adaptable resource for those with more specialized research or teaching interests in ethnology/folklore, Canadian studies, Gaelic language, ethnomusicology, Celtic studies, anthropology, and social history.