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Barbara Longhi of Ravenna
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 321

Barbara Longhi of Ravenna

  • Categories: Art

This book provides new impetus to the study of female art in regional areas. It will expand research beyond studies of women’s lives, careers, socio-political patronage, and specific gender issues to look at emblematic, historical, and spiritual aspects of their work. Through an analysis of the paintings of Barbara Longhi, the book reveals the importance of devotional art and the ample creativity of female painters. It highlights the importance of Longhi’s artistic contribution in the study of iconography and iconology on art and devotion in some of her paintings. Although there is limited information about her personal life, through the records of her two Wills and Testaments, we learn about her administrative ability, family dedication, and, most of all, about her Christian religiosity and devotion to the Virgin Mary (La Madonna).

Iulia farnesia - letters from a soul
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 323

Iulia farnesia - letters from a soul

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-05-30
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  • Publisher: Tektime

Can the soul of a woman, sold to the highest bidder by her family, find redemption? The real story of Giulia Farnese, a woman far beyond time. Giulia Farnese, a woman who traverses time to find, in this novel, her redemption. Her real story is that of a woman who goes far beyond the figure of Sponsa Christi as she was known throughout the world. The writer traces the profile of a strong woman who, once free from the trammels of a family that raised her to be obedient, rises from her ashes and the damnatio memoriæ to become the mater and the domina of the feud of Carbognano. With an absorbing prose, and based on an historical plot of true events, the author gives back to La Bella the dignity that historical documentation has always overlooked, preferring to chase after fifth century gossip. Translator: Barbara Maher PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Iulia farnesia - seelenbriefe
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 359

Iulia farnesia - seelenbriefe

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-01-10
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  • Publisher: Tektime

Kann die Seele einer Frau, die von ihrer Familie an den Meistbietenden verkauft wurde, erlöst werden? Die wahre Geschichte der Giulia Farnese, einer Frau jenseits der Zeit. Giulia Farnese, eine Frau, die die Zeit durchquert, um in diesem Roman ihre Erlösung zu finden. Ihre wahre Geschichte erzählt von einer Frau, die weit über die Figur der Braut Christi, als welche sie in der ganzen Welt bekannt ist, hinausgeht. Die Autorin zeichnet das Profil einer starken Frau, die, von den Fesseln einer Familie befreit, die sie zum Gehorsam erzogen hat, aus ihrer Asche und der damnatio memoriæ wiedergeboren wird, um Mater und Domina des Lehens von Carbognano zu werden. Mit fesselnder Prosa, basierend auf einem historischen Geflecht realer Ereignisse (aus Archivdokumenten), gibt die Autorin La Bella ihre Würde zurück, die von den historischen Chroniken zugunsten der Stimme des Klatsches des sechzehnten Jahrhundert immer beiseite geschoben wurde. Translator: Birgit Elisabeth Horn PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

The Borgia Family
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 299

The Borgia Family

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-10-11
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  • Publisher: Routledge

The Borgia Family: Rumor and Representation explores the historical and cultural structures that underpin the early modern Borgia family, their notoriety, and persistence and reinvention in the popular imagination. The book balances studies focusing on early modern observations of the Borgias and studies deconstructing later incarnations on the stage, on the page, on the street, and on the screen. It reveals how contemporary observers, later authors and artists, and generations of historians reinforced and perpetuated both rumor and reputation, ultimately contributing to the Borgia Black Legend and its representations. Focused on the deeds and posthumous reputations of Pope Alexander VI and ...

Francesco Mochi da Montevarchi. Un grande scultore protobarocco sotto il segno dei Farnese e dei Barberini
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 455

Francesco Mochi da Montevarchi. Un grande scultore protobarocco sotto il segno dei Farnese e dei Barberini

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2025-02-13
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  • Publisher: Youcanprint

Un gigante dimenticato del Barocco, oscurato dalla fama di Bernini. Francesco Mochi, scultore di straordinario talento, rivive in questo studio meticoloso e appassionato che ne ripercorre la vita e le opere, dai primi passi nella Firenze medicea alle monumentali statue equestri di Piacenza, passando per la Roma dei papi Barberini. Attraverso un'attenta analisi delle sue creazioni, dalle delicate figure angeliche per il Duomo di Orvieto alla potente Santa Veronica in San Pietro, il libro svela l'originalità di un artista che seppe coniugare la forza espressiva del Manierismo con le nuove istanze del Seicento. Un'occasione per scoprire un protagonista misconosciuto della storia dell'arte italiana e ampliare la propria conoscenza di un'epoca artistica di eccezionale ricchezza.

La Chiesa di S. Anna di Farnese - uno scrigno prezioso tra storia farnesiana, fede, arte, culto mariano e dottrina ermetico esoterica ed alchemico-ermetica
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 434

La Chiesa di S. Anna di Farnese - uno scrigno prezioso tra storia farnesiana, fede, arte, culto mariano e dottrina ermetico esoterica ed alchemico-ermetica

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-03-13
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  • Publisher: Youcanprint

Un percorso straordinario all'interno degli affreschi che decorano una piccola chiesa di campagna, eretta dagli abitanti del paese di Farnese per adempiere a un voto, fatto alla Vergine, in occasione di una grande invasione di cavallette che, nella seconda metà del Cinquecento, aveva distrutto gran parte della produzione agricola. Seguendo l'itinerario, scoprirete la connessione tra fede cattolica e arte, attraverso le opere del talentuoso pittore bolognese Antonio Maria Panico, che nel 1596 creò questi affreschi sotto la guida del patrono Mario Farnese. Oltre a essere una testimonianza della fede, questi affreschi sono anche una fonte di simbolismo alchemico-esoterico, che svelerà la sua verità solo a chi saprà decifrarla. Scoprite questo itinerario insolito ed enigmatico, che vi condurrà alla scoperta della chiesetta e dei suoi tesori artistici, tra filosofia, simbolismo e dottrina alchemico-esoterica. Questo libro vi guiderà attraverso un cammino che unisce la bellezza dell'arte con la profondità della fede e della filosofia, e sarà sia una guida turistica che un manuale d'arte e compendio di filosofia, simbolismo e dottrina alchemico-esoterica.

尤莉娅·法内西亚 - 心灵来信
  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 260

尤莉娅·法内西亚 - 心灵来信

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-01-27
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  • Publisher: Tektime

一个被家族以最高价而出卖的女人的灵魂,能否得到救赎?朱莉亚·法尔内塞的真实故事,一个超越时光的女性。 在这部小说中,朱莉亚•法尔内塞,一位超越时光的女人,寻找着自我的救赎。在她真实的故事中讲述了一个远远超过那因“基督新娘”而被世界所识的女人。作者用她的笔勾勒出一位坚强的女性形象,她摆脱了家族对她的束缚,在灰烬和被湮没的记忆中涅槃重生,成为卡尔博尼亚诺的女主人。 作品根据真实历史事件背景(取材于档案文件),作者用引人入胜的文笔帮“美人”重获在编年历史中常常因人们追逐16世纪的流言蜚语而被忽视的尊严。 Translator: Ran Zhang PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Юлия фарнезия письма души
  • Language: ru
  • Pages: 345

Юлия фарнезия письма души

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-02-15
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  • Publisher: Tektime

Может ли женская душа, проданная выгодному покупателю собственной семьёю, возродиться? Настоящая история Джулии Фарнезе, женщины вне времени. Джулия Фарнезе ─ женщина, преодолевшая века, чтобы поведать свою настоящую историю и найти в этом романе преображение. Современники прозвали её «невестой Христовой», но в действительности её образ выходит далеко за эти рамки. Автор рисуе...

Листи від душі
  • Language: uk
  • Pages: 369

Листи від душі

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Tektime


أوليا فارنيزي- رسائل من روح
  • Language: ar
  • Pages: 307

أوليا فارنيزي- رسائل من روح

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-01-27
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  • Publisher: Tektime

هل من الممكن تعويض روح امرأة بيعت من قبل عائلتها لمن يزايد؟ القصة الحقيقية لجوليا فارنيزي، امرأة تخطت الزمن. جوليا فارنيزي، امرأة عبرت الزمن لتجد استرداد سمعتها في هذه الرواية. قصتها الحقيقية تسرد قصة امرأة تجاوزت أبعد من شخصية سبونسا كريستي تلك التي عرفت بها في جميع أنحاء العالم. لقد حددت المؤلفة أبعاد شخصيتها القوية التي ما أن تحررت من أصفاد عائلتها التي ربتها علي الطاعة، ولدت من ...