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Sequential Art: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Graphic Novel
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 96

Sequential Art: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Graphic Novel

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-07-22
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  • Publisher: BRILL

This volume was first published by Inter-Disciplinary Press in 2016. No matter whether you call it picture book, manga, strip, graphic novel, or simply comic, it is undeniable that over the past thirty years, the image of sequential art in all its varieties has changed from a cheap form of entertainment for youngsters to a medium as cherished as novels and films. This timely publication aims to engage critically with issues in and around the production and perception of all types of graphic narratives. Mirroring the hybridity and complexity of graphic novels themselves, this essay collection brings together the works of scholars from various fields ranging from literature and culture to history, from social science to art. From manifold perspectives, it elaborates on topics like the perception and production of comics in and by different cultures, intertextuality and narrative techniques, the construction of identities within and by graphic narratives as well as the interpretation and depiction of historical landmarks by comic book artists.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 424


This textbook provides the first foundational introduction to the practice of analysing multimodality, covering the full breadth of media and situations in which multimodality needs to be a concern. Readers learn via use cases how to approach any multimodal situation and to derive their own specifically tailored sets of methods for conducting and evaluating analyses. Extensive references and critical discussion of existing approaches from many disciplines and in each of the multimodal domains addressed are provided. The authors adopt a problem-oriented perspective throughout, showing how an appropriate foundation for understanding multimodality as a phenomenon can be used to derive strong methodological guidance for analysis as well as supporting the adoption and combination of appropriate theoretical tools. Theoretical positions found in the literature are consequently always related back to the purposes of analysis rather than being promoted as valuable in their own right. By these means the book establishes the necessary theoretical foundations to engage productively with today’s increasingly complex combinations of multimodal artefacts and performances of all kinds.

Doors to Hidden Worlds
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 416

Doors to Hidden Worlds

  • Categories: Art

40 years of science visualization The visualization of often-encrypted data reveals new, previously hidden, but quite real worlds to humankind. Art adopts these insights and uses them to create new dimensions. This book brings together a wide range of contributions on visualization in science, media, and art. Renowned experts and associates of the Science Visualization Lab at the University of Applied Arts Vienna present examples of outstanding and innovative visualization projects and provide insight into their working methods. The book follows a variety of approaches to expanding perception and rendering the invisible visible. “If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite.” – William Blake Insight into the thinking and working methods of renowned scientists, media experts, and artists Lavish publication with numerous illustrations and AR features With contributions by Ina Conradi / Mark Chavez, Christian Köberl, Walter Köhler, Thomas Matzek, Markus Müller, Ruth Schnell, Victoria Vesna / James K. Gimzewski, Manfred Wakolbinger, and others

The US Sports Film: A Genre of American Dream Time
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 290

The US Sports Film: A Genre of American Dream Time

Sports and film are media that create time. They are temporal not only in the sense that they are defined and regulated by certain temporalities as a result of processes of social negotiation, but also in the sense of modulating and intervening in these processes in the first place. They are determined by multiple temporalities referring to and aligning along perceptual corporeality; but at the same time, they also produce time through and along temporalities of bodily expression and perception. Thus, as much as we perceive and understand sports and film by means of our culturally coded conceptions of time, this comprehension is itself already the product of these media’s fabrication and m...

Familie und Comic
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 296

Familie und Comic

Als popkulturelles Medium bieten gerade Comics vielfältige Perspektiven auf zeitgenössische und historische Familienkonzepte und -metaphern. Die interdisziplinären Beiträge der Publikation reflektieren kritisch, welche medienspezifischen narrativen, (produktions-)ästhetischen und/oder pädagogischen Potentiale und Funktionen Comics aufweisen, um un/gewöhnliche Familienkonzepte und -strukturen in Text und Bild zu de/konstruieren.

The Superhero Costume
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 193

The Superhero Costume

The first scholarly study of the superhero costume phenomenon in fiction and real-life, its communities, participants and multiple meanings.

Audiovisuelle Rhetorik als politische Intervention
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 464

Audiovisuelle Rhetorik als politische Intervention

Dieses Buch plädiert für die Relevanz von Filmanalyse und Medienreflexion in der interdisziplinären Untersuchung gesellschaftlicher Kommunikation. Angesichts der Präsenz audiovisueller Positionierungen und ihres Einflusses auf politische Diskurse steht eine spezifische Erfahrung im Fokus: Filme und Videos erheben oder provozieren Einspruch. Durch das Widersprechen prägen sie die Wahrnehmung politischer Krisen – vom Kinodokumentarfilm zu Massakern der 1960er Jahre in Indonesien über Spielfilme in Zeiten von #BlackLivesMatter und einer ‘alternativen rechten’ Mobilisierung anlässlich der Finanzkrise in den USA bis hin zu politischer Kommunikation zur Klimakrise und dem Regierungsha...

US-Fantasy 1977–1987
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 257

US-Fantasy 1977–1987

The series Cinepoetics Essay investigates the multifaceted poetologies of audiovisual images, with each volume focusing on a specific theme or subject. The respective objects of study are approached from a personal point of view, or examined from a specific aesthetic, cultural-historical, or theoretical perspective. Thus, the series provides ways of thinking about figurations of media experience and aims at introducing a broad readership to an understanding of cinematic thinking in all its diversity. Please note also the English-language (https://www.degruyter.com/serial/CINE%20E-B/html) and the German-language (https://www.degruyter.com/serial/CINE-B/html) Cinepoetics book series.

Schule im deutschen Spielfilm
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 419

Schule im deutschen Spielfilm

Darstellungen von Schule in deutschen Spielfilmen scheinen immer wieder auf ähnliche Bilder und Semantiken von Bildung, Erziehung und sozialer Selektion zurückzukehren, selbst bei Filmen, die zeitlich weit voneinander entfernt produziert wurden. Woran liegt das? Wie es zum audiovisuellen Austausch zwischen Filmen aus verschiedenen Epochen kommt und wie neue Filme sich alte Schuldbilder immer wieder neu aneignen, untersucht diese Monografie. Dabei sieht das Buch die Darstellungen von Schule als sinnliche Erforschung einer gemeinsam geteilten Wahrnehmungswelt, welche sich erst durch Aneignungen von und Bezüge zu anderen Filmen und Fiktionen herstellt. Der wissenschaftliche Ansatz dieser poetologischen Analyse baut maßgeblich auf den politikwissenschaftlichen Theorien Jacques Rancières, Hannah Arendts und Richard Rortys auf und verbindet dabei film- und kulturwissenschaftliche, soziologische wie bildungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Dieses Buch ist die erste größere filmhistoriografische Publikation, die sich dem Thema aus einer umfänglichen Perspektive widmet und dabei exemplarische Werke aus über 100 Jahren gemeinsamer und geteilter deutscher Filmgeschichte analysiert.

Inszenierungen zeitgenössischer Propaganda
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 503

Inszenierungen zeitgenössischer Propaganda

Hans Bausch Mediapreis 2024 "Don't drink and drive!", "Respect Covid regulations!", or "Don't get the vaccine!": In the public spheres of democratic societies, there are many insistent audiovisual messages that appeal to the public in the name of the "common good". This monograph examines such social advertisements against a multi-disciplinary field of theoretical reference in order to develop a discourse-analytical approach. By analyzing films serving "mundane" purposes as cinematic forms of meaning-making, it opens up audiovisual discourse formations to aesthetic and political critique. This film studies perspective sheds new light on media practices where propaganda, advertising, and publ...