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In Fixed Restorations: A Clinical Guide to the Selection of Materials and Fabrication Technology, the authors Irena Sailer, Vincent Fehmer, and Bjarni Pjetursson have created a timely and comprehensive guide to modern reconstructive dentistry. The book is divided into four parts: basic information regarding materials and production processes, step-by-step clinical procedures with extensive case presentations, long-term outcomes, and management of complications. With over 2000 clinical images and diagrams, backed up with the scientific evidence for recommendations, the best practice for tooth- and implant-supported fixed restorations is clearly described. The vast clinical and technical knowledge and experience of the authors has resulted in a unique textbook that will aid in decision making regarding material selection and procedures for all patients in need of fixed restorations.
Discover the latest edition of the cornerstone reference on periodontology and implant dentistry that combines scholarship and science with practical clinical instruction The Seventh Edition of Lindhe's Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry brings together a distinguished team of periodontal specialists and academics who deliver another must-have resource for students, researchers, and practitioners specializing in periodontal care and implant dentistry. Seamlessly integrating the foundational science behind periodontology with practical clinical protocols in two comprehensive volumes, the chapters cover anatomy, microbiology, occlusion trauma, pathology, tissue regeneration, treatme...
Now in its sixth edition, Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry is the must-have resource for practitioners specialising in periodontal care and implant dentistry. The chapters have been extensively revised with 40% of the content new to this edition. Maintaining the widely praised two-volume format introduced in the previous edition, the editorial team has once again brought together the world’s top international specialists to share their expertise on all aspects of periodontology, periodontal health and the use of implants in the rehabilitation of the periodontally compromised patient. Seamlessly integrating foundational science, practical clinical protocols, and recent advances in the field, Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, Sixth Edition enhances its stellar reputation as the cornerstone reference work on periodontology.
This comprehensive book offers a fascinating exploration of the dynamic relationships that exist between plants and fungi, shedding light on the latest advancements in research and opening a window into the remarkable potential of these partnerships. From mycorrhizal networks that enhance plant nutrient uptake to endophytic fungi that fortify plant defences and produce bioactive secondary metabolites of medicinal importance, this book unravels the multifaceted role that fungi play in shaping the health and resilience of plant ecosystems. Whether you're a seasoned mycologist, a curious botanist, or simply intrigued by the wonders of nature's collaborations, this book provides a captivating journey through the diverse realms of plant-fungi interactions, offering a glimpse into the promising prospects that these partnerships hold for the future exploration and application in areas ranging from sustainable agriculture to drug discovery, ecological restoration and beyond.
The fifth volume of the ITI Treatment Guide series presents the materials and techniques associated with sinus augmentation procedures. The volume opens with a review of the current literature and the relevant ITI Consensus Statements derived from the ITI Consensus Conference held in Stuttgart, Germany, in 2008. This is followed by a discussion of the preoperative assessment of the posterior maxilla, including a detailed description of the anatomy and radiologic examination. Different treatment options are then presented, along with guidelines for choosing the appropriate technique based on thorough risk evaluation and the relative complexity of each option. Various procedures are demonstrated with comprehensive patient case studies, and detailed illustrations serve to clarify potential ambiguities in protocol and technique. The text is completed with a section on intraoperative and postoperative complications to avert the most common pitfalls in clinical practice.
**Selected for Doody's Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Dentistry**Enhance your skills in patient assessment, oral diagnosis, and treatment planning! A full-color, all-in-one reference, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Dentistry, 4th Edition helps you create person-centered dental treatment plans for adolescent and adult patients. Using evidence-based research, this text shows how risk assessment, prognosis, and expected treatment outcomes factor into the planning process. Detailed coverage guides you through each phase of the treatment plan. New to this edition are chapters covering digital tools used in treatment planning and revised content in all chapters. T...
Mit dem Buch "Festsitzende Restaurationen: Klinische Konzepte zur Auswahl von Material und Fertigungstechnik" haben die Autoren Irena Sailer, Vincent Fehmer und Bjarni Pjetursson auf Basis jahrelanger klinischer und technischer Erfahrung einen zeitgemäßen und umfassenden Wegweiser für die moderne rekonstruktive Zahnmedizin geschaffen. Das Buch ist in vier Teile gegliedert: Grundlagen zu Materialien und Herstellungsprozessen, Step-by-step-Darstellungen der klinischen Behandlung mit ausführlichen Falldarstellungen, Langzeitergebnisse und das Vorgehen bei Komplikationen. Mehr als 2.000 klinische Abbildungen und Grafiken sowie wissenschaftliche, evidenzbasierte Empfehlungen geben dem Leser eine wertvolle Entscheidungshilfe für das beste Vorgehen und die Auswahl geeigneter Materialien bei zahn- und implantatgetragenen festsitzenden Restaurationen.
En dos tomos la quinta edición de esta obra la sigue catalogando como la mejor en el campo de la periodoncia. Es una síntesis de la periodotología realizada por un grupo de expertos especialistas en el área.
Osseointegration and Dental Implants offers a comprehensive guide to the state of the art of implant dentistry. Based around the proceedings of the Toronto Osseointegration Conference Revisited, it gathers together information on all aspects of implant dentistry and osseointegration, from basic scientific background, such as the biology of osseointegration and the biomechanics of implant surface design, to clinical relevance, such as treatment planning, loading protocols, and patient rehabilitation. This unique book shows implant dentistry as it is today, in all its diverse clinical applications, and provides an expert discussion of what we know, what we think we know, and what we need to find out.
"Leaves the surgery to the surgical textbooks and instead focuses on the tools, techniques, tips, and tricks for successfully RESTORING dental implants from start to finish"--