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THE STORY: Nobel Prize-winning author Abel Znorko lives as a recluse on a remote island in the Norwegian Seas. For fifteen years, his one friend and soulmate has been Helen, from whom he has been physically separated for the majority of their affai
TRUST embraces a philosophy that shows actors how to work with creative energy and come from absolute truth. Learn how to stay present in each moment through the power of focus. Become the authentic, passionate, and fearless actor you know you can be. TRUST, the ultimate in truthful acting and living.
Quảnh Gắng Lo Đi và Vui Sống - Dale Carnergie (Bảo Trâm dịch) Tác phẩm kinh điển về tự lực và phát triển bản thân Cuốn sách “Quẳng Gánh Lo Đi Và Vui Sống” – Dale Carnegie khuyên bạn những cách để giảm thiểu lo lắng rất đơn giản như chia sẻ nó với người khác, tìm cách giải quyết vấn đề, quên tất cả những điều lo lắng nằm ngoài tầm tay,… Cố gắng thực hành những điều này hàng ngày và trong cuộc sống chắc hẳn bạn sẽ thành công, có thể, không được như bạn muốn, nhưng chỉ cần bớt đi một chút phiền muộn thì cuộc sống của bạn ...
""Movie Money" unravels, demystifies, and clearly explains the film industry's unique, arcane, "creative" accounting practices. It examines a film's various revenue-generating and revenue-consuming components and presents numerous film-industry definitions of "gross" and "net" profits and the many ways these figures are calculated. It also provides in-depth discussions of profit participations, audits, and contract negotiating. NEW to this third edition, in addition to a complete update of all current industry practices, is a lengthy chapter on new media and how it is changing the all aspects of the film/TV/video financial landscape. Also new to this edition os a section that discusses the financial aspects of doing film industry business (producing, distributing, etc.) in China"--
This fourth edition gives a new generation of Canadian artists an up-to-date guide to the business of acting.
A fresh, provocative look at one of the most enigmatic figures in the history of film by "one of our most acute cultural critics" (Paul Fussell) Orson Welles was a metamorphic man, a magical shape-changer who made up myths about himself and permitted others to add to their store. On different occasions, he likened himself to Christ--mankind's redeemer--and to Lucifer--the rebel angel who brought about the fall. His persona compounded the roles he played--kings, despots, generals, captains of industry, autocratic film directors--and the more or less fictitious exploits with which he regaled other people or which they attributed to him. Hailed in childhood as a genius, he remained mystified by...
This pioneering book elevates the senses to a central role in the study of food history because the traditional focus upon food types, quantities, and nutritional values is incomplete without some recognition of smell, touch, sight, hearing, and taste. Eating is a sensual experience. Every day and at every meal the senses of smell, touch, sight, hearing, and taste are engaged in the acts of preparation and consumption. And yet these bodily acts are ephemeral; their imprint upon the source material of history is vestigial. Hitherto historians have shown little interest in the senses beyond taste, and this book fills that research gap. Four dimensions are treated: • Words, Symbols and Uses: ...
Knihu Bod zlomu bez nadsázky můžeme nazvat marketingovou biblí. Poodhaluje totiž tajemství šíření informací, napříč společností. Jak je možné, že se některé změny ve společnosti odehrávají neuvěřitelně rychle? Proč se z neznámé knihy najednou stane bestseller? Jak se z nějakého výrobku stane módní hit? Proč v určitém městě náhle klesne kriminalita? Americký novinář Malcolm Gladwell se na takové zdánlivě tajemné změny vyskytujících se v každodenním v životě dívá optikou epidemií. Myšlenky,výrobky, informace či způsoby chování se podle něj šíří stejně jako viry. V knize nabité pozoruhodnými výsledky psychologických a so...
Máte někdy pocit, že stojíme na prahu „nového věku“? Omyl. My už v něm dávno žijeme. Tahle kniha není zdaleka, nebo možná vůbec o technologiích. Je o tom, co se každý den děje kolem nás a co si mnozí ještě nestihli pořádně uvědomit. Stačí se podívat na některá zajímavá čísla: • Obyvatelé naší planety vlastní 5,2 miliardy mobilů, z toho je 40 % smartphonů; • denně se prodá více mobilů, než se narodí dětí; • v průměru 150krát za den se podíváme na svůj mobil; • každou minutu se odešle 204 miliony e-mailů; • objeví se 2,46 milionu nových příspěvků na Facebooku; • vytvoříme a publikujeme 216 tisíc fotek; • nato...
>> „Od doby, kdy jsem si Na volné noze přečetl, je kniha mým referenčním zdrojem, ke kterému se znovu a znovu vracím. Tento průvodce podnikáním profesionálů mi hodně pomohl a stejné pocity bude mít určitě každý čtenář, který na volné noze podniká nebo se na to chystá.“ — Daniel Gladiš, přední český investor a podnikatel, Vltava Fund << >> Podnikáte na sebe? Anebo s tím chcete teprve začít? Nechejte si poradit od nejpovolanějšího. Robert Vlach, známý podnikatel a konzultant vám ve své 760stránkové knize o podnikání nezávislých profesionálů na volné noze (tzv. freelancerů) poskytne přesně ty informace a zkušenosti, které potřebuje...