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From the Pharaohs to Fanon, Dictionary of African Biography provides a comprehensive overview of the lives of the men and women who shaped Africa's history. Unprecedented in scale, DAB covers the whole continent from Tunisia to South Africa, from Sierra Leone to Somalia. It also encompasses the full scope of history from Queen Hatsheput of Egypt (1490-1468 BC) and Hannibal, the military commander and strategist of Carthage (243-183 BC), to Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana (1909-1972), Miriam Makeba and Nelson Mandela of South Africa (1918 -).
In 1991, certain political and military leaders in Somalia, wishing to gain exclusive control over the state, mobilized their followers to use terror—wounding, raping, and killing—to expel a vast number of Somalis from the capital city of Mogadishu and south-central and southern Somalia. Manipulating clan sentiment, they succeeded in turning ordinary civilians against neighbors, friends, and coworkers. Although this episode of organized communal violence is common knowledge among Somalis, its real nature has not been publicly acknowledged and has been ignored, concealed, or misrepresented in scholarly works and political memoirs—until now. Marshaling a vast amount of source material, i...
Buug yarahani waxa uu soo gudbinayaa naqdin, gorfeyn iyo faalleyn buugaag mawduucyo kala duwan ka hadlaaya. Ma jiraan arrimo ay buugaagtaasi iskaga mid yahiin, marka laga tegi waayo in qorayaal Reer Somaliland ahi dhammaantood qoreen. Waxa ay dhammaan qorayaashaasi yahiin kuwa igu dhaw oo saaxiib gaara iyo mid guudba aan nahay. Waa koox ay na mideysey aragti isku mid ah oo aan halgan ugu jirno qalinka iyo qoraalka. Buuggan waxa aad kala kulmi doontaa macluumaad badan oo uu kaa siiyo buugaagta lagu faa'qidaayo waxa ay yahiin oo dhan, aniga oo ku kalsoon in buugaagtaasi aad raadsan doonto marka aad akhrido qoraalkan
Although African literatures in English and French are widely known outside Africa, those in the African languages themselves have not received comparable attention. In this book a number have been selected for survey by fourteen specialist writers, providing the reader with an introduction to this very wide field and a body of reference material which includes extensive bibliographies and biographical information on African authors. Theoretical issues such as genre divisions are discussed in the essays and the historical, social and political forces at work in the creation and reception of African literature are examined. Literature is treated as an art whose medium is language, so that both the oral and written forms are encompassed. This book will be of value not only to readers concerned with the cultures of Africa but to all those with an interest in the literary phenomena of the world in general.
On the Somali National Movement.
1991, kurz nach Beginn des bis heute andauernden Krieges, brach in Somalia der Staat vollständig zusammen. Jutta Bakonyi zeigt, wie seitdem die Gesellschaft jenseits zentralstaatlicher Regulierung funktioniert, und welche Macht und Herrschaftsstrukturen sich herausgebildet haben. Die Untersuchung des Handels mit der Droge Khat, des Währungs- und Finanzmarkts sowie der internationalen Entwicklungshilfe verdeutlicht, welche Wirtschaftsstrukturen jenseits des Staates entstanden sind.
Il teatro somalo, una delle principali forme di intrattenimento nel paese, nasce in un contesto cosmopolita, catalizzato dalle lotte per l’indipendenza e sin dall’inizio si interroga su questioni fondamentali inerenti l’identità nazionale, in continua tensione tra concetti ambigui come tradizione e modernità. Il libro fornisce una panoramica storica degli avvenimenti che portarono alla nascita del teatro popolare somalo, nello stesso periodo in cui videro la luce le prime forme poetiche cantate a metà degli anni Quaranta. Inoltre si offre un’analisi descrittiva di quelli che furono la forma, i temi, gli autori e attori protagonisti del teatro popolare somalo. Particolare attenzion...