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Critical Readings of Turkey’s Foreign Policy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 330

Critical Readings of Turkey’s Foreign Policy

This book covers selected topics on contemporary Turkish Foreign Policy to understand and critically analyze the ideas, discourses, actors, processes and structures in the foreign policymaking. It provides the readers with a compilation of chapters on the critical analysis of Turkey’s changing positionality and foreign policy identity. In doing so, it draws on the tools and perspectives offered by the critical theories and approaches in International Relations and relevant disciplines. Most of the chapters included in this project deal with the dramatic metamorphoses that took place in Turkish Foreign Policy during the period when the Justice and Development Party ruled and their ongoing consequences.

A Century of Greek–Turkish Relations A Handbook
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 416

A Century of Greek–Turkish Relations A Handbook

“A Century of Greek-Turkish Relations is an important handbook written by leading authorities from both shores of the Aegean Sea. Greek and Turkish scholars present in a balanced and objective way, as well as in a graspable and meaningful manner, the main periods in which key events brought the two sides into dispute or even conflict. These events, which are integrated in parallel and conflicting national narratives, fuel the historicity of the two national rivals. A century since the end of the Greek-Turkish war, the trauma of the Greek military defeat and the “disaster of the Asia Minor Greeks”, the establishment of the Republic of Turkey and the emblematic Treaty of Lausanne, render...

Enver Hoca Dönemi ARNAVUTLUK (1945-1985)
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 658

Enver Hoca Dönemi ARNAVUTLUK (1945-1985)

Soğuk Savaş Dönemi'nde Arnavutluk'un lideri olan Enver Hoca yalnız Balkanlar'da değil tüm dünyada farklı yönleriyle gündeme gelmiştir. İktidara geldikten sonra 40 yıl süreyle aralıksız olarak Arnavutluk'ta diktatörlük konumunu korumuştur. Yapılan incelemede Arnavut halkının bir kısmı, onu hâlâ Arnavutların ulusal lideri İskender Bey'den sonra büyük bir kişi olarak görmekte iken diğer bir kısmı ise onu bir vatan haini ve Arnavutluk'un modernleşme yolunda en büyük engeli olduğuna inandığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca onun Arnavutluk'u bir “kapalı kutu” hâline nasıl getirdiği de bu incelemede ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Enver Hoca, ...

Conflict Areas in the Balkans
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 327

Conflict Areas in the Balkans

The situation in the Balkans, such as the solution to the status of Kosovo, is currently the largest international political problem in Europe, with the potential to burst into a world crisis regarding the Eastern - Western relations. On the other hand, a successful solution to the problem in the Balkans could serve as a model for solving the Muslim - Christian tensions elsewhere in the world. It is the intention of this book to contribute proposals for solutions to the problems of Balkans. The starting principle for the solutions to be effective is that they should come in a natural way from the people below and should not be enforced by the political elites from above. Based on self-determination of nations as a starting principle, they should encourage intra-regional cooperation among the regional entities (economic, cultural, sport, as a basis for political, social understanding and cooperation); secondly, accelerate their economic, political and social development and thirdly, as a final step enable the inclusion of the Balkan countries into the European Union.

The Globalization of World Politics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 646

The Globalization of World Politics

The best-selling introduction to international relations offers the most comprehensive coverage of the key theories and global issues in world politics, written by the leading experts in the field.

Başka Kentler, Başka Denizler 3
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 808

Başka Kentler, Başka Denizler 3

Murat Belge, Başka Kentler, Başka Denizler’in 3. cildinde okuyucusuyla birlikte çıktığı seyahate kaldığı yerden devam ediyor. Önceki ciltlerde olduğu gibi bu ciltte de dünyanın dört bir yanına yaptığı seyahatlerden arda kalanları, aynı hoşsohbet üslubu ve incelikli kalemi aracılığıyla paylaşıyor; bir yandan anlatıyor, bir yandan gezdiriyor. Bu seyahatlerin ilk başladığı durağa, Hollanda’ya uğradıktan sonra bu cildin “başrol” payesinin tartışmasız sahibi İtalya’ya seğirtiyor. “Seyyah”ın dediği gibi: “neresine gidersen git, kendini güzel ve ilginç, ayrıca da sıcak ve sevimli bir yerde” bulabileceğin cinsten bir memleket. Rotam...

Insight Turkey / Summer 2023: The Century of Türkiye
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 304

Insight Turkey / Summer 2023: The Century of Türkiye

Türkiye is currently commemorating the centenary of the proclamation of the Republican regime. After signing the Lausanne Peace Treaty with the victorious powers of the First World War on July 24, 1923, the Turkish state changed the regime from monarchy to republic. Therefore, although it was designed as a new state by transforming its capital city from the imperial İstanbul to Ankara, the Republic of Türkiye is the successor state of the Ottoman Empire. Most state institutions such as the Council of the State (Danıştay) and the Turkish Police Service (Türk Polis Teşkilatı), both established in the second half of the 19th century, are inherited from the Ottomans. The establishment of...

  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 376


2000’li yılların başından itibaren gerek Türk dış politikasının üzerinde yoğunlaştığı coğrafi alanın genişlemesi gerekse de dış politika faaliyetlerindeki artış birçok çalışmaya kaynaklık etmiştir. Bu kitabın özelliği sadece bugünü dünden ayıran özellikler üzerinde durması değil, geleceğe dair önemli sorulara kaynaklık edebileceği inancıyla dış politika tahlil çabalarını yönlendirebilecek kavramlar, teorik çerçeveler de sunmasıdır. Kitapta mekân, kimlik ve güç kavramları ışığında dış politikada süreklilik ve değişim unsurları ve bunları etkileyen bir dizi faktöre ışık tutulmaktadır. İçindekiler: Doç. Dr. S. Gülden AYMAN: Sunuş Dr. Sezgi DURGUN: Yer Bilgisinden Ulusal Coğrafya’ya Dr. Cangül ÖRNEK: Soğuk Savaş Dünyasında Modernleşmecilik: Türkiye’nin “Okumuş Kesimleri” ve ABD Dr. Murat YEŞİLTAŞ: Peşine Takılma mı Yumuşak Dengeleme mi? - Türkiye’nin Birinci ve İkinci Irak Savaşına Yönelik ABD ile Müttefiklik İlişkisinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi

Turkey in Africa
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 310

Turkey in Africa

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-07-12
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book offers a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary analysis of Turkey-Africa relations. Bringing together renowned authors to discuss various dimensions of Turkey’s African engagement while casting a critical analysis on the sustainability of Turkey-Africa relations, this book draws upon the rising power literature to examine how Turkish foreign policy has been conceptualized and situated theoretically. Moving from an examination of the multilateral dimension of Turkey’s Africa policy with a focus on soft power instruments of public diplomacy, humanitarian/development assistance, religious activities and airline diplomacy, it then illuminates the economic and military dimensions of Turkey’s policy including trade relations, business practices, security cooperation and peacekeeping discourse. Overall, it shows how Turkey’s African opening can be integrated into its wider interest in gaining global power status and its desire to become a strong regional power. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of Turkish foreign policy/politics, African politics, and more broadly to international relations.

The Turks
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1148

The Turks

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2002
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  • Publisher: Unknown
